A system for auto-decorating models with presenters


Laravel Auto Presenter 7

This package automatically decorates objects bound to views during the view render process.


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  • Automatically decorate objects bound to views
  • Automatically decorate objects within paginator instances
  • Automatically decorate objects within arrays and collections


Laravel Auto Presenter requires PHP 7.1-8.1 and supports Laravel 5.5-9. If you need support for older Laravel or PHP versions, please choose an older version of Laravel Auto Presenter.

Auto Presenter L5.1 L5.2 L5.3 L5.4 L5.5 L5.6 L5.7 L5.8 L6 L7 L8 L9

To get the latest version, simply require the project using Composer:

$ composer require mccool/laravel-auto-presenter

Once installed, if you are not using automatic package discovery, then you need to register the McCool\LaravelAutoPresenter\AutoPresenterServiceProvider service provider in your config/app.php.

You can also optionally alias our facade:

        'AutoPresenter' => McCool\LaravelAutoPresenter\Facades\AutoPresenter::class,


Version 6 to 7

In Laravel Auto Presenter 7, note that:

  • Laravel 5.5-8 are supported now. Use V6 if you need L5.1-5.4.
  • Our new minimum PHP version requirement is 7.1.3, up from 7.0.0.

Version 5 to 6

Going from Laravel Auto Presenter 5, to 6, note that:

  • We have a new Decoratable interface to determine if relations can be decorated. While this is not a BC break, since HasPresenter extends it, it is definitely worth noting.
  • v6 supports Laravel 5.5 now, without dropping support for 5.1+.
  • Our new minimum PHP version requirement is 7.0.0, up from 5.5.9.

Version 4 to 5

If you're upgrading from Laravel Auto Presenter 4, to 5, note that:

  • The BasePresenter no longer has a constructor, so you cannot call parent::__construct($resource).
  • The model is now injected using the setWrappedObject method, inherited from the BasePresenter.
  • V5 now supports Laravel 5.4 as well as 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.


To show how it's used, we'll pretend that we have an Eloquent Post model. It doesn't have to be Eloquent, it could be any kind of class. But, this is a normal situation. The Post model represents a blog post.

I'm using really basic code examples here, so just focus on how the auto-presenter is used and ignore the rest.

use Example\Accounts\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    protected $table = 'posts';
    protected $fillable = ['author_id', 'title', 'content', 'published_at'];

    public function author()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'author_id');

Also, we'll need a controller..

use Example\Accounts\Post;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;

class PostsController extends Controller
    public function getIndex()
        $posts = Post::all();
        return View::make('posts.index', compact('posts'));

and a view...

@foreach($posts as $post)
    <li>{{ $post->title }} - {{ $post->published_at }}</li>

In this example the published_at attribute is likely to be in the format: "Y-m-d H:i:s" or "2013-08-10 10:20:13". In the real world this is not what we want in our view. So, let's make a presenter that lets us change how the data from the Post class is rendered within the view.

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Example\Accounts\Post;
use McCool\LaravelAutoPresenter\BasePresenter;

class PostPresenter extends BasePresenter
    public function published_at()
        $published = $this->wrappedObject->published_at;

        return Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $published)

Note that the model is injected by calling the setWrappedObject method, inherited from BasePresenter.

We need the post class to implement the interface.

use Example\Accounts\User;
use Example\Blog\PostPresenter;
use McCool\LaravelAutoPresenter\HasPresenter;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model implements HasPresenter
    protected $table = 'posts';
    protected $fillable = ['author_id', 'title', 'content', 'published_at'];

    public function author()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'author_id');

    public function getPresenterClass()
        return PostPresenter::class;

Now, with no additional changes our view will show the date in the desired format.

The Decoratable interface is used to allow the model's relations to be decorated, and the HasPresenter interface (which extends that one) is used to have the model itself decorated.


