Friendly prefixed IDs for Laravel models


Friendly prefixed IDs for Laravel models

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Prefixing an id will help users to recognize what kind of id it is. Stripe does this by default: customer ids are prefixed with cus, secret keys in production are prefixed with sk_live_, secret keys of a testing environment with sk_test_ and so on....

This package can generate such friendly prefixed ids for Eloquent models. Here's how such generated ids could look like.


The package can retrieve the model for a given prefixed id.

// on a specific model
User::findByPrefixedId('user_fj39fj3lsmxlsl'); // returns a User model or `null`
User::findByPrefixedIdOrFail('user_fj39fj3lsmxlsl'); // returns a User model or throws `NoPrefixedModelFound`

// automatically determine the model of a given prefixed id
$user = PrefixedIds::getModelClass('user_fj39fj3lsmxlsl') // returns the right model for the id or `null`;

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-prefixed-ids

Preparing your models

On each model that needs a prefixed id, you should use the Spatie\PrefixedIds\Models\Concerns\HasPrefixedId trait.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\PrefixedIds\Models\Concerns\HasPrefixedId;

class YourModel extends Model
    use HasPrefixedId;

Preparing the database

For each model that needs a prefixed id, you'll need to write a migration to add a prefixed_id column to its underlying table.

If you wish to use another attribute name, you should publish the config file (see below) and set the prefixed_id_attribute_name config value to the attribute name of your liking.

Schema::create('your_models_table', function (Blueprint $table) {

Registering models with prefixed ids

To register your models, you should pass the desired prefix and the class name of your model to PrefixedIds::registerModels.

    'your_prefix_' => YourModel::class,
    'another_prefix' => AnotherModel::class,

Typically, you would put the code above in a service provider.

Publish the config file

Optionally, You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\PrefixedIds\PrefixedIdsServiceProvider" --tag="prefixed-ids-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
     * The attribute name used to store prefixed ids on a model
    'prefixed_id_attribute_name' => 'prefixed_id',


When a model is created, it will automatically have a unique, prefixed id in the prefixed_id attribute.

$model = YourModel::create();
$model->prefixed_id // returns a random id like `your_model_fekjlmsme39dmMS`

Finding a specific model

You can find the model with a given prefix by calling findByPrefixedId on it.

YourModel::findByPrefixedId('your_model_fekjlmsme39dmMS'); // returns an instance of `YourModel`
YourModel::findByPrefixedId('non-existing-id'); // returns null
YourModel::findByPrefixedIdOrFail('non-existing-id'); // throws `NoPrefixedModelFound`

Finding across models

You can call find on Spatie\PrefixedIds\PrefixedIds to automatically get the right model for any given prefixed id.

$yourModel = Spatie\PrefixedIds\PrefixedIds::find('your_model_fekjlmsme39dmMS'); // returns an instance of `YourModel` or `null`
$otherModel = Spatie\PrefixedIds\PrefixedIds::find('other_model_3Fjmmfsmls'); // returns an instance of `OtherModel` or `null`
$otherModel = Spatie\PrefixedIds\PrefixedIds::findOrFail('other_model_3Fjmmfsmls'); // returns an instance of `OtherModel` or throws `NoPrefixedModelFound`

Using the prefixed ids in your routes

To use the prefixed ids in your routes, you'll have to add the getRouteKeyName method to your model. It should return the name of the attribute that holds the prefixed id.

public function getRouteKeyName()
    return 'prefixed_id';

With this in place a route defined as...

Route::get('/api/your-models/{yourModel}', YourModelController::class)`

... can be invoked with an URL like /api/your-models/your_model_fekjlmsme39dmMS.

You'll find more info on route model binding in the Laravel docs.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


This package is inspired by excid3/prefixed_ids


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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    Add support for ordered UUID's

    Added a little config option to use ordered UUID's instead of UUIDv4's. Added a link to an article about (security) differences/advantages in the README as well.

    -- This is a first for me, hope I'm doing things right! 😬

    opened by wouterdijkstra 3
  • Generate the unique IDs using a callable function

    Generate the unique IDs using a callable function

    Per my discussion -

    I wanted the ability to customize the length of the unique IDs. @freekmurze mentioned that it would be better to create a static method that calls a function to generate the unique IDs.

    You can now now customize the generated ids by doing the following:

        return rand();

    This is completely optional, if the method is not used the library will continue using laravel's Str::uuid() method to generate the unique Ids.

    @freekmurze - In your example you had $model variable included in the function I'm not sure what you meant on how that would be used. Could you provide some more details on what you intended?

    Please let me know what can be improved. Once you're happy with the pull request changes I can update the readme with usage and example. Thank you for the consideration.

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    Probably not perfect yet, but the start is there.

    Setting prefixed_id_is_primary to true sets $incrementing to false for all Models using the Spatie\PrefixedIds\Models\Concerns\HasPrefixedId trait.

    Added custom stubs for this as well. Publishing these will change the stubs to include the HasPrefixedId trait and update the migration to be $table->string('id)->primary();.

    Reflected this in the README as well.

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    Schema::create('your_models_table', function (Blueprint $table) {

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