449 Repositories
PHP livewire-project Libraries
This is a community-based project designed in the view of R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering hostel mess maintenance.
Hostel-Maintenance-System Introduction This is a community-based project designed in the view of R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering hostel mess mainte
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project.
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project. Only add few database tables with prefixes, not affect your existing database tables. Support Laravel 7.x & Laravel 6.x & Laravel 5.x & MySql & PostgreSql - Amila Laravel CMS
A full-featured personal project management tool with task boards.
Dingo Project Management A full-featured personal project management tool with task boards. Installation You can install using the following way: Clon
A Laravel 4 CMS – WARNING: This project is no longer being developed because there are many good alternatives now.
This is the main larapress repository. Warning: This Application is under development and not yet production ready! Important Links Installation Contr
This is a blog. A project was written in Laravel 8
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Miniature project for the prediction of land surface brightness temperature / intensity
Project Inferno DEMO VIDEO proj_inferno.mp4 Project Inferno is a miniature project designed to simply predict the brightness temperature / Intensity o
Small package that can helps in debugging with API logs for Laravel Project.
Rest APIs Logger This is a small package that can helps in debugging with API logs. Installation Install the package via composer composer require tfs
A TALL-based Laravel Livewire component to replace the (multiple) select HTML input form with beautiful cards.
TALL multiselect cards A TALL-based Laravel Livewire component to replace the (multiple) select HTML input form with beautiful cards. Table of content
A project management system for artisans.
Ribbbon V 2.2 Ribbbon.com Ribbbon is a project management system built on Laravel 5.1.* & Vue.js :) Features User / account creation Client creation P
Scrumwala: Your very own Scrum, Agile project management web app - built with Laravel
Scrumwala Your very own Scrum/Agile web app built with Laravel Features Create and manage projects with plan and work views Group issues in a project
TODOParrot is the companion project for the book
Welcome to TODOParrot TODOParrot (http://www.todoparrot.com) is the companion project to the book, Easy Laravel 5 (http://easylaravelbook.com), writte
Laravel Livewire package for clone screen with the help of websocket
screen-wire This is a Laravel Livewire package. It allow you to see what users are doing on their screen. Installation composer require mrbohem/scree
A project boad for on premises Jira Server
project-board A project board for on premises Jira Server setup run docker-compose run --rm composer install run docker-compose up -d serve Copy .env.
Laravel Livewire (TALL-stack) form generator with realtime validation, file uploads, array fields, blade form input components and more.
TALL-stack form generator Laravel Livewire, Tailwind forms with auto-generated views. Support Contributions Features This is not an admin panel genera
A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping.
HTG Laravel A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping. Why write yet another login form when you just want to try something out?
EasyPanel is a beautiful, customizable and flexible admin panel based on Livewire for Laravel.
EasyPanel EasyPanel is a beautiful, customizable and flexible admin panel based on Livewire for Laravel. Features : Easy to install Multi Language RTL
A Toast notification library for the Laravel TALL stack.
A Toast notification library for the Laravel TALL stack. You can push notifications from the backend or frontend to render customizable toasts with almost zero footprint on the published CSS/JS 🔥🚀
The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management
Stock-Management The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management Items / purchases, Sales Stock Client Provider Sales Management Purchas
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
A Laravel 8 Project Implement with GraphQL With Sanctum APIs Authentications Which utilized in Any Frontend or Any Mobile Application Programs.
Just HTTP Status Codes is a great way to empower your project with clean practice 💫
The Simplest & Cleanest HTTP Status Codes for PHP. All PHP HTTP Status Codes are stored into beautiful constant names 🎨 Ideal when you develop an API that involves various HTTP codes 🚀
Sandbox project for the PHPStan workshop
Sandbox project for a PHPStan workshop Installation Requirements Docker Engine Docker Compose Git Bash Getting started Clone this repository (git clon
Connect and work with MySQL/MariaDB database through MySQLi in PHP. This is an introductory project, If you need a simple and straightforward example that takes you straight to the point, you can check out these examples.
First MySQLi PHP Connect and work with MySQL/MariaDB database through MySQLi in PHP. The above exercises are designed for students. This is an introdu
This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5 installed for you.
Laravel8-Vue3-Bootstrap5 This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5. Instalation Guide: As always you need to: composer install Th
The Reneal Project (Admin-Doctor-Staff-Patient)
TheRenealProject-Admin-Doctor-Staff-Patient- The Reneal Project (Admin-Doctor-Staff-Patient)
Recreate Project Ecanteen
E-canteen Recreate Project Ecanteen,Project ini adalah pembuatan ulang dari Project E-canteen yang mana sebelumnya Pernah dibuat pada tahun 2020. Dika
Watch your Laravel app for unwanted changes when working with third-party packages.
