🖖Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any kind of filters.


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Repository Pattern in Laravel. The package allows to filter by request out-of-the-box, as well as to integrate customized criteria and any kind of filters.

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Repository Laravel

Table of Contents


Via Composer

$ composer require awes-io/repository

The package will automatically register itself.


First publish config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AwesIO\Repository\RepositoryServiceProvider" --tag="config"
// $repository->smartPaginate() related parameters
'smart_paginate' => [
    // name of request parameter to take paginate by value from
    'request_parameter' => 'limit',
    // default paginate by value
    'default_limit' => 15,
    // max paginate by value
    'max_limit' => 100,


Package allows you to filter data based on incoming request parameters:

It will automatically apply built-in constraints onto the query as well as any custom scopes and criteria you need:

protected $searchable = [
    // where 'title' equals 'Title'

protected $scopes = [
    // and custom parameter used in your scope
    'custom' => MyScope::class,
class MyScope extends ScopeAbstract
    public function scope($builder, $value, $scope)
        return $builder->where($scope, $value)->orWhere(...);

Ordering by any field is available:

protected $scopes = [
    // orderBy field
    'orderBy' => OrderByScope::class,

Package can also apply any custom criteria:

return $this->news->withCriteria([
    new MyCriteria([
        'category_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Name'


Create a Model

Create your model:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class News extends Model 

Create a Repository

Extend it from AwesIO\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository and provide entity() method to return full model class name:

namespace App;

use AwesIO\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;

class NewsRepository extends BaseRepository
    public function entity()
        return News::class;

Use built-in methods

use App\NewsRepository;

class NewsController extends BaseController 
    protected $news;

    public function __construct(NewsRepository $news)
        $this->news = $news;

Execute the query as a "select" statement or get all results:

$news = $this->news->get();

Execute the query and get the first result:

$news = $this->news->first();

Find a model by its primary key:

$news = $this->news->find(1);

Add basic where clauses and execute the query:

$news = $this->news->->findWhere([
        // where id equals 1
        'id' => '1',
        // other "where" operations
        ['news_category_id', '<', '3'],

Paginate the given query:

$news = $this->news->paginate(15);

Paginate the given query into a simple paginator:

$news = $this->news->simplePaginate(15);

Paginate the given query by 'limit' request parameter:

$news = $this->news->smartPaginate();

Add an "order by" clause to the query:

$news = $this->news->orderBy('title', 'desc')->get();

Save a new model and return the instance:

$news = $this->news->create($request->all());

Update a record:

$this->news->update($request->all(), $id);

Delete a record by id:


Attach models to the parent:

$this->news->attach($parentId, $relationship, $idsToAttach);

Detach models from the relationship:

$this->news->detach($parentId, $relationship, $idsToDetach);

Find model or throw an exception if not found:


Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception:


Create a Criteria

Criteria are a way to build up specific query conditions.

use AwesIO\Repository\Contracts\CriterionInterface;

class MyCriteria implements CriterionInterface {

    protected $conditions;
    public function __construct(array $conditions)
        $this->conditions = $conditions;

    public function apply($entity)
        foreach ($this->conditions as $field => $value) {
            $entity = $entity->where($field, '=', $value);
        return $entity;

Multiple Criteria can be applied:

use App\NewsRepository;

class NewsController extends BaseController 
    protected $news;

    public function __construct(NewsRepository $news)
        $this->news = $news;

    public function index()
        return $this->news->withCriteria([
            new MyCriteria([
                'category_id' => '1', 'name' => 'Name'
            new WhereAdmin(),

Scope, Filter and Order

In your repository define which fields can be used to scope your queries by setting $searchable property.

protected $searchable = [
    // where 'title' equals parameter value
    // orWhere equals
    'body' => 'or',
    // where like
    'author' => 'like',
    // orWhere like
    'email' => 'orLike',

Search by searchables:

public function index($request)
    return $this->news->scope($request)->get();

Also several serchables enabled by default:

protected $scopes = [
    // orderBy field
    'orderBy' => OrderByScope::class,
    // where created_at date is after
    'begin' => WhereDateGreaterScope::class,
    // where created_at date is before
    'end' => WhereDateLessScope::class,

Enable ordering for specific fields by adding $orderable property to your model class:

public $orderable = ['email'];

orderBy=email_desc will order by email in descending order, orderBy=email - in ascending

