Laravel + Livewire + Bootstrap 5 UI starter kit.
- Laravel 8
- Bootstrap 5 pre-configured
- Textarea autosize
- Floating input labels
- Dynamic Livewire modals
- FontAwesome icons
- Full auth scaffolding
- User avatars
- Automatic password hashing
- Automatic user timezones
- Automatic Livewire component routing
- Automatic model migrations
- Automatic model fillables from database columns
- Easy form data usage & validation
- Login rate limiting
- Honeypot & reCAPTCHA registration protection
- Password forgot & reset functionality
- Profile editing & password changing functionality
- Simple app versioning
- Logo, fav icon, & touch icons
- PWA capabilities via a manifest
- Commands for automatic migrations, making components & models
- Components for inputs, buttons, dropdowns, links, & more
Create a new Laravel app:
laravel new my-app
Configure .env
app, database, and mail values:
Require this package via composer:
composer require bastinald/ui
Run the ui:install
php artisan ui:install
Once installation is complete, you can visit your app URL and login, register, edit your profile, etc. Check out the app/Components
, app/Models
, and resources/views
folders to see some of the code that was generated for you.
Automatic Migrations
php artisan ui:migrate {--f} {--s} {--fs}
This will run the automatic migrations by comparing the migration
methods of your models to the current database table structures and apply any necessary changes. Use the --f
option for fresh, --s
for seed, or --fs
for both.
Making Components
php artisan ui:component {class} {--f}
This will generate a Livewire component. Use the --f
option to make a full-page component with automatic routing included via a route
Making Models
php artisan ui:model {class}
This will generate an Eloquent model including a migration
and definition
method for use with the ui:migrate
command. It also creates a factory for the model.
<x-ui::box col="5">
<p class="mb-0">You are logged in!</p>
A content box.
- the column width of the box (omit for full-width)slot
- can contain whatever you want
<x-ui::button action="login" label="Login" block/>
<x-ui::button :href="route('login')" label="Login" color="light"/>
<x-ui::button action="login" icon="sign-in-alt" size="lg"/>
A button.
- the Bootstrap button color (defaults toprimary
- the Bootstrap button size (acceptslg
- makes the button full-widthaction
- the Livewire action when the button is clickedicon
- the FontAwesome icon name for the button (e.g.cog
- the label for the button
<x-ui::check label="Remember me" data="remember"/>
A checkbox input. Use WithData
in your Livewire component for this.
- the Livewire data binding keylazy
- bind the data on changedefer
- bind the data on action (default)label
- the label for the checkbox
<x-ui::dropdown icon="link" label="A Dropdown">
<x-ui::dropdown-item action="doSomething" icon="check" label="Do Something"/>
<x-ui::dropdown-item :href="route('somewhere')" label="Go Somewhere"/>
A dropdown button.
- the Bootstrap button color (defaults toprimary
- the Bootstrap button size (acceptslg
- make the dropdown full-widthicon
- the FontAwesome icon name for the button (e.g.cog
- the label for the buttonslot
- should containdropdown-item
Dropdown Header
<x-ui::dropdown-header label="A Dropdown Header"/>
A dropdown header.
- the label for the header
Dropdown Item
<x-ui::dropdown-item action="doSomething" icon="check" label="Do Something"/>
<x-ui::dropdown-item :href="route('somewhere')" label="Go Somewhere"/>
A dropdown item.
- the Livewire action when the item is clickedicon
- the FontAwesome icon name for the item (e.g.cog
- the label for the item
<x-ui::image label="Avatar" data="avatar"/>
An image upload input. Use WithData
and WithFileUploads
in your Livewire component for this.
- the Livewire data binding keylabel
- the label for the input
<x-ui::input type="email" label="Email Address" data="email"/>
An input field. Use WithData
in your Livewire component for this.
- the Livewire data binding keyinstant
- bind the data on keyuplazy
- bind the data on changedebounce
- bind the data on debounce (ms)defer
- bind the data on action (default)label
- the label for the input
<x-ui::link :href="route('login')" label="Login to account"/>
<x-ui::link action="doSomething" label="Do something else"/>
A link.
- the Livewire action when the link is clickedicon
- the FontAwesome icon name for the link (e.g.cog
- the label for the link
Nav Dropdown
<x-ui::nav-dropdown icon="user">
<x-ui::dropdown-item action="$emit('showModal', 'auth.profile-edit')" label="Edit Profile"/>
<x-ui::dropdown-item action="$emit('showModal', 'auth.password-change')" label="Change Password"/>
<x-ui::dropdown-item :href="route('logout')" label="Logout"/>
A nav dropdown button.