Project Secure This package installs a Composer plugin that reports unwanted changes to your Laravel project code after installing or updating a third
Laravel-7 "Personal Area" Project
Laravel-7 "Personal Area" Project System Requirements Apache
Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and React as a frontend library.
Symfony React Blank Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and
Larawiz is a easy project scaffolder for Laravel
The Laravel 8 scaffolder you wanted but never got, until now!
Jetstrap is a lightweight laravel 8 package that focuses on the VIEW side of Jetstream / Breeze package installed in your Laravel application
A Laravel 8 package to easily switch TailwindCSS resources generated by Laravel Jetstream and Breeze to Bootstrap 4.
A simple blog project I built when learning Laravel 8
Harmonify Blog Disclaimer: All users data previewed on the image are fake data generated with FakerPHP. Introduction Harmonify Blog is a simple blog p
Project of Simple Blog using: HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, and BOOTSTRAP
Project-Stormwind Project of Simple Blog using: HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, and BOOTSTRAP Functions : A personal blog about Blizzard and their work Main Th
Useful blade components and functionality for most Laravel projects.
laravel-base Note: Package is still in early stages of development, so functionality is subject to change. LaravelBase is a package I've created to pr
This is mini project for online test with Face Camera detection and Anti Cheating
Online Test Script With Face Detection + Anti Cheating This is mini project that you can use this to make your own online test. This project include F
Technical test from a company - Laravel 8 | REST Api | Livewire | Boostrap
Contacts CRUD (Laravel 8) (Demo) Introduction A simple CRUD for manage contacts using Laravel 8. All transaccions work through an REST API. Tech stack
Courier API adalah project API untuk mengetahui ongkos kirim Logistik-logistik pengiriman barang antar kota & International
Courier API Courier API adalah project API untuk mengetahui ongkos kirim Logistik-logistik pengiriman barang antar kota (dalam negeri) & International
ShellHacks 2021 Project: URide is a carpooling app for College students to get to and from campus
ShellHacks 2021 Project: URide is a carpooling app for College students to get to and from campus. Focused on scheduling it matches you to students nearby with similar schedules to alleviate campus parking and emissions.
Starterkits Project With Laravel + Inertia JS + Vue + Vuetify
Laravel InertiaJS Vuetify A laravel inertiajs vuetify starterkit Demo You can access demo app in : https://laravel-inertia-vuetify.herokuapp.com/ Feat
A script to help setup Laravel project with common packages and configurations
About Snap Snap allow developer to create scaffold Laravel project. Installation Clone this repository in your user home directory. cd ~ git clone htt
This is a Task Manager system for managing your task. You can categorize your tasks and upload music to the project And a whole host of other features
taskManager Login and register Each user can have their own task Categorize tasks by creating folders Edit and Delete Folders Search for Tasks Show nu
ToDoList With JetStearm. WireUI, LivewireUIModal, SweetAlert2 and Google Socialite Auth.
✔️ DoList DoList - Easy way to manage To Do List. 🖥️ Demo Demo: DoList.ir ScreenShots: ScreenShots 🔌 Requirements PHP version: = 7.4 Composer Node.
Server manager is a open source project made for people so that they can add the servers to one single place irrespective of their provider and manage it through one location.
Server Manager Are you sick of having to log into hundreads of different website just to access your server? Well we got you, Server manager is a open
COP4331 Class Project 1 - "ConnectUs" virtual contact manager/Rolodex
ConnectUs COP4331 Class Project 1 - "ConnectUs" virtual contact manager/Rolodex Team Members Orion (Project Manager) Eric (Database) Rafael (API/Backe
A Simple MOFH clientarea for free like infinityfree and minimal functionality
Project Hustal Project Hustal is a free of cost MOFH clientarea for account management and support services. It have easy to use features and a much l
Bootcamp project based on PHP-MVC using MySQL database.
Up-Stream This is the implementation of a full website based on PHP MVC. Using MySql database to create a website. And Bootstrap4 for front-end. Start
Laravel package integrating PHP Flasher into Livewire applications
A powerful and flexible flash notifications system for PHP, Laravel, Symfony 👀 PHP Flasher helps you to add flash notifications to your PHP projects.
This repository includes a sample project to illustrate the usage of the JobRouter® Authentication Factor API.
