A package to generate YouTube-like IDs for Eloquent models


Laravel Hashids

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This package provides a trait that will generate hashids when saving any Eloquent model.


Hashids is a small package to generate YouTube-like IDs from numbers. It converts numbers like 347 into strings like yr8.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require bvtterfly/laravel-hashids

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="hashids-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    | Default Salt
    | This is the salt that uses by Hashids package to generate unique id.
    'salt' => config('app.name')


Your Eloquent models should have the Bvtterfly\LaravelHashids\HasHashId trait that contains an abstract getHashIdOptions method that you must implement yourself, and it should return the Bvtterfly\LaravelHashids\HashIdOptions class.

Your models' migrations should have a field to save the generated hashid to.

Here's an example of what a model would look like:

namespace App\Models;

use Bvtterfly\LaravelHashids\HasHashId;
use Bvtterfly\LaravelHashids\HashIdOptions;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use HasHashId;

    public function getHashIdOptions(): HashIdOptions
        return HashIdOptions::create()->saveHashIdTo('hashid');


By default, Package will generate hashids from models' id.

And Its migration:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

return new class extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('hashid')->nullable(); // Field name same as your `saveHashIdTo`

The hashid column is generated from the id field, But id is an auto-increment column and doesn't have value before saving in the DB. So, The hashid column must be nullable. And The Package will generate hashid and update the model after being saved in the database.

Generate from Hex numbers

If you want to generate hashids from hex numbers like Mongo's ObjectIds, you can change the type to the hex:

public function getHashIdOptions(): HashIdOptions
    return HashIdOptions::create()
        ->setType('hex') // default = int

Generate from another field

public function getHashIdOptions(): HashIdOptions
    return HashIdOptions::create()


Generate from field with value

By default, This package will generate hashids and update the model from the auto-incremented id column after being saved in the database. Still, if your field has value, you can change it to generate hashids while saving:

public function getHashIdOptions(): HashIdOptions
    return HashIdOptions::create()

Use the same hashids among models

The package will add the models' class to the default salt to generate a unique output id per model. If you want your Post and User models to share the same output id when id = 1:

public function getHashIdOptions(): HashIdOptions
    return HashIdOptions::create()

Use padding to make your output ids longer

Without padding, encoding of 1 returns something like jR, but You can use padding to have a longer output id.

Note that output ids are only padded to fit at least a certain length. It doesn't mean that they will be exactly that length.

public function getHashIdOptions(): HashIdOptions
    return HashIdOptions::create()

Using a custom alphabet

public function getHashIdOptions(): HashIdOptions
    return HashIdOptions::create()
        // use all lowercase alphabet instead of 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'

Using Hashids in routes

To use the hashids in routes, you may specify the hashid column in the route parameter definition:

use App\Models\Post;
Route::get('/posts/{post:hashid}', function (Post $post) {
    return $post;

or If you would like model binding to always use the hashid column other than id when retrieving a given model class, you may override the getRouteKeyName method on the Eloquent model:

 * Get the route key for the model.
 * @return string
public function getRouteKeyName()
    return 'hashid';


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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