The package lets you generate TypeScript interfaces from your Laravel models.


Laravel TypeScript

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The package lets you generate TypeScript interfaces from your Laravel models.


Say you have a model which has several properties (database columns) and multiple relations.

class Product extends Model
    public function category(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);

    public function features(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Feature::class);

Laravel TypeScript will generate the following TypeScript interface:

declare namespace App.Models {
    export interface Product {
        id: number;
        category_id: number;
        name: string;
        price: number;
        created_at: string | null;
        updated_at: string | null;
        category?: App.Models.Category | null;
        features?: Array<App.Models.Feature> | null;

Laravel TypeScript supports:

  • Database columns
  • Model relations
  • Model accessors
  • Casted attributes


Laravel 8 and PHP 8 are required. You can install the package via composer:

composer require based/laravel-typescript

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Based\TypeScript\TypeScriptServiceProvider" --tag="typescript-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'generators' => [
        Model::class => ModelGenerator::class,

    'output' => resource_path('js/models.d.ts'),

    // load namespaces from composer's `dev-autoload`
    'autoloadDev' => false,


Generate TypeScript interfaces.

php artisan typescript:generate

Example usage with Vue 3:

, required: true, }, }, } ">
import { defineComponent, PropType } from "vue";

export default defineComponent({
    props: {
        product: {
            type: Object as PropType<App.Models.Product>,
            required: true,


composer test



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Cannot redeclare helpers when running php artisan typescript:generate

    Cannot redeclare helpers when running php artisan typescript:generate

    Getting strange behaviour when running php artisan typescript:generate it appears it's trying to redeclare all the helpers which are auto loaded via composer.json's "autoload" { "files" : [ "app/helpers.php"] }

    $ php artisan typescript:generate
    PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare selectedVesselId() (previously declared in C:\www\workrest\app\helpers.php:25) in C:\www\workrest\app\Core\helpers.php on line 23
      Cannot redeclare selectedVesselId() (previously declared in C:\www\workrest\app\Core\helpers.php:25)

    This is only occurring when running typescript:generate, other CLI commands for artisan are working fine e.g.:

    $ php artisan cache:clear
    Application cache cleared!
    opened by SlyDave 10
  • feat: generate interfaces from resources

    feat: generate interfaces from resources

    Hi! What do you think about generation from Resources? e.g:

     * @mixin \App\Models\Ticket
    class SupportResource extends JsonResource
         * Transform the resource into an array.
         * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
         * @return array
        public function toArray($request): array
            return [
                'id'         => $this->id,
                'title'      => $this->title,
                'message'    => $this->message,
                'created_at' => $this->created_at->diffForHumans(),
                'category'   => [
                    'title' => $this->category->short_title,
                    'hex_color'   => $this->category->hex_color,
                'status'     => [
                    'title'     => $this->status->title,
                    'hex_color' => $this->status->hex_color,

    It's possible? If it is, it will be a consistent interface in the backend and frontend.

    opened by ibrunotome 4
  • Various improvements

    Various improvements

    • Add support for custom paths (to load relevant items from 'vendor' folder)
    • Use explicit config values (with fallback) instead of spread operator in command
    • Add the "generate" command to Generator Contract (since this is what's actually called from the TypeScriptGenerator class)
    • Cleanup of generated code (additional white space, information message, etc)
    • A generator for FormRequest classes
    • TODO: Tests for request generator
    opened by chancezeus 3
  • Workaround for lack of enum support by DBAL

    Workaround for lack of enum support by DBAL

    Unfortunately this package does not work if the database has enum columns. DBAL does not support enum column types. In this PR the enum columns are mapped to strings, so we can still use the package when we have enum columns in our database. The TypeScript models will have a string type instead of an enum. Maybe not the best solution to this problem, but maybe it helps others for the time being.

    opened by robmeijerink 1
  • fix: Generate relation names in snake_case

    fix: Generate relation names in snake_case

    By default, Laravel uses snake_case names for multi-word relations. The PR fixes that and adds an assertion. It also fixes composer.json loading that also works in a debugger environment or when tests is run not from project root (for example running using IDE)

    opened by ekvedaras 1
  • Laravel 9 support

    Laravel 9 support

    Got the error during composer installation:

    - Root composer.json requires based/laravel-typescript ^0.0.2 -> satisfiable by based/laravel-typescript[v0.0.2].
    - based/laravel-typescript v0.0.2 requires illuminate/contracts ^8.37 -> found illuminate/contracts[v8.37.0, ..., 8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another requ

    Need support for illuminate/contracts v9

    opened by tekord 0
  • Sort the generated classes by name

    Sort the generated classes by name

    The classes that are generated are done using symfony's finder class, which can return files in any order returned by the filesystem.

    This means that running the typescript:generate command can generate incredibly noisy diffs - whereas at least if it's sorted then the diffs should be slightly more sensible.

    opened by PatrickRose 0
  • Issue when try to generate typescript files

    Issue when try to generate typescript files

    Hello seems awesome this package, I'm trying to use but i have this error:


    If i remove the ripcord package still have differentes class with "Cannot declare class XXX, because the name is already in use

    opened by sefirosweb 0
  • Is this project abandoned?

    Is this project abandoned?

    This project is great but there's a few lingering issues and it doesn't seem like there's any activity?

    I see there's been some small commits like but no commenting on issues/prs?

    opened by n1c 0
  • Make ModelGenerator account for hidden fields

    Make ModelGenerator account for hidden fields

    Make ModelGenerator filter out columns that have been hidden from the serialized representation of the Model (see:

    The hidden attribute is commonly used with fields like password or remember_token.

    Without filtering the types generated for a model misrepresent what is commonly sent by a server for this model:

      "id": 1,
      "name": "Test User",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "email_verified_at": "2022-06-29T14:51:15.000000Z",
      "created_at": "2022-06-29T09:18:09.000000Z",
      "updated_at": "2022-06-29T09:18:09.000000Z"

    for a generated type

    export interface User {
        id: number;
        name: string;
        email: string;
        email_verified_at: string | null;
        created_at: string | null;
        updated_at: string | null;

    instead of (without filtering hidden fields)

    export interface User {
        id: number;
        name: string;
        email: string;
        password: string ;
        remember_token: string ;
        email_verified_at: string | null;
        created_at: string | null;
        updated_at: string | null;
    opened by dsalex1 0
  • Typo in function name isOneRelattion

    Typo in function name isOneRelattion

    Function isOneRelattion should be renamed to isOneRelation

    opened by royteusink 1
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