JR 2FA Example Plugin This repository includes a sample project to illustrate the usage of the JobRouter® Authentication Factor API. It can be used as
This project is for developing an blog_api using laravel
Blog Api A TDD implementation of a weblog RESTful API. This project is a REST api implementation of my other project laravel with more features. featu
Real-world Project to learning about Unit Testing/TDD with Laravel for everybody
KivaNote - a Laravel TDD Sample Project Let me introduce you to KivaNote, a simple real-world application using Laravel to show you how the TDD & Unit
A sample project to showcase a real world example and benchmarks for crowphp
CrowPHP Sample project This project is to showcase an example of how a real world project might look like. It has two basic endpoints to show-case the
A pure PHP library for reading and writing project management files
PHPProject PHPProject is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different project management file formats, i.e. Micr
Web based groupware server written in PHP
EGroupware Tools Usage runs unit-tests after each commit scrutinizer runs static analysis on our codebase manual testing with unusual browser versions
Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project.
Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind.
Larawiz is a easy project scaffolder for Laravel
Larawiz The Laravel 8 scaffolder you wanted but never got, until now! Use a single YAML file to create models, migrations, factories, seeders, pivot t
CRM project that I developed with ReactJS and Laravel 8.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
a framework for WebDevelop based on the mvc structure. The name of this project for Fun because everyone can use it. Completely simple and powerful structure for all your projects
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Backend of the Articly wiki/cms project
Documentation | Changelog | Roadmap Currently under heavy development & testing. Fast, easy and reliable wiki software running in the web. What is Art
Laravel package to launch toast notifications.
Laravel package to launch toast notifications. This package provides assistance when using toast notifications. Using the iziTOAST package, which allo
BaiCloud-cms is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. Visit the project website for more information.
BaiCloud-cms About BaiCloud-cms is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. Visit the
this is cv-builder project in php and ajax
download the project make a database has name cv_builder extract the project in xampp/htdocs/ open the project localhost/cv_builder/index.php or use t
Modular Laravel - Boilerplate project starter
MODULAR About Modular Laravel This project is a personal blueprint starter with customized modular / SOA architecture. Kostadin Keljtanoski Install Yo
A flexible and fast Cms built with Symfony and Vuejs.
GreenCheap CMS A modular and lightweight CMS made with Symfony and Vuejs components GreenCheap works with PHP 8 version. In this case, lower versions
The project provides a docker image for Files App(files.photo.gallery).
For the purpose of learning,I replace the files.js with cracked version which just remove authorization code.
Plant Watering Sensor Project for Zigbee Network (based on the Source Code of the DIYRUZ Flower Project - https://github.com/diyruz/flower).
Plant-Watering-Sensor-Zigbee Plant Watering Sensor Project for Zigbee Network (based on the Source Code of the DIYRUZ Flower Project
Batteries include Drupal project template with Redis and object storage for assets.
Mojo An opinionated Drupal build designed to run in a cloud native environment. This is a work in progress, see the TODO.md for initial tracking of it
PHP CLI project to get an appointment from https://vacunacovid.catsalut.gencat.ca
covid_vaccine_bcn PHP CLI project to get an appointment from https://citavacunacovid19.catsalut.gencat.cat/Vacunacio_Covid/Vacunacio/VacunacioCovidRes
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community. We use this repository to host the code that runs Camdram and to co-ordinate our work, however we welcome anyone to contribute bugs and suggest new features.
Code for database forms and Drupal module for the Lobbywatch.ch project
Lobbywatch.ch Lobbywatch.ch - the platform for transparent politics. Lobbywatch.ch maintains a database with links of politicians and lobby groups. Th
Check a project's code coverage, optionally enforcing a minimum value
coverage-check Display the code coverage for a project using a clover.xml file, optionally enforcing a minimum code coverage percentage. This package
Project template for starting a project based on the Rabble admin system.
Note: this is an experimental project and heavily under development. If you do come across this repository, and you would like to support development,
Laravel UI, Auth, & CRUD scaffolding package using Bootstrap & Livewire.
bastinald/ux Laravel UI, Auth, & CRUD scaffolding package using Bootstrap & Livewire. Features Automatic migrations Automatic routing Automatic passwo
Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap toasts.
Laravel Livewire Toasts This package allows you to dynamically show Bootstrap toasts via Laravel Livewire components. Documentation Requirements Insta
A restaurant website using PHP and MySQL. (A group project at Chandigarh University)
tasty-indeed-restaurant-website-php Description A restaurant website using PHP and MySQL for group project at Chandigarh University. Steps to setup Do
Internal Quality Assurance Cell, IQAC Project Data Capturing System.
IQAC-DCS-2021 Added AQAR Directory with template pages! Old Readme Internal Quality Assurance Cell, IQAC Project Data Capturing System. Fork Repo Clon
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
PoP PoP is a monorepo containing several projects. The GraphQL API for WordPress plugin GraphQL API for WordPress is a forward-looking and powerful Gr
Livewire component that brings Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.
About LivewireUI Spotlight LivewireUI Spotlight is a Livewire component that provides Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.
Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining state.
