A package to filter laravel model based on query params or retrieved model collection


Laravel Filterable

A package to filter laravel model based on query params or retrived model collection.


Require/Install the package using composer:

composer require touhidurabir/laravel-filterable

To publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Touhidurabir\Filterable\FilterableServiceProvider" --tag=config


The package comes with a configuration file named filterable that has to 2 important configs

Base Filter Class

This is a array that contains the base filter class for both the Query and Collection filter as :

'base_class' => [
    'query'         => \Touhidurabir\Filterable\Bases\BaseQueryFilter::class,
    'collection'    => \Touhidurabir\Filterable\Bases\BaseCollectionFilter::class,

If one need to even extend it to add more functionality or any custom feaure, can do it and set the base class in the config file .

Filter Class Namespace

This config define what would be the default namespace(and the store path) of the generated filter classes for the both the Query and Collection filter classes as :

'filterable_namespace' => [
    'query'         => 'App\\QueryFilters',
    'collection'    => 'App\\CollectionFilters',

If needed to, one can change the default path from there . but it is also possible to pass a different namespace to the filter generate command to provide a different namespace.


This package includes a handly command to generate filter classes as

php artisan make:filter User

It will generate 2 class UserQueryFilter and UserCollectionFilter as per defined namespace in the config file .

This command also includes several handful options to make the filer class generation as flexiable as possible such as


By passign comma separated filters, it will put those filters as filterable method in both the query and collection filter class as :

php artisan make:filter User --filter=name,email

For Query FIlter :

public function name($value) {

    // return $this->builder->;

public function email($value) {

    // return $this->builder->;

For Collection Filter :

public function name($item, $value) {


public function email($item, $value) {



Define what would be query filter class file name and class name suffix .


Define what would be collection filter class file name and class name suffix .


If passed as switch option or flag, no suffix will be added to query or collection filter class names or files name.


If passed as switch option or flag, will only generate the query filters and omit the collection filter class.


If passed as switch option or flag, will only generate the collection filters and omit the query filter class.


If passed as switch option or flag, will replace the existing file. By defalt if a given file already present, it will not replace it .


Generate the filters as

php artisan make:filter User --filter=name,email

it will generate UserQueryFilter.php and UserCollectionFilter.php class at the given path as :


namespace App\QueryFilters;

use Touhidurabir\Filterable\Bases\BaseQueryFilter;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class UserQueryFilter extends BaseQueryFilter {

     * Retrieve the rules to validate filters value.
     * If a filter validation fails, the filter is not applied.
     * @return array
    protected function getRules() {
        return [];

     * Filter by request param name
     * @param  mixed $value
     * @return object<\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder>
    public function name($value) {

        // return $this->builder->;

     * Filter by request param email
     * @param  mixed $value
     * @return object<\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder>
    public function email($value) {

        // return $this->builder->;


namespace App\CollectionFilters;

use Throwable;
use Touhidurabir\Filterable\Bases\BaseCollectionFilter;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class UserCollectionFilter extends BaseCollectionFilter {

     * Retrieve the rules to validate filters value.
     * If a filter validation fails, the filter is not applied.
     * @return array
    protected function getRules() {
        return [];

     * Filter by name
     * @param  object $item
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return
    public function name($item, $value) {
        // return

     * Filter by email
     * @param  object $item
     * @param  mixed  $value
     * @return
    public function email($item, $value) {

        // return

and the use the Filterable trait in the model as

use Touhidurabir\Filterable\Filterable;

class User extends Model {

    use Filterable;

The form some controller, use it as such

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\QueryFilters\UserQueryFilters;
use App\CollectionFilter\UserCollectionFilter;

class UserController extends Controller {

    public function index(Request $request) {

        $users = User::filter(new UserQueryFilter($request))->get();

        // or filter a collection as 

        $users = (new UserCollectionFilter)->filter(User::all(), ['email', 'name']);

        // of pass $request in constructor for collection filter

        $users = (new UserCollectionFilter($request))->filter(User::all());

Also possible to use an existing array to pass as query to initiate the filter class as

UserCollection::applyFilter(User::all() ,[]);

Note that it's not required to pass the $request as if not passed , it will resolve it from the Request Facade . Useful for case like when app running on laravel octane.

It can also handle the filter param validation as :

protected function getRules() {
    return [];

Set the validation rules there and those params that do not pass the validation will not be applied.

WHY a Collection Filter ?

It is a valid question why a collection filter as most of the time a query filter is sufficient. But some times a collection filter can be helpful to do some custom filter again after records are pull from DB. As this package allow to generate seperate collection filter, in those cases it can be helpful to such cause .


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



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