A package to implement repository pattern for laravel models


Laravel Model UUID

A simple package to use Repository Pattern approach for laravel models .

Repository pattern

Repositories are classes or components that encapsulate the logic required to access data sources. They centralize common data access functionality, providing better maintainability and decoupling the infrastructure or technology used to access databases from the domain model layer. Microsoft


Require the package using composer:

composer require touhidurabir/laravel-model-repository

To publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Touhidurabir\ModelRepository\ModelRepositoryServiceProvider" --tag=config

Command and Configuration

To use this package, you need to have repository class bound to laravel model class . This package includes a command that make it easy to to create repository classes from command line . to create a new repository class, run the following command

php artisan make:repository UserRepository --model=User

The above command will create a new repository UserRepository class in App\Repositories path . the --model option to define which laravel model class to target for this repositoty class . The content of UserRepository will look like

namespace App\Repositories;

use Touhidurabir\ModelRepository\BaseRepository;
use App\Models\User;

class UserRepository extends BaseRepository {

     * Constructor to bind model to repo
     * @param  object<App\Models\User> $user
     * @return void
    public function __construct(User $user) {

        $this->model = $user;

        $this->modelClass = get_class($user);


This package by default assume all models are located in path App\Models and use the path App\Repositories to store the repository classes. But also possible to provide custom repositories class path and different model class path . for example

php artisan make:reposity App\\SomeOtherPath\\UserRepository --model=App\\OtherModelPath\\User

The above command will try to store the repository class to path App\SomeOtherPath and will create a directory named SomeOtherPath if not already exists. Will also try to resolve model path/namespace from App\OtherModelPath .

Check the config file after publishing at the config/model-repository.php to see the default settings configurations .

It is also possible to replace an existing repository file via the command when passing the flag --replace

php artisan make:repository UserRepository --model=User --replace

The above command will replace the already exiting UserRepository.php at the given path with newly generated one.

Be ery carefull of the replacing ability as if your repository class contains any custom code, that will be fully replaced with a newly generated file and those custom changes will be lost.


The best way to use the repository classes via Dependency Injection through the controller classes . for example :

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Repositories\UserRepository;

class UserController extends Controller {

     * The resource repository instance
     * @var mixed<object{\App\Repositories\UserRepository}|null>
    protected $userRepository;

     * create a new controller instance
     * @param  \App\Repositories\UserRepository         $userRepository
     * @return void
    public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository) {

        $this->userRepository = $userRepository;

And in that way one can already get a fully qualified user repository class . Also to manually initiated :

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Repositories\UserRepository;

$userRepository = new UserRepository(new User);

Or through static constructor

$userRepository = UserRepository::withModel(new User);

The repository class will have following features/abilities .


To create a new model record, just call the create method on repositoty class and pass the data attributes as :



To update a existing model record, call the update method of the repository class . the update method will require 2 params , the data attributes and the model redored primary key value or an exiting model instance .

To update with primary key for user with primary key of id with value 10

$primaryKeyValue = 10;

], $primaryKeyValue);

or To update the already retrived model record :

$user; // the already retrived model record instance

], $user);


To find a model record, use the find method of the repository class

$this->userRepository->find(1); // find the id(primary key) of 1
$this->userRepository->find([1,2,3]); // find the id(primary key) of 1,2 and 3

The find method can also work with array where it will use those as AND WHERE query and return the first record that match

$this->userRepository->find(['email' => '[email protected]']);

By passing the optional relations array as the second argument to find method will load the relations along with model record

$this->userRepository->find(1, ['profile']); // find the id(primary key) of 1
$this->userRepository->find([1,2,3], ['profile']); // find the id(primary key) of 1,2 and 3

The thrid agument is a optional boolen which is by default set to false . By setting it to true, it will thorw the \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException when a model record not found .

$this->userRepository->find(1, ['profile'],  true); // find the id(primary key) of 1
$this->userRepository->find([1,2,3], [], true); // find the id(primary key) of 1,2 and 3

All Records

To get back all records, use the all method of repository class



To Delete a model record, use the delete method of repository class


The delete method can wrok with model instance or the same kind of argument passed to the repository class find method .

$this->userRepository->delete($user); // delete the alredt retrived $user model instance
$this->userRepository->delete(1); // delete user id of 1
$this->userRepository->delete([1,2,3]); // delete user id of 1,2 and 3
$this->userRepository->delete(['email' => '[email protected]']); // delete user with email of [email protected]

The delete method also check for the SoftDelete feature , that is if the model is using the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes trait, the it will do the soft delete of given model records.

Force Delete

To Force Delete a model record, use the forceDelete method of repository class


The delete method can wrok with model instance or the same kind of argument passed to the repository class find method .

$this->userRepository->forceDelete($user); // delete the alredt retrived $user model instance
$this->userRepository->forceDelete(1); // delete user id of 1
$this->userRepository->forceDelete([1,2,3]); // delete user id of 1,2 and 3
$this->userRepository->forceDelete(['email' => '[email protected]']); // delete user with email of [email protected]

The delete method also check for the SoftDelete feature, that is regardless of the model is using the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes trait, the it will remove those records from DB.


To Restore a model record that has soft deleted, use the forceDelete method of repository class


The restore will only works for those models that use the SoftDeletes feature . It try to use the restore on the model that do not have SoftDeletes implemented, it will throw an exception.

The restore method can wrok with model instance or array of model primary keys .

$this->userRepository->restore($user); // restore the already retrived $user model instance
$this->userRepository->restore(1); // restore user id of 1
$this->userRepository->restore([1,2,3]); // restore user id of 1,2 and 3test

Other Features

Get Model

As this package does not handle all of the features of Eloquent and if any other Eloquent method need to use to build complex query, we need the model instance . to get the model instance


Also to set/update the model later

$this->userRepository->setModel(new User);

Model Sanitizer

The BaseRepository class includes a model sanitizer that will automatically sanitize passed array attributes on model record create/update . Here sanatize means it will remove any element from the data array to match with the model table schema while at the same time respecting model $fillable and $hidden properties .

The implementation of these methods are as such

 * Sanitize data list to model fillables
 * @param  array   $data
 * @return array
public function sanitizeToModelFillable(array $data) {

    $classModel   = $this->model->getModel();
    $fillable     = $classModel->getFillable();

    $fillables = ! empty($fillable) 
                    ? $fillable 
                    : array_diff(

    return array_intersect_key($data, array_flip($fillables));

So even if extra details passed, it will be ignored or some columns passed that in the $fillable or $hidden list.

$user = $this->userRepository->create([
    'name' => 'User Name',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => Hash::make('password'),
    'date_of_birth' => '1990-12-08' // This date_of_birth column not present in users table

The above code will run without any issue while a simple model create method will throw exception .

$user = $this->userRepository->create($request->validated());

$profile = $this->profileRepository->create($request->validated());

This become very useful when in one single controller method do need to push data to multiple model table


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



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