This project is for developing an blog_api using laravel


Blog Api

A TDD implementation of a weblog RESTful API.
This project is a REST api implementation of my other project laravel with more features.


  • Post CRUD: a post can be created, read, updated and deleted.
  • Post comment CRUD: a post may have many comments which can be created, read, updated and deleted by the owner.
  • Post view: There is a table for saving every post view and its view count.
  • Category CRUD: a post must have a category which it can be created, read, updated and deleted.
  • Post bookmark: a user can bookmark many posts, and can view all bookmarked posts.
  • authentication: using laravel sanctum to implement authentication in the project.
  • Post Status: a post can be in drafted or published status, and published posts will be fetched in posts feed.
  • Post feed: a feed of all published posts.

technical features

  • Using Pest testing framework to implement the api in TDD style using more than 75 feature & unit test.
  • cleanup models using traits.
  • create a reusable system of traits for models to implement new eloquent relationships.
  • using custom laravel validation rules for required rules that are not present in laravel/core.
  • using form request classes to separate validation logic from controllers logic.
  • organize form request classes in App/Http/Requests folder in resource named folders for better codebase organization.
  • organize controllers in App/Http/Controllers folder in resource named folders for better codebase organization.
  • using integers to represent enum instead of storing an enum in the database.
  • using StatusManager classes to separate enum behaviour from other parts of the code.
  • using third-party libraries to implement authentication.
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  • Use redis for views

    Use redis for views

    In order to make the website more efficient and reduce the number of queries to the db, and also to enhance my own skills at using Redis as cache system, I have refactored posts view counting feature to have count to use redis and cache number of views for each post. And also to use redis to retrieve posts view count.

    opened by Noisyboy-9 0
  • v1.0(Sep 12, 2021)

    This is release marks the end of the project feature implementations. All new releases will have more refactors aimed for cleaner code OR better performance.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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