If an object isn't being decorated correctly in the view then there's a good chance that it's simply not in existence when the view begins to render. For example, lazily-loaded relationships won't be decorated. You can fix this by eager-loading them instead. Auth::user() will never be decorated. I prefer to bind $currentUser to my views, anyway.

If an object is a relation of another object and it isn't being decorated in the view, you might not have added the Decoratable interface to the other object. To fix this, add the Decoratable interface to the other object.


If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an email to security@tidelift.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. You may view our full security policy here.


Laravel Auto Presenter is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).

For Enterprise

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription

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  • [3.0] API support, field accessibility, test fixes and resolution

    [3.0] API support, field accessibility, test fixes and resolution

    As part of a new project, we require the need to use presenters that respond well to APIs, wiht some interesting requirements, that being - the ability to change the fields that are actually presented as part of the response.

    For an example - a user may be logged in as an admin, and when fetching forums via the api, should have more information available to them than a regular forum user. These updates allow a presenter to specify the fields available upon the presenter.

    In addition, presenters can now be used as part of a JSON response payload, by returning the presenter itself from the controller action.

    What's really cool about the current functionality, is that because the getPresenter is now a method - logic to define which presenter to be returned based on user level is easily supported.

    opened by kirkbushell 13
  • Decorate Pagination issue

    Decorate Pagination issue

        use McCool\LaravelAutoPresenter\Facades\AutoPresenter 
        $model = MyModel::where('status', '1')->paginate();


        total: 24,
        per_page: 50,
        current_page: 1,
        last_page: 1,
        next_page_url: null,
        prev_page_url: null,
        from: 1,
        to: 24,
        data: [
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { },
            { }
    opened by k1ng440 11
  • [L5] Method does not exist

    [L5] Method does not exist

    I'm getting UserPresenter::username method does not exist when trying to use v3...

    The property_exists() in the __get() magic method returns false even when the key exists as an attribute on the model.

    opened by devonzara 10
  • Accessing undefined variables/methods causes problems in Twig

    Accessing undefined variables/methods causes problems in Twig

    I am using twig instead of blade as template engine and accessing undefined variables causes problems in Twig. If you try to output a variable that is not there with twig the default behavior is to output nothing. However since your Base Presenter throws an exception if a variable/method does not exist this breaks things!

    twig will translate {{ content.subpages }} to $content->subpages and if this does not exist it will try $content->subpages(); and if this is not found either it wont complain and simply wont output anything

    Unless there is a specific reason you are trowing an exception you should remove the below line to make this compatible with twig. i believe this will be a problem in Blade as well? not sure if blade haves the same way.

    in BasePresenter.php 
    public function __call($key, $args)
    the following line should be removed.
            throw new ResourceMethodNotFoundException('Presenter: '.get_called_class().'::'.$key.' method does not exist');
    opened by unitedworx 8
  • Infinite recursion in child-parent relations

    Infinite recursion in child-parent relations

    I'm seeing the following problem whenever I try to render a view with a form with an embedded document (using kristijanhusak/laravel-form-builder, but I don't think this is the cause). I'm not using laravel-auto-presenter for this class at all, so I don't understand why it's even getting involved. It seems to be confused/conflicting with my (jenssegers) MongoDB collection that implements an "embedsMany" relation that isn't a standard part of Eloquent. The error is only triggered when an embedded document exists.

    I have an Article model that contains an embedsMany relation to Notes. It is trying to decorate the Article model (which I never told it to do), and then decorate the related Note model. However, Note has a hasOne relation to the original article, which it then also tries to decorate (again), hence entering the infinite loop.

    Shouldn't laravel-auto-presenter only be trying to decorate models that implement HasPresenter? I tried adding this check if ($value instanceof HasPresenter) inside the foreach of LaravelAutoPresenterServiceProvider::setupEventListening() on line 69 and it solves the problem of calling the decorator when I haven't told it to. This is fine for the time being, but what if I want to actually use the decorator at some point for this model?

