Laravel Lumen service provider for


The service provider is deprecated - it does not support error grouping.

Laravel Lumen service provider for

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This packages provides a full abstraction for and provides extra features to improve Lumen's default logging capabilities. It is essentially a wrapper around our Understand Monolog handler to take full advantage of's data aggregation and analysis capabilities.

Quick start

  1. Add this package to your project via composer:

    composer require understand/understand-lumen
  2. In bootstrap/app.php enable Dotenv (around line 5) AND $app->withFacades(); (around line 22):

    Dotenv::load(__DIR__.'/../'); // around line 5
    $app->withFacades(); // around line 22
  3. In bootstrap/app.php register the UnderstandLumenServiceProvider:

  4. Create a new file as config/understand_lumen.php (note that you may need to create the config directory) with the following contents:

    [ 'user_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUserId', 'session_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getSessionId', 'request_id' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getProcessIdentifier', 'url'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUrl', 'client_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientIp', //'server_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getServerIp', //'user_agent' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientUserAgent', //'environment' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getEnvironment', //'request_method'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getRequestMethod', ], ]; ">
    return [
         * Specify which handler to use - sync or async.
         * Note that the async handler will only work in systems where
         * the CURL command line tool is installed
        'handler' => env('UNDERSTAND_HANDLER', 'sync'),
         * Your input token from
        'token' => env('UNDERSTAND_INPUT_KEY'),
         * Specifies whether logger should throw an exception of issues detected
        'silent' => env('UNDERSTAND_SILENT', true),
         * Specify additional field providers for each log
         * E.g. sha1 version session_id will be appended to each "Log::info('event')"
        'meta' => [
            'user_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUserId',
            'session_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getSessionId',
            'request_id' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getProcessIdentifier',
            'url'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUrl',
            'client_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientIp',
            //'server_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getServerIp',
            //'user_agent' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientUserAgent',
            //'environment' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getEnvironment',
            //'request_method'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getRequestMethod',
  5. Set your input key (from in your .env file as UNDERSTAND_INPUT_KEY

  6. Open app/Exceptions/Handler.php and adjust the report method:

    public function report(Exception $e)
        $encoder = new \UnderstandMonolog\Encoder\ExceptionEncoder();
        app('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface')->error($e->getMessage(), $encoder->exceptionToArray($e));
  7. Send your first event

    $app->get('/', function () use ($app) {
        Log::info('test log 123');
        return $app->welcome();

Additional meta data (field providers)

You may wish to capture additional meta data with each event. For example, it can be very useful to capture the request url with exceptions, or perhaps you want to capture the current user's ID. To do this, you can specify custom field providers via the config.

[ 'user_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUserId', 'session_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getSessionId', 'request_id' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getProcessIdentifier', 'url'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUrl', 'client_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientIp', //'server_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getServerIp', //'user_agent' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientUserAgent', //'environment' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getEnvironment', //'request_method'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getRequestMethod', ], ">
 * Specify additional field providers for each log
 * E.g. sha1 version session_id will be appended to each "Log::info('event')"
'meta' => [
    'user_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUserId',
    'session_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getSessionId',
    'request_id' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getProcessIdentifier',
    'url'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUrl',
    'client_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientIp',
    //'server_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getServerIp',
    //'user_agent' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientUserAgent',
    //'environment' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getEnvironment',
    //'request_method'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getRequestMethod',

The service provider contains a powerful field provider class which provides default providers, and you can create or extend new providers.

// output: c624e355b143fc050ac427a0de9b64eaffedd606

Default field providers

The following field providers are included in this package:

  • getSessionId - return sha1 version of session id
  • getUrl - return current url (e.g. /my/path?with=querystring).
  • getRequestMethod - return request method (e.g. POST).
  • getServerIp - return server IP.
  • getClientIp - return client IP.
  • getClientUserAgent - return client's user agent.
  • getEnvironment - return Lumen environment (e.g. production).
  • getProcessIdentifier - return unique token which is unique for every request. This allows you to easily group all events which happen in a single request.
  • getUserId - return current user id. This is only available if you make sure of the default Laravel Lumen auth or the cartalyst/sentry package. Alternatively, if you make use of a different auth package, then you can extend the getUserId field provider and implement your own logic.

How to extend create your own methods or extend the field providers

Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::extend('getMyCustomValue', function()
    return 'my custom value';



Lets assume that you have defined a custom field provider called getMyCustomValue (as above). You should then add this to your config file as follows:

'meta' => [
    'custom_value' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getMyCustomValue',

This additional meta data will then be automatically appended to all of your Lumen log events (Log::info('my_custom_event')), and will appear as follows:

  "message": "my_custom_event",
  "custom_value":"my custom value"

How to send data asynchronously

Async handler

By default each log event will be sent to's api server directly after the event happens. If you generate a large number of logs, this could slow your app down and, in these scenarios, we recommend that you make use of a async handler. To do this, change the config parameter handler to async.

 * Specify which handler to use - sync or async.
 * Note that the async handler will only work in systems where
 * the CURL command line tool is installed
'handler' => 'async',

The async handler is supported in most of the systems - the only requirement is that CURL command line tool is installed and functioning correctly. To check whether CURL is available on your system, execute following command in your console:

curl -h

If you see instructions on how to use CURL then your system has the CURL binary installed and you can use the async handler.

Keep in mind that Lumen allows you to specify different configuration values in different environments. You could, for example, use the async handler in production and the sync handler in development.


[ 'user_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUserId', 'session_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getSessionId', 'request_id' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getProcessIdentifier', 'url'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUrl', 'client_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientIp', //'server_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getServerIp', //'user_agent' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientUserAgent', //'environment' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getEnvironment', //'request_method'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getRequestMethod', ], ]; ">
return [

     * Specify which handler to use - sync or async.
     * Note that the async handler will only work in systems where
     * the CURL command line tool is installed
    'handler' => env('UNDERSTAND_HANDLER', 'sync'),

     * Your input token from
    'token' => env('UNDERSTAND_INPUT_KEY'),

     * Specifies whether logger should throw an exception of issues detected
    'silent' => env('UNDERSTAND_SILENT', true),

     * Specify additional field providers for each log
     * E.g. sha1 version session_id will be appended to each "Log::info('event')"
    'meta' => [
        'user_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUserId',
        'session_id'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getSessionId',
        'request_id' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getProcessIdentifier',
        'url'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getUrl',
        'client_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientIp',
        //'server_ip'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getServerIp',
        //'user_agent' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getClientUserAgent',
        //'environment' => 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getEnvironment',
        //'request_method'=> 'Understand\UnderstandLumen\UnderstandFieldProviderFacade::getRequestMethod',



This package uses the json_encode function, which only supports UTF-8 data, and you should therefore ensure that all of your data is correctly encoded. In the event that your log data contains non UTF-8 strings, then the json_encode function will not be able to serialize the data.


The Laravel Lumen service provider is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license

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