Auto generate routes for Laravel Livewire components



Auto generate routes for Laravel Livewire Components.

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  • Livewire 2
  • Laravel 8
  • php 8


composer require tanthammar/livewire-auto-routes

Routes in web.php takes precedence!

You can use web.php as normal. Routes declared in your Livewire components are registered after the routes in web.php.


  • You generate routes via traits or by adding a route() method to your Livewire component.
  • Your Livewire components can exist in any folder inside the app namespace.
  • If you don't add any of the traits or the route() method, the Livewire component is treated just as a normal component, thus ignored by this package.

Guest route Trait

  • Applies the guest middleware.
  • The property is used to generate both the route name and url.
use Tanthammar\LivewireAutoRoutes\HasGuestRoute;

class FooComponent extends \Livewire\Component
    use HasGuestRoute;
    protected string $guestRoute = '/foo/{id}/edit'; //route name becomes ''

Auth route Trait

  • Applies the auth middleware.
  • The property is used to generate both the route name and url.
use Tanthammar\LivewireAutoRoutes\HasAuthRoute;

class FooComponent extends \Livewire\Component
    use HasAuthRoute;
    protected string $authRoute = '/foo/{name?}'; //route name becomes ''

Custom routes

Option 1

Declare the route just like you would in web.php

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

class FooComponent extends \Livewire\Component
    public function route(): \Illuminate\Routing\Route|array
        return Route::get('foo', static::class)
            ->middleware('auth') //default middleware is 'web'

Option 2, use the RouteMaker

The RouteMaker can auto-generate the route name from the route definition, but it's optional.

use Tanthammar\LivewireAutoRoutes\RouteMaker;

class FooComponent extends \Livewire\Component
    public function route(): RouteMaker
        return new RouteMaker(
            route: 'users/{id}/edit', //if you omit $name, this route name will become ''
            middleware: ['auth:sanctum', 'verified'],
            component: static::class,
            name: 'users.edit' //OPTIONAL, else $name will be generated from $route

Routes are registered in alphabetical order!

Livewire component FILES are looped in alphabetical order in the app namespace. One way to control the load order is to group your components in subfolders with suitable names like routeGroupA, routeGroupB, where routes in "routeGroupA" would be registered before "routeGroupB".

Example using the Traits

It's recommended to keep a controlled naming structure to avoid route conflicts. Use the RouteMaker if you want better naming.

Directory(asc) = load order $authRoute or $guestRoute Generated route name
App/Foo/Users/Create.php users/create users.create
App/Foo/Users/CustomStuff.php users/custom-stuff/{id}
App/Foo/Users/Delete.php users/delete/{id}
App/Foo/Users/Edit.php users/edit/{id}
App/Foo/Users/Index.php users users
App/Foo/Users/Show.php users/{id}

💬 Let's connect

Discuss with other tall-form users on the official Livewire Discord channel. You'll find me in the "partners/tall-forms" channel.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security-related issues, please open an issue.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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