An advanced datatable component for Laravel Livewire.


Livewire Smart Table

An advanced, dynamic datatable component with pagination, sorting, and searching including json data.

Livewire Smart Table Demo


You can install the package via composer:

composer require tkaratug/livewire-smart-table


This package uses livewire/livewire ( under the hood.

It also uses Tailwind ( for base styling.

Please make sure you include both of these dependencies before using this component.


In order to use this component, you must create a new Livewire component that extends from LivewireSmartTable

You can use make:livewire to create a new component. For example.

php artisan make:livewire UserList

In the UserList class, instead of extending from the base Livewire Component class, extend from LivewireSmartTable class. Also, remove the render method. You'll have a class similar to this snippet.

In this class, you must define columns that you want to show in a table.

class UserList extends LivewireSmartTable
    $columns = [
        'id' => [
            'type' => 'string', // column type
            'name' => 'Id', // column header
            'class' => 'text-danger', // column class
        'name' => [
            'type' => 'string',
            'name' => 'Name',
        'email' => [
            'type' => 'string',
            'name' => 'E-Mail',

Keys of columns array must be the same as column names in database table or key of a json object.

To render the component in a view, just use the Livewire tag or include syntax.

<livewire:user-list :query="$query" />

$query must be instance of an Eloquent Collection.

For example, create a UserController class, select users to show in a table and pass them to a view file.

class UserController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $users = App\User::where('is_active', '=', true)->get();

        return view('users', ['users' => $users]);

Then in users.blade.php use Livewire tag and give users to query attribute.

<livewire:user-list :query="$users" />

Column Properties


It is used for showing data as string in HTML table.


It is used for showing data as link in HTML table.

In addition to type, you must define a url to redirect when clicked.

$columns = [
    'profile' => [
        'type' => 'link',
        'url' => '{id}/profile',
        'target' => '_blank'

It is also possible to give parameters to the URL. All you need to do is give the column name containing the data you want to pass to the url in curly braces.

Let's say you have a database table contains blog posts and each post has a slug. To show post titles in html table as a link, you need to define column as follows:

'title' => [
    'type' => 'link',
    'url' => '{slug}',

The component is smart enough to find the slug field of current record and give it to the url.


It is used for showing data from json columns. If you have a json column in your database table, you can show values from it in html table.

Let's say you have a json column named contact in your database table and contains address details in it.


To show just the city in html table, you need to define column as follows:

'city' => [
    'type' => 'json',
    'name' => 'City', // Text for column header
    'from' => 'contact', // field that contains json data in a db table
    'value' => '' // nested json value

It will find the json data from contact column, and take city value inside address key then show it on the table.


It is used for showing action links for each row in html table.

You need to give element and url keys for the html element of the link and url to redirect.

'actions' => [
    'type' => 'actions',
    'name' => 'Actions', // Text for column header
    'actions' => [
            'element' => '<button>View</button>',
            'url' => '{id}/profile'
            'element' => '<button>Edit</button>',
            'url' => '{id}/edit'

Publishing Views

You can also publish the view files to customize them.

All you need to do is running the following command. Then the views will be copied into /resources/views/vendor/livewire-smart-table directory.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-smart-table-views


composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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