- the FontAwesome icon name for the button (e.g.cog
- the label for the buttonslot
- should containdropdown-item
Nav Item
<x-ui::nav-item :href="route('login')" label="Login"/>
<x-ui::nav-item action="doSomething" icon="link"/>
A nav item button.
- the Livewire action when the button is clickedicon
- the FontAwesome icon name for the button (e.g.cog
- the label for the button
<x-ui::radio :options="['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']" data="color"/>
<x-ui::radio :options="['#ff0000' => 'Red', '#00ff00' => 'Green', '#0000ff' => 'Blue']" data="color"/>
<x-ui::radio :options="App\Models\User::pluck('name', 'id')->toArray()" data="user_id"/>
A radio input. Use WithData
in your Livewire component for this.
- an array of radio options ($value => $label
- the Livewire data binding keylazy
- bind the data on changedefer
- bind the data on action (default)
<x-ui::select :options="['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']" label="Color" data="color"/>
<x-ui::select :options="['#ff0000' => 'Red', '#00ff00' => 'Green', '#0000ff' => 'Blue']" label="Hex Color" data="hex_color"/>
<x-ui::select :options="App\Models\User::pluck('name', 'id')->toArray()" label="User ID" data="user_id"/>
A select input. Use WithData
in your Livewire component for this.
- an array of select options ($value => $label
- the Livewire data binding keylazy
- bind the data on changedefer
- bind the data on action (default)label
- the label for the select
<x-ui::textarea label="Biography" data="email"/>
An autosized textarea field. Use WithData
in your Livewire component for this.
- the Livewire data binding keyinstant
- bind the data on keyuplazy
- bind the data on changedebounce
- bind the data on debounce (ms)defer
- bind the data on action (default)label
- the label for the textarea
Dynamic Modals
Dynamic modals are Livewire components that are showed inside of modals dynamically when the showModal
event is emitted.
For example, the App\Components\Auth\PasswordChange
Livewire component:
namespace App\Components\Auth;
class PasswordChange extends Component
use WithData;
public function render()
return view('auth.password-change');
The auth.password-change
<h5>Change Password</h5>
<x-ui::input type="password" label="Current Password" data="current_password"/>
<x-ui::input type="password" label="New Password" data="password"/>
<x-ui::input type="password" label="Confirm New Password" data="password_confirmation"/>
<div class="d-flex gap-3">
<x-ui::button action="$emit('hideModal')" label="Cancel" color="secondary" block/>
<x-ui::button action="save" label="Save" block/>
Showing Modals
Show a component inside of a modal via it's Livewire class alias e.g. auth.password-change
<x-ui::dropdown-item action="$emit('showModal', 'auth.password-change')" label="Change Password"/>
You can also show modals via your Livewire components:
$this->emit('showModal', 'auth.password-change');
Hiding Modals
Hide the currently open modal by emitting the hideModal
<x-ui::button action="$emit('hideModal')" label="Cancel" color="secondary" block/>
Or, hide the modal via your Livewire components:
Modal Parameters
Pass parameters to your modal component mount
method the same way you would with regular Livewire components:
<x-ui::button action="$emit('showModal', 'edit-user', {{ $user->id }})" label="Edit User"/>
The mount method for your Livewire component would look something like this:
class EditUser extends Component
public $user;
public function mount(User $user)
$this->user = $user;
Notice how even automatic model binding works.
Sets an Eloquent model $fillable
to be equal to the model database table column names.
Automatically hashes an Eloquent model password
attribute if it is not empty and not already hashed.
Makes dealing with form data easier by adding a $data
array property to a Livewire component. This array is used by the package UI components such as inputs, selects, textarea's, etc.
Validating Data
use WithData;
public function rules()
return [
'email' => 'required|email',
'password' => 'required',
public function login()
The validateData
method validates current data.
Getting Data
$this->getData(['email', 'password']);
The getData
method gets data by its key. If the key is an array, it will return an array of all data with the given keys. Omit the key entirely to return an array of all current data. Dot notation for the key is supported.
Setting Data
$this->setData('email', $email);
Sets data using a key and value. If the key is an array, it will set data values per array key.
if ($this->hasUploadedData('avatar')) {
$avatar = $this->getData('avatar');
$path = $avatar->hashName('avatars');
Storage::put($path, Image::make($avatar)->fit(100)->encode());
$this->setData('avatar', $path);
Checks to see if the current data for a given key is an uploaded file. Be sure to use this alongside WithFileUploads