TailAdmin Inertia
It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream).
Setup Directions
npm install
composer install
- Change ENV file name from .env.example to .env
- Set database infos in the .env
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan key:generate
php artisan serve
npm run hot
Goto: http://localhost:8000 or your APP_URL (in the .ENV)
Admin Login Infos / Demo Account
- Demo: https://tailadmin.dev
- Email: admin@tailadmin.dev
- Password: admin
Featured :
- TailwindCSS
- Vue.js Laravel 8 - JetStream Inertia
- Every components are well documented
- Easy usability
- Simple and short code blocks
- A lot of customization options for every components
- Responsive, you can use with all devices
- Custom Auth Pages: Login, Register, Profile, Lock
- Unique Form Inputs: Repeatable Fields, Select(Rich Content) and Date
- Complately UI Kit
- Statistic Widgets for Summary or Small Data Windows
- It works with FontAwesome
Content Components :
- Alert (Radius options, any icon, 10 colors, timer and closeable)
- Avatar / Avatar Group for Team Lists (Positionable colorful indicators for notifications)
- Badge (18 colors, with extra value area, any icon and show/hide animation)
- Breadcrumb (2 Styles and optional extra action area)
- Buttons (18 colors, any icon, 3 sizes)
- Collapsible Content (Customizable header (icon, align and 9 colors))
- Dropdowns (10 colors and works with Inertia-Link)
- Lists (18 colors, any icon or photo, radis options and default selectable)
- Modals (Solid, Gradient and Light backgrounds, independent, works with forms)
- Pagination (18 colors, connectable every table/content type, custom range and activepage)
- Popovers (4 directions and 2 options (With Title/Without Title))
- Progress (Animation, duration control, 10 colors and custom height option)
- Tabs (2 styles and 10 colors)
- Table (Compatable with pagination component, button area (like add new), searchable, list count control, advanced search panel, custom content areas)
- Tooltips
Layout Components :
- AppLayout (Custom action buttons area, header-sub header control)
- Grid (Simple kit for content frames control)
- Content Card (Solid, Gradient and Light background, second content option and resizeable)
- Statistic Widgets (10 colors, value direction control, auto style with value and any icon/photo)
Form Components :
- Form Content (Pratical form area management component, extra buttons, crud actions' dynamic messages area and polished style)
- Form Section (Splited and identified blocks of form)
- Input Group (Simple form input management, label, error and others)
- HTML Inputs (With any icon, dynamic customizable)
- File Input
- Unique Checkbox Input (With any icon, 10 colors, radius options and dynamic)
- Unique Radio Button Input (With any icon, 10 colors, radius options and dynamic)
- Unique Text Area (Chracter counter, clear button, row count control)
- Unique Select and Multi Select (Independent, useable with rich