Dynamic Laravel Livewire Bootstrap toasts.


Laravel Livewire Toasts

This package allows you to dynamically show Bootstrap toasts via Laravel Livewire components.



  • Bootstrap 5 must be installed via webpack first


Require the package:

composer require bastinald/laravel-livewire-toasts

Add the livewire:toasts component to your app layout view:

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

Require ../../vendor/bastinald/laravel-livewire-toasts/resources/js/toasts in your app javascript file:



Showing Toasts

Show a toast by emitting the showToast event with the color & message:

public function save()
    $validated = $this->validate();


    $this->emit('showToast', 'success', __('User Saved!'));

The color should be a Bootstrap color name .e.g success, danger, info.

Emitting Events

You can emit events inside your views:

<button type="button" wire:click="$emit('showToast', 'danger', 'Closing!')">
    {{ __('Close') }}

Or inside your components, just like any normal Livewire event:

public function save()

    // save the record

    $this->emit('showToast', 'info', __('Record Saved!'));

Publishing Assets

Custom Config

Customize the toasts configuration by publishing the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-livewire-toasts:config

Now you can easily change things like the hide delay and error message.

Custom View

Use your own toasts view by publishing the view file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-livewire-toasts:views

Now edit the view file inside resources/views/vendor/laravel-livewire-toasts. The package will use this view to render the component.

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