    FatalErrorException in Model.php line 3062: Maximum function nesting level of '200' reached, aborting!
        in Model.php line 3062
        at FatalErrorException->__construct() in HandleExceptions.php line 131
        at HandleExceptions->fatalExceptionFromError() in HandleExceptions.php line 116
        at HandleExceptions->handleShutdown() in HandleExceptions.php line 0
        at AtomDecorator->decorateRelations() in AtomDecorator.php line 49
        at AtomDecorator->decorate() in AtomDecorator.php line 79
        at AtomDecorator->decorateRelations() in AtomDecorator.php line 49
        at AtomDecorator->decorate() in CollectionDecorator.php line 46
        at CollectionDecorator->decorate() in AtomDecorator.php line 76
        at AtomDecorator->decorateRelations() in AtomDecorator.php line 49
        at AtomDecorator->decorate() in AtomDecorator.php line 79
        at AtomDecorator->decorateRelations() in AtomDecorator.php line 49
        at AtomDecorator->decorate() in CollectionDecorator.php line 46
        at CollectionDecorator->decorate() in AtomDecorator.php line 76
    *** The above 5 lines repeat until it gets cut off) ***
        at AtomDecorator->decorateRelations() in AtomDecorator.php line 49
        at AtomDecorator->decorate() in PresenterDecorator.php line 58
        at PresenterDecorator->decorate() in LaravelAutoPresenterServiceProvider.php line 69
        at LaravelAutoPresenterServiceProvider->McCool\LaravelAutoPresenter\{closure}() in Dispatcher.php line 218
        at call_user_func_array:{vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Events/Dispatcher.php:218}() in Dispatcher.php line 218
        at Dispatcher->fire() in LaravelAutoPresenterServiceProvider.php line 49
        at LaravelAutoPresenterServiceProvider->McCool\LaravelAutoPresenter\{closure}() in Dispatcher.php line 218
        at call_user_func_array:{vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Events/Dispatcher.php:218}() in Dispatcher.php line 218
        at Dispatcher->fire() in Factory.php line 513
        at Factory->callComposer() in View.php line 102
        at View->renderContents() in View.php line 78
        at View->render() in Form.php line 548
        at Form->render() in Form.php line 199
        at Form->renderRest() in helpers.php line 28
        at form_end() in b91f5562b3cccb29edcccc11751454df line 15
        in PhpEngine.php line 39
        at PhpEngine->evaluatePath() in CompilerEngine.php line 57
        at CompilerEngine->get() in View.php line 136
        at View->getContents() in View.php line 104
        at View->renderContents() in View.php line 78
        at View->render() in View.php line 152
        at View->gatherData() in View.php line 136
        at View->getContents() in View.php line 104
        at View->renderContents() in View.php line 78
        at View->render() in Response.php line 44
        at Response->setContent() in Response.php line 202
        at Response->__construct() in Router.php line 1198
        at Router->prepareResponse() in Router.php line 702
        at Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}() in Pipeline.php line 141
        at call_user_func:{vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:141}() in Pipeline.php line 141
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in Auth.php line 44
        at Auth->handle() in Pipeline.php line 125
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in Pipeline.php line 101
        at call_user_func:{vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:101}() in Pipeline.php line 101
        at Pipeline->then() in Router.php line 703
        at Router->runRouteWithinStack() in Router.php line 670
        at Router->dispatchToRoute() in Router.php line 628
        at Router->dispatch() in Kernel.php line 214
        at Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}() in Pipeline.php line 141
        at call_user_func:{vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:141}() in Pipeline.php line 141
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 43
        at VerifyCsrfToken->handle() in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 18
        at VerifyCsrfToken->handle() in Pipeline.php line 125
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in ShareErrorsFromSession.php line 55
        at ShareErrorsFromSession->handle() in Pipeline.php line 125
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in StartSession.php line 61
        at StartSession->handle() in Pipeline.php line 125
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in AddQueuedCookiesToResponse.php line 36
        at AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle() in Pipeline.php line 125
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in EncryptCookies.php line 40
        at EncryptCookies->handle() in Pipeline.php line 125
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in CheckForMaintenanceMode.php line 42
        at CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle() in Pipeline.php line 125
        at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}() in Pipeline.php line 101
        at call_user_func:{vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:101}() in Pipeline.php line 101
        at Pipeline->then() in Kernel.php line 115
        at Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter() in Kernel.php line 84
        at Kernel->handle() in index.php line 53
        at {main}() in index.php line 0
    opened by hackel 7
  • Does the constructor argument name matter?

