Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap 5 modals.


Laravel Livewire Modals

Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap 5 modals.


  • Bootstrap 5


Require the package:

composer require bastinald/laravel-livewire-modals

Add the livewire:modals component to your app layout view:

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

Require ../../vendor/bastinald/laravel-livewire-modals/js/modals in your app javascript file:



Specify a title for the modal in your Livewire component (the modal body content comes from the render method):

class ProfileUpdate extends Component
    public $title = 'Update Profile';

    public function render()
        return view('profile-update');

Show the modal via $emit('showModal', 'component-alias'):

<button type="button" 
    wire:click="$emit('showModal', 'profile-update')">
    {{ __('Update Profile') }}

You can also pass parameters to the component mount method:

<button type="button" 
    wire:click="$emit('showModal', 'user-update', {{ $user->id }})">
    {{ __('Update User: ' . $user->name) }}

Your component mount method for the example above would look something like this:

public $user;

public function mount(User $user)
    $this->user = $user;

Hiding the currently open modal can be done via $emit('hideModal'):

<button type="button" wire:click="$emit('hideModal')">
    {{ __('Close') }}

You can also hide modals inside your Livewire component via $this->emit('hideModal'):

public function save()

    // save the record

  • Not working

    Not working

    after many checking the package readme as how can i install and use it into laravel. after installing the package and adding some code into project like with what we see in read me, clicking on button doesn't show any modal

    opened by pishguy 4
  • Maybe add offcanvas here?

    Maybe add offcanvas here?

    Good extension.

    offcanvas has similar functionality. can add it here or make another similar extension.

    also sometimes multimodal is needed. no plans to do?

    opened by rik43 2
  • Autofocus on input within Modal

    Autofocus on input within Modal

    Double checked some of your existing modals and even tried adding autofocus to an input, but no dice. I think there needs to be a way to autofocus on the first input opening a form within a modal. Thoughts? I opened it here because i figured it would apply to this package and your ui package.

    opened by MACscr 2
  • Improvement : url/Routes create, show & edit

    Improvement : url/Routes create, show & edit


    Do you plan to have any implementation of show, create & edit routes ? Today, when we click on "read" or "edit" it's a javascript-button . If we refresh the page, we loose the popup (going back to the main page). Could be useful to:

    • when we click, the url is changing (History.pushState())
    • when we refresh the page (or we point directly to /model/3/read), the corresponding modal is opened again

    Right now, I did something like that:

    class Index extends Component
        public $entity;
        public $action;
        public function route()
            return Route::get('member/tn-members/{entity?}/{action?}', static::class)
        public function loaded() {
            if( $this->entity->exists ) {
                switch($this->action) {
                    case 'show':
                        $this->emit('showModal', 'member.tn-members.read', $this->entity->id);
                    case 'edit':
                        $this->emit('showModal', 'member.tn-members.save', $this->entity->id);
                    case 'create':
                        $this->emit('showModal', 'member.tn-members.save');
        public function mount($entity = null, $action = 'show') {
            $this->entity = TnMember::findOrNew($entity);
            $this->action = $action;
        // [...]

    And the view:

    @section('title', __('Tn Members'))
    <div wire:init="loaded">
    1. Creating two optional parameters /{entity?}/{action?}
    2. Storing the two parameters
    3. Creating a wire:init + the method associated
    4. Emit showModal depending of the parameters

    (I also tried with addEventListener('contentChanged') but we still need the wire:init)

    Now, when I use the url the modal are automatically opening (like trello cards)

    There is maybe another way to do it :)

    For the other point (History.pushState), it's another story. I don't know if the best is to change a little bit the emit parameters ? pass the route directly ? add extra parameter like data-href ?

    wire:click="$emit('showModal', 'member.tn-members.read', route('member.tn-members', ['entity' => $tnMember->id, 'action' => 'show']), {{ $tnMember->id }})"


    <x-bs::button icon="eye" :title="__('Read')" color="outline-primary" size="sm"
      data-href="{{ route('member.tn-members', ['entity' => $tnMember->id, 'action' => 'show']) }}"
      wire:click="$emit('showModal', 'member.tn-members.read', $event.target.getAttribute('data-href'), {{ $tnMember->id }})"/>

    or manipulate via Modals::showModal, but need to handle create(=save & no id)/edit(=save & id)/show(=read) or let the Read/Save component handle the route event and raise an $emit('changeUrl') ?

    (Interesting article with potential solution about the changeUrl event: https://github.com/livewire/livewire/issues/399)

    opened by Thiktak 1
  • JS & Crud improvements: protect and singleton

    JS & Crud improvements: protect and singleton


    I use this modal component, and I have some possible improvements:

    modal.js > use getOrCreateInstance instad of new Modal.

    This will prevent to have several overlay displayed (without possibility to clean them), if we have modal with modal link inside or if we want to do some navigation.

    Livewire.on('showBootstrapModal', () => {
        let modal = Modal.getOrCreateInstance(modalsElement);
        if( modal ) {

    modal.js > protect modal.hide

    If we trigger event hideModal, and this one does not exists ... there is an error. Linked to next improvement too.

    Livewire.on('hideModal', () => {
        let modal = Modal.getInstance(modalsElement);
        if( modal ) {

    Crud: reverse the two emits

    Currently we have $this->emit('$refresh'); $this->emit('hideModal'); but I think it could be better to have:


    Indeed, this will prevent the system to not refresh (i.e.: the list), if the modal does not exists (i.e.: trigger event via another Component) and/or protect the modal.hide().

    Crud: modal-body

    I created a system to change the modal in "columns", and I had some issues when I tried to play with the layout & css (flex, overflow). To provide more flexibility, could it be possible to separate the modal-body and the content ?

            <div class="modal-body">
                <div class="d-grid gap-3"></div>

    If everything is on the same tag, the flex propriety of the d-grid is filling all the height of the modal-body, and the inputs are like that : 2021-07-03 18_41_42-Window

    opened by Thiktak 1
  • Dev


    LaravelLivewireScripts directive has been added. Users can now use @LaravelLivewireScripts in the App template and it will automatically include JavaScript files

    opened by luanardev 0
  • Support  for bootstrap 4

    Support for bootstrap 4

    Any chance you could add support for bootstrap 4?

    It seems all that needs to change is the javascript that you import:

    // modals-bs4.js
    let modalsElement = document.getElementById('laravel-livewire-modals');
    $(modalsElement).on('hidden.bs.modal', () => {
    Livewire.on('showBootstrapModal', () => {
    Livewire.on('hideModal', () => {

    Thanks, love the package!

    opened by sbrow 4
  • Wire:loading on the trigger element

    Wire:loading on the trigger element

    Some modals can be pretty heavy to load / setup, thus I like to display a loader on the button that triggers a modal.

    I am guessing this won't be possible here, as wire:target has nothing to really target. Right?

    opened by emildayan 1
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