This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage their friendships.


Laravel 5 Friendships

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This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage their friendships. You can easily design a Facebook like Friend System.

Models can:

  • Send Friend Requests
  • Accept Friend Requests
  • Deny Friend Requests
  • Block Another Model
  • Group Friends


First, install the package through Composer.

composer require hootlex/laravel-friendships

If you are using Laravel < 5.5, you need to add Hootlex\Friendships\FriendshipsServiceProvider to your config/app.php providers array:


Publish config and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hootlex\Friendships\FriendshipsServiceProvider"

Configure the published config in


Finally, migrate the database

php artisan migrate

Setup a Model

use Hootlex\Friendships\Traits\Friendable;
class User extends Model
    use Friendable;

How to use

Check the Test file to see the package in action

Send a Friend Request


Accept a Friend Request


Deny a Friend Request


Remove Friend


Block a Model


Unblock a Model


Check if Model is Friend with another Model


Check if Model has a pending friend request from another Model


Check if Model has already sent a friend request to another Model


Check if Model has blocked another Model


Check if Model is blocked by another Model


Get a single friendship


Get a list of all Friendships


Get a list of pending Friendships


Get a list of accepted Friendships


Get a list of denied Friendships


Get a list of blocked Friendships


Get a list of pending Friend Requests


Get the number of Friends


Get the number of Pendings


Get the number of mutual Friends with another user



To get a collection of friend models (ex. User) use the following methods:

Get Friends


Get Friends Paginated

$user->getFriends($perPage = 20);

Get Friends of Friends

$user->getFriendsOfFriends($perPage = 20);

Collection of Friends in specific group paginated:

$user->getFriends($perPage = 20, $group_name);

Get mutual Friends with another user

$user->getMutualFriends($otherUser, $perPage = 20);

Friend groups

The friend groups are defined in the config/friendships.php file. The package comes with a few default groups. To modify them, or add your own, you need to specify a slug and a key.

// config/friendships.php
'groups' => [
    'acquaintances' => 0,
    'close_friends' => 1,
    'family' => 2

Since you've configured friend groups, you can group/ungroup friends using the following methods.

Group a Friend

$user->groupFriend($friend, $group_name);

Remove a Friend from family group

$user->ungroupFriend($friend, 'family');

Remove a Friend from all groups


Get the number of Friends in specific group


To filter friendships by group you can pass a group slug.



This is the list of the events fired by default for each action

Event name Fired
friendships.sent When a friend request is sent
friendships.accepted When a friend request is accepted
friendships.denied When a friend request is denied
friendships.blocked When a friend is blocked
friendships.unblocked When a friend is unblocked
friendships.cancelled When a friendship is cancelled


See the CONTRIBUTING guide.

  • Add user's personal groups (acquaintances, family, etс.) support

    Add user's personal groups (acquaintances, family, etс.) support

    User can group/ungroup his/her friends with new methods groupFriend & ungroupFriend. Personal groups support added to getAllFriendships, getAcceptedFriendships, getFriendsCount, getFriends methods.

    opened by nikolaynesov 30
  • Install Issue

    Install Issue

    root@ns371466:/var/www/html# composer require hootlex/laravel-friendships Using version ^1.0 for hootlex/laravel-friendships ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals

    • Installing hootlex/laravel-friendships (v1.0.21): Downloading (100%) Writing lock file Generating autoload files

    Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postUpdate php artisan optimize Generating optimized class loader The compiled services file has been removed.

    root@ns371466:/var/www/html# php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hootlex\Friendships\FriendshipsServiceProvider" Publishing complete.

    root@ns371466:/var/www/html# php artisan migrate Nothing to migrate.

    Im having a issue where php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hootlex\Friendships\FriendshipsServiceProvider" isn't really publishing anything.

    Running Laravel 5.4

    opened by HDVinnie 18
  • Reciprocal friendship

    Reciprocal friendship


    I have an idea/question...

    So I acctually want to use this package, but I kinda need something you get 'reciprocal friendship'. So something like Facebook has:

    I sent a friendshiprequest to user B.

    User B accepts the friendship and now we both have each other in our friends list. Because I sent the request, I want to be a friend, and he accepts it, so we both are friends. Any idea how I can do this via your package? Or in a new release?

    opened by RosiersRobin 13
  • I don't understand how to use this package.

    I don't understand how to use this package.

    Im developing a proffesional network and want the users to connect to each other. I found this package but how to i use it especcialy when you already have the user model which stores all the users. hoa to get sender id and receipt it.

    opened by antweny 12
  • acceptFriendRequest / denyFriendRequest does not work

    acceptFriendRequest / denyFriendRequest does not work

    Hi guys,

    i have successfully installed the package, but unfortunately i cannot use those functions. The send request and the block functions are working so i think the problem comes from the update() method:

    public function acceptFriendRequest(Model $recipient) { return $this->findFriendship($recipient)->whereRecipient($this)->update([ 'status' => Status::ACCEPTED, ]); }

    Do u have any clue why is that ?

    opened by perffy 11
  • Friendship always accepted

    Friendship always accepted

    When I send a friendship request to a model, when I check if a model is friend with another (using $user->isFriendWith($recipient), it will return me always true, even if the request is still pending.

    opened by smokills 9
  • Added three new methods for limit and pagination when getting Friends(accepted)

    Added three new methods for limit and pagination when getting Friends(accepted)

    Get All Friends(accepted) (It returns a collection of friend models not friendships, for example User)


    Get Friends(accepted) with Limit

    Use Case

    This will return only 5 friends.