    Does the constructor argument name matter?


    I'm using 3.0.0-beta7 on the latest L5 commit.

    It seems to me that the argument name you give to the constructor of your Presenter class does really matter. It should be named $resource, if you call it $post (like the readme says) or $item or $whatever, it won't work. This is how it works for me:

    class PostPresenter extends BasePresenter
        public function __construct(Post $resource)
            $this->wrappedObject = $resource;

    Is this by design, is this a bug, or is this me not using it correctly? The readme doesn't mention this.

    Anyway, thanks for the awesome package!

    opened by webcraft 7
  • Is it possible to turn off presenter

    Is it possible to turn off presenter

    The issue here is that I defined presenter, everything works like charm when I actually "want" to present data, but what about when I want to grab different data not just "presented".

    Here an example:

    I set presenter for eager loaded $user->with('comments'); for a view A, now I need different data (id) for view B, but when I try inside my view $user->comments->lists('id') I get error because presenter made it a string already. I need array of IDs for multiselect.

    Is there any way to tell presenter "do not present this time".

    opened by Kyslik 6
  • Allow subjects to be decorated within basic arrays in view data

    Allow subjects to be decorated within basic arrays in view data

    Currently the AutoPresenter only works for simple variables in the view data. This commit allows the Presenter to also decorate simple array structures, for example an array containing 2 collections of Models.

    opened by squigg 6
  • Presenter methods will never be hit

    Presenter methods will never be hit

    Reference line 43 of the BasePresnter class.

    The conditional checks if the entity has $key set before calling its presenter. If $key is a column in the database, it will be "set" by Eloquent's magic method. Hence, the presenter will never be hit.

    opened by a7y 6
  • Ensure that properties available through __get and __isset magic methods

    Ensure that properties available through __get and __isset magic methods

    This is a fix for #39. I had to make an executive decision to use isset() – for Eloquent models this will be fine. Other classes will need to define the corresponding magic methods, but this is a fringe case.

    Tests included.

    opened by jamierumbelow 6
  • Error presenting view (Help needed (?) )

    Error presenting view (Help needed (?) )

    I am getting a very weird error when I want to render a view:

    McCool \ LaravelAutoPresenter \ PresenterNotFoundException
    {"id":"1","username":"admin","nickname":"","email":"admin@example.com","confirmation_code":"254468d9292ca8461029d465db50633b","confirmed":"1","about":"","created_at":"2014-06-08 16:51:14","updated_at":"2014-06-08 16:51:14","deleted_at":null,"use_gravatar":"1","avatar_file_name":null,"avatar_file_size":null,"avatar_content_type":null,"avatar_updated_at":null,"remember_token":null}

    I definitely know that I am eager-loading my objects, and I don't see any code where I add a raw string to the view, is this is a bug in this library or definitely in my code? I looked around and only saw things like $view->with('currentUser', Confide::user()) (as suggested in the README) and eager loaded eloquents (Post::with('comments', 'author')->get($id)).

    opened by spaceemotion 6
  • Access and format attribute of the pivot table

    Access and format attribute of the pivot table


    I have the following question, how can I use this package if I have many to many relationships between the model "worklist" and "task", the pivot table has attributes "interval" that I want to access and format it differently with the presenter.

    My situation: This is my Database: grafik

    My models: grafik

    opened by st-kovalenko 0
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