Laravel and Lumen Auto Hard Deleter


Laravel Auto Hard Deleter

PHP Composer Build Status StyleCI Latest Stable Version License PHP from Travis config CodeFactor

This package deletes soft deleted rows automatically after a time interval that you define.

For Laravel and Lumen 6, 7, 8


Step 1

Require the package with composer using the following command:

composer require sbamtr/laravel-auto-hard-deleter

Step 2

For Laravel

The service provider will automatically get registered. Or you may manually add the service provider in your config/app.php file:

'providers' => [
    // ...

For Lumen

Add this line of code under the Register Service Providers section of your bootstrap/app.php:


Step 3

Now its the time for scheduling the command. in you app/Console/Kernel.php file, paste this code in schedule() function:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    // ...
    // ...

In the code above, the command scheduled to run hourly. you can change it. For more information, please read this page.

Step 4 (Optional)

You can publish the config file with this following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="sbamtr\LaravelAutoHardDeleter\AutoHardDeleteServiceProvider" --tag=config

Note: If you are using Lumen, you have to use this package.

Also you can set the AUTO_HARD_DELETE_AFTER value in .env file. like the following code:



in your models that used SoftDeletes trait, you can enable Auto Hard Delete with this code:

class SampleModel extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;
    const AUTO_HARD_DELETE_ENABLED = true;

Just write const AUTO_HARD_DELETE_ENABLED = true in your models! Also you can set expiration time for your deleted entities using the following line:

const AUTO_HARD_DELETE_AFTER = '5 months';

In the code above, expiration time for your soft deleted entity model is 5 months. The final code is:

class SampleModel extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;
    const AUTO_HARD_DELETE_ENABLED = true;
    const AUTO_HARD_DELETE_AFTER = '5 months';

You can set any other values for AUTO_HARD_DELETE_AFTER like 5(means 5 days), 2 hours, 45 days, 2.5 months, 1 year, etc.

Note: If you don't set any value for AUTO_HARD_DELETE_AFTER in your model, the soft deleted models with AUTO_HARD_DELETE_ENABLED = true will be hard deleted after the time defined in config file named auto-hard-deleter.php.

Auto Hard Delete Command

Also you can hard delete expired rows manually using this artisan command:

php artisan hard-delete-expired

Written with by Siavash Bamshadnia

Please support me by staring this repository.

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