    Get Friends(accepted) with Pagination

    Use Case
    $friends = $user->getFriendsWithPagination(5);

    This will return a paginator object. To render links

    5.1: Use ->render();
    5.2: Use ->links();
    @foreach($friends as $friend)
        <p>{{ $friend->name }}</p>
    {!! $friends->links() !!}
    opened by elsodev 8
  • A little help here!

    A little help here!

    I have been using this friends package with an app i am trying to build. As a sender, I can send a friend request to a recipient, log in as a recipient and accept the request.

    From the sender end, I can list the list of friends he sent the request to and build the list of friends using the getAcceptedFriendships() method, looping through the results and getting the recipient details. However when I log in as the recipient, when I do the same, instead of the sender's name being listed, the recipient's name gets listed instead...

    Any ideas as to how to fix this?


    opened by darkweb2015 8
  • getAcceptedFriends not returning the user details

    getAcceptedFriends not returning the user details

    When i fetch all accepted friendship and pass to the view the names and id of the friends not showing.

    My controller file

    public function connections ()
                $user = Auth::user();
                $connections = $user->getAcceptedFriendships();;
                return view('users.friendships.connections')->with(compact('connections'));

    View file

    @foreach($connections as $user)

    It displays the list of all accepted friendship without their details like their name.

    I need support

    opened by antweny 7
  • Feature request: get friends of friends

    Feature request: get friends of friends

    This would be really helpful to have, but this is quite complex task with your current DB structure, it's much easier to use two way relation for this, means for each friendship there are two records user_one => user_two and user_two => user_one, this will make complex queries much simpler.

    opened by vedmant 7
  • FriendshipsTest::user_can_send_a_friend_request BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::befriend()

    FriendshipsTest::user_can_send_a_friend_request BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::befriend()

    When testing the application im getting de following error:

    `There were 21 errors:

    1. FriendshipsTest::user_can_send_a_friend_request BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::befriend()

    /public_html/laravel/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query/Builder.php:2306 /public_html/laravel/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder.php:1388 /public_html/laravel/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php:3500 /public_html/laravel/vendor/hootlex/laravel-friendships/tests/FriendshipsTest.php:17 /public_html/laravel/vendor/hootlex/laravel-friendships/tests/FriendshipsTest.php:17 ` I installed the laravel-friendships and start the test getting the error. Is there is something i did error? Using the new version of laravel.

    opened by spongi07 5
  • Method Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::fire does not exist

    Method Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::fire does not exist

    Kindly change this in an updated version as The fire() method is an alias to the dispatch() method. The renaming of this method started way back in the 5.3 to 5.4 upgrade, and is included in the upgrade guide:

    Thanks as we can use this package fro laravel updated versions

    opened by nabilahmed7 3
  • Why getFriends method returns all friends ?

    Why getFriends method returns all friends ?


    Requirement :- to fetch friends of a specific group and I have used getFriends($perPage = 20, $group_name) method.

    Problem :- getFriends($perPage = 20, $group_name) returns all friends of application and also getFriendsCount($group_name) returns count of all friends of application. can you please help me?

    Here is code:

    foreach ($groups as $group) { $group_name = $group->title; $group_connections = $user->getFriends($perPage = 20, $group_name); }

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by roshani3110 4
  • Composer install hootlex requires version ~5.*

    Composer install hootlex requires version ~5.*

    Hi, I have an existing laravel project and wanted to add a new package for creating pdf. Unfortunately I always get this error when I require any package with composer

      Could not load package hootlex/laravel-friendships in [UnexpectedValueException] Could not parse version constraint ~5.*: Invalid version string "~5.*"
      Could not parse version constraint ~5.*: Invalid version string "~5.*"

    It is very weird because of the version, when I remove the package I can install the pdf package. But I cannot install hootlex/laravel-friendships package anymore as I'm getting the same error as described above.

    opened by swietek 13
  • Replace usage of  deprecated Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::fire()

    Replace usage of deprecated Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::fire()

    I'm always getting an error when trying to seed my database causd be the method $user->befriend($arg);

    My research has shown that this method is outdated. My updates did not help me to get rid of this error. Will it be fixed?

    ` Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError : Call to undefined method Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::fire()

    at /var/www/my-api/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php:239 235| if (! $instance) { 236| throw new RuntimeException('A facade root has not been set.'); 237| } 238|

    239| return $instance->$method(...$args); 240| } 241| } 242|

    Exception trace:

    1 Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::__callStatic("fire") /var/www/my-api/vendor/hootlex/laravel-friendships/src/Traits/Friendable.php:35

    2 App\User::befriend(Object(App\User)) /var/www/my-api/database/seeds/UserTableSeeder.php:56

    Please use the argument -v to see more details.

    Whoops\Exception\ErrorException : Module 'sqlite3' already loaded

    at Unknown:0 1|

    Exception trace:

    1 Whoops\Run::handleError("Module 'sqlite3' already loaded", "Unknown") /var/www/my-api/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops/Run.php:408

    2 Whoops\Run::handleShutdown() [internal]:0 `

    opened by jwittekind 4
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