A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for multi steps form


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A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for multi steps form.

Multi steps form


You can install the package via composer:

composer require vildanbina/livewire-wizard

For UI design this package require WireUI package for details.


Livewire Wizard requires Alpine. You can use the official CDN to quickly include Alpine:


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/alpinejs/alpine@v2.x.x/dist/alpine.min.js" defer>script>

<script defer src="https://unpkg.com/alpinejs@3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js">script>


The base modal is made with TailwindCSS. If you use a different CSS framework I recommend that you publish the modal template and change the markup to include the required classes for your CSS framework.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-wizard-views


Creating a wizard form

You can create livewire component php artisan make:livewire UserWizard to make the initial Livewire component. Open your component class and make sure it extends the WizardComponent class:

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\WizardComponent;
use App\Models\User;

class UserWizard extends WizardComponent
    // My custom class property
    public $userId;
     * Will return App\Models\User instance or will create empty User (based on $userId parameter) 
    public function model()
        return User::findOrNew($this->userId);

When you need to display wizard form, based on above example we need to pass $userId value and to display wizard form:

<livewire:user-wizard user-id="3"/>

Or when you want to create new user, let blank user-id attribute, or don't put that.

When you want to reset form, ex. To reset to the first step, and clear filled fields. You can use:


When you want to have current step instance. You can use:


When you want to go to specific step. You can use:


Or, you want to go in the next step:


Or, you want to go in the prev step:


Creating a wizard step

You can create wizard form step. Open or create your step class (at App\Steps folder) and make sure it extends the Step class:

namespace App\Steps;

use Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\Components\Step;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;

class General extends Step
    // Step view located at resources/views/steps/general.blade.php 
    protected string $view = 'steps.general';

     * Initialize step fields
    public function mount()
            'name'                  => $this->model->name,
            'email'                 => $this->model->email,
    * Step icon 
    public function icon(): string
        return 'check';

     * When Wizard Form has submitted
    public function save($state)
        $user = $this->model;

        $user->name     = $state['name'];
        $user->email    = $state['email'];

     * Step Validation
    public function validate()
        return [
                'state.name'     => ['required', Rule::unique('users', 'name')->ignoreModel($this->model)],
                'state.email'    => ['required', Rule::unique('users', 'email')->ignoreModel($this->model)],
                'state.name'     => __('Name'),
                'state.email'    => __('Email'),

     * Step Title
    public function title(): string
        return __('General');

In Step class, you can use livewire hooks example:

use Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\Components\Step;

class General extends Step
    public function onStepIn($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function onStepOut($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function updating($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function updatingState($name, $value)
        // Something you want
    public function updated($name, $value)
        // Something you want

    public function updatedState($name, $value)
        // Something you want

Each step need to have view, you can pass view path in $view property.

After create step class, you need to put that step to wizard form:

namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use App\Steps\General;
use Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\WizardComponent;

class UserWizard extends WizardComponent
    public array $steps = [
        // Other steps...

Building Tailwind CSS for production

Because some classes are dynamically build and to compile js you should add some classes to the purge safelist so your tailwind.config.js should look something like this:

module.exports = {
    presets: [
    content: [

    plugins: [

If you haven't installed tailwindcss/forms plugin, install it: npm install -D @tailwindcss/forms


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please e-mail vildanbina@gmail.com to report any security vulnerabilities instead of the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Adding custom function to the Step to manipulate the state

    Adding custom function to the Step to manipulate the state

    Can you assit i need a way to call the addToCollection function from the step view but it's complain that method not found since i need to maintain all the action that are happening with the step being done in the given Step

    public function mount()
                'locations' => collect([
                        'name' => '',


     public function addToCollection()
            $this->state['locations']->push(['name' => '']);
        public function removeFromCollection($key)
    opened by gozbert 5
  • Fix error of method declaration

    Fix error of method declaration

    PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\Components\Step::view(string $view): static must be compatible with Illuminate\View\Component::view($view, $data = [], $mergeData = []) in /var/www/html/vendor/vildanbina/livewire-wizard/src/Components/Step.php on line 88

    opened by trippo 1
  • Problems using Laravel 9.36.4

    Problems using Laravel 9.36.4

    With Version 9.36.4 of Laravel i get the following error when trying to show a Wizard:

    Declaration of Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\Components\Step::view(string $view): static must be compatible with Illuminate\View\Component::view($view, $data = [], $mergeData = [])

    opened by JacAppDev 1
  • pass value to parent componenet

    pass value to parent componenet

    Hello and thanks for good package but I want to send some data from Step component to parent Component, how? I was thinking about $this->emit($my_data), but Step extended component does not support it. I want to pass some data to Parent livewire component to Step child component too, is it possible?

    opened by yassermohammad 1
  • Have problem emitting from Javascript inside a step back to the component

    Have problem emitting from Javascript inside a step back to the component

    I am working on a step where the user will be able to take a photo by using the camera. That is already working and the camera shows up and everything. BUT...

    window.livewire.emit('storePhoto', canvas.toDataURL());

    That line is doing nothing and it doesn't matter if I test

    this.Livewire.emit('storePhoto', canvas.toDataURL());


    Livewire.emit('storePhoto', canvas.toDataURL());

    Nothing happens and yes I have the protected $listeners setup and everything. Do you have any idea why I can't emit data to a function inside a step using the wizard?

    opened by andreaskviby 1
  • Call to undefined function Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\str()

    Call to undefined function Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\str()


    Currently getting an error whenever I attempt to input something into an input field with a wire:model="state.example". I get this error: Call to undefined function Vildanbina\LivewireWizard\str() and it points me to the vendor/vildanbina/livewire-wizard/src/WizardComponent.php page on line 129 where it has $name = str($name);. All I'm doing is using the wire model like I've shown above, and on my save function I have

    $model = $this-model;
    $model->example = $state['example'];

    and on my validation I'm doing this

    return [
            'state.example' => ['required']
            'state.example' => __('Example')

    This is creating a new model/entry so when using the wizard I've left it blank, e.g. <livewire:verify-wizard />.

    opened by CorySheppard 1
  • Add setModel on steps after reset + UI refactoring

    Add setModel on steps after reset + UI refactoring

    • Add setModel on steps after Wizard Instance resetForm
    • Fix step icon centering
    • Decrease the top padding of icons (useful if you must insert into another component like modals)
    • Footer Ui refactor and button labels translations
    • Errors alert below header
    opened by trippo 1
  • Cannot get value of fields in previous steps in the next step.

    Cannot get value of fields in previous steps in the next step.

    Hi, please...how can I get the value of fields in previous steps in the next step? Example: Step 1: input: name Step 2: input: email => (I want to display the name from step one on the page of step 2)

    opened by zeevx 1
  • WireUI Security Patch

    WireUI Security Patch

    As I write on Twitter, update your project to the latest version of the wireui to fix the security issue https://twitter.com/ph7jack/status/1525909343744434176

    opened by PH7-Jack 0
  • Image upload (WithFileUploads) function don't work with livewire-wizard

    Image upload (WithFileUploads) function don't work with livewire-wizard

    When i try to use the script In: Livewire wizardcomponent use Livewire\WithFileUploads; class CreateCampanha extends WizardComponent { use WithFileUploads; public $photo; ... Blade: ... <input type="file" wire:model="photo"> And in Step controller: ` public function save() { $this->validate([ 'photo' => 'image|max:1024', // 1MB Max ]);


    ` But when the send button is pressed it gives this error Call to a member function store() on null this error seems to inform that no file was selected in the input

    opened by luscalopez 0
Vildan Bina
Experienced Full Stack Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in PHP (Laravel), Javascript
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