Blog Api
A TDD implementation of a weblog RESTful API.
This project is a REST api implementation of my other project laravel with more features.
- Post CRUD: a post can be created, read, updated and deleted.
- Post comment CRUD: a post may have many comments which can be created, read, updated and deleted by the owner.
- Post view: There is a table for saving every post view and its view count.
- Category CRUD: a post must have a category which it can be created, read, updated and deleted.
- Post bookmark: a user can bookmark many posts, and can view all bookmarked posts.
- authentication: using laravel sanctum to implement authentication in the project.
- Post Status: a post can be in drafted or published status, and published posts will be fetched in posts feed.
- Post feed: a feed of all published posts.
technical features
- Using Pest testing framework to implement the api in TDD style using more than 75 feature & unit test.
- cleanup models using traits.
- create a reusable system of traits for models to implement new eloquent relationships.
- using custom laravel validation rules for required rules that are not present in laravel/core.
- using form request classes to separate validation logic from controllers logic.
- organize form request classes in App/Http/Requests folder in resource named folders for better codebase organization.
- organize controllers in App/Http/Controllers folder in resource named folders for better codebase organization.
- using integers to represent enum instead of storing an enum in the database.
- using StatusManager classes to separate enum behaviour from other parts of the code.
- using third-party libraries to implement authentication.