You can also build your own custom scopes. In your repository override scope() method:

public function scope($request)
    // apply build-in scopes

    // apply custom scopes
    $this->entity = (new NewsScopes($request))->scope($this->entity);

    return $this;

Create your scopes class and extend ScopesAbstract

use AwesIO\Repository\Scopes\ScopesAbstract;

class NewsScopes extends ScopesAbstract
    protected $scopes = [
        // here you can add field-scope mappings
        'field' => MyScope::class,

Now you can build any scopes you need:

use AwesIO\Repository\Scopes\ScopeAbstract;

class MyScope extends ScopeAbstract
    public function scope($builder, $value, $scope)
        return $builder->where($scope, $value);

Artisan Commands

Package provides useful artisan command:

php artisan repository:generate Models/Order --scope=Search

It'll generate several classes for App\Models\Order:

Main repository: App\Repositories\Orders\OrdersRepository

Main scopes class: App\Repositories\Orders\Scopes\OrdersScopes

Individual search scope class: App\Repositories\Orders\Scopes\SearchOrdersScope


The coverage of the package is Coverage report.

You can run the tests with:

composer test


Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.




  • Implementation of repository pattern

    Implementation of repository pattern

    Hello, I think you are not achieving the benefits you preached about with your interface. The Eloquent jargon in your interface and the type hint to return an Eloquent model are coupling it to Eloquent: this hurts the repository pattern in this case. If a project were to eventually replace Eloquent, it will be difficult to do that.

    opened by Whallas 1
  • Remove deprecated str_after helper

    Remove deprecated str_after helper


    the helper function is deprecated in Laravel 6. #https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/26898#issue-239566151

    Test plan (required)

    I changed this in the test itself.

    thank you.

    opened by MohammedAlkutrani 1
  • Columns in `$searchable` are ambiguous

    Columns in `$searchable` are ambiguous

    Your issue may already be reported! Please search on the issue tracker before creating one.

    Expected Behavior

    It should be possible to use the same column name on a joined table without SQL errors

    Current Behavior

    If a column name specified in the $searchable array also exists in a joined table (e.g. in another scope), a SQL error occurs because the column name is ambiguous

    Possible Solution

    When using any column in the $searchable array, it should be prefixed with the table name associated with the repository

    Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

    1. Add parent_id to the $searchable array
    2. Add a custom scope which joins to another table and uses parent_id in that table
    3. Code fails with an ambiguous column


    We have generic names on several tables so we have had to work around this by removing any clashing names from the $searchable array and adding custom scopes to search on that field, thus defeating the point of the array.

    Your Environment

    • Version used: 1.8
    • Browser Name and version: N/A
    • Operating System and version (desktop or mobile): N/A but Ubuntu
    • Link to your project: Private project

    System GA


    opened by ghost 0
  • How do we override the OrderByScope::class

    How do we override the OrderByScope::class

    Your issue may already be reported! Please search on the issue tracker before creating one.

    Expected Behavior

    I want to override the OrderByScope::class so that I can create my own implementation of the orderBy functionality.

    Current Behavior

    It seems like the Scope has the foloowing default scopes:

    class Scopes extends ScopesAbstract
        protected $scopes = [
            'orderBy' => OrderByScope::class,
            'begin' => WhereDateGreaterScope::class,
            'end' => WhereDateLessScope::class,

    This means it will always automatically use the OrderByScope class. Can we provide our own class for this?

    opened by shabaz-ejaz 0
  • How do I get count()?

    How do I get count()?

    I am trying to get the total count() before I apply get(), but it gives an error.

    $returnData = $this->trainerSlot
            $allCount = $returnData->count(); // Error

    If I use the same construction without a repository it works.

    $returnData = TrainerSlot::orderBy('date')
    $allCount = $returnData->count(); // find total 1200 string

    If I try to get the total amount after, I called $returnData->get(), then it only gives out the amount received after the limit&offset.

    $returnData = $this->trainerSlot
    $allCount = $returnData->count(); // find total 25 string
    opened by atach 0
  • Compatibility with Laravel 8

    Compatibility with Laravel 8

    Hi there! Seems like a very useful library. Thank you for making it.

    I tried to install it with a fresh Laravel 8 installation, but it didn't succeed. Error message below: image


    It would be awesome to have this work with Laravel 8.

    opened by yousof-wm4d 0
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