About LivewireUI Modal LivewireUI Modal is a Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining s
Laravel 8 + CoreUI + Livewire + Datatables (CRUD)
Laravel 8 + CoreUI + Livewire + Datatables About Laravel 8 + CoreUI + Livewire Datatables Whats Inside Laravel Core UI - (https://github.com/HZ-HBO-IC
Laravel Livewire UI, Auth, & CRUD starter kit.
Laravel Livewire Ui This package provides Laravel Livewire & Bootstrap UI, Auth, & CRUD scaffolding commands to make your development speeds blazing f
A magic PHP framework. Build reactive web apps without writing HTML, CSS, or JavaScript! Powered by Tailwind, Alpine, Laravel, & Livewire.
Malzahar A magic PHP framework. Build reactive web apps without writing HTML, CSS, or JavaScript! Powered by Tailwind, Alpine, Laravel, & Livewire. Re
Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects. It is to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features Bootstrap, cooreui, infyom admin Generator, roles and permissions, translatable models, spatie media and much more
Based on Laravel8.x laravel starter Template, to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features. Live Demo you ca
Control frontend access to properties/methods in Livewire using PHP 8 attributes.
This package adds PHP 8.0 attribute support to Livewire. In specific, the attributes are used for flagging component properties and methods as frontend-accessible.
Simple timesheets and vacation management for small businesses.
About Daybreak Daybreak is a very simplistic timesheet and vacation planning program for small businesses. It was created because I needed something I
A project to add Psalm support for Drupal for security testing, focused only on taint analysis.
psalm-plugin-drupal A Drupal integration for Psalm focused on security scanning (SAST) taint analysis. Features Stubs for sinks, sources, and sanitize
Emoncms is an open-source web application for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data and is part of the OpenEnergyMonitor project.
Emoncms is an open-source web application for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data and is part of the OpenEnergyMonitor project.
Antvel is an ecommerce project written in Laravel 5.* intended for building a friendly eStore either for startups or big companies.
Antvel is an ecommerce project written in Laravel 5.* intended for building a friendly eStore either for startups or big companies.
Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure.
WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure
Issue tracking application extending GitHub's issues and pull requests for the Joomla! project.
Requirements The issue tracker application requires a server running: PHP 7.2 or 7.3 PHP's ext/curl and ext/intl should also be installed MySQL 5.5.3
Patrol is an elegant command-line tool that keeps your PHP Project's dependencies in check.
Patrol is an elegant command-line tool that keeps your PHP Project's dependencies in check. Installation / Usage Requires PHP 8.0+ First, install Patr
This package is for updating your Laravel project via view without doing any command in the prompt, this package may be useful when you sell your project to multiple people as they will update without any intervention from you via a simple destination
Introduction : This package is for updating your Laravel project via view without doing any command in the prompt, this package may be useful when you
An open source image hosting service powered by Laravel
Limg An open source image hosting service powered by Laravel Features Upload your image via file, url or ShareX ! Manage your image (custom title, pub
Opinionated way to start a new Laravel project.
Laravel Boilerplate The way I start new Laravel projects. Why? I just got tired of repeating the same things over and over. I made this repository pub
Auto generate routes for Laravel Livewire components
livewire-auto-routes Auto generate routes for Laravel Livewire Components. Requirements Livewire 2 Laravel 8 php 8 Installation composer require tanth
Laravel Livewire form component with declarative Bootstrap 5 fields and buttons.
Laravel Livewire Forms Laravel Livewire form component with declarative Bootstrap 5 fields and buttons. Requirements Bootstrap 5 Installation composer
Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap 5 modals.
Laravel Livewire Modals Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap 5 modals. Requirements Bootstrap 5 Installation Require the package: composer require basti
Laravel + Livewire + Bootstrap 5 UI starter kit.
bastinald/ui Laravel + Livewire + Bootstrap 5 UI starter kit. Requirements Laravel 8 NPM Features Bootstrap 5 pre-configured Textarea autosize Floatin
Livewire Package to display Toast Notification based on TALL Stack.
livewire-toast Livewire Package to display Toast Notification based on TALL Stack. Requirements Make sure that Livewire is installed properly on your
A laravel Livewire Dynamic Selects with multiple selects depending on each other values, with infinite levels and totally configurable.
Livewire Combobox: A dynamic selects for Laravel Livewire A Laravel Livewire multiple selects depending on each other values, with infinite levels of
Easily Integrate PingPing APIs in your Laravel Project
PingPing This composer package allows us to easily integrate PingPing APIs in your Laravel project. What is PingPing ? PingPing is the simplest uptime
Project template for developing Drupal core with a git clone.
Drupal Core Development Composer Project This is a Composer project template for developing Drupal core. It allows: a clean git clone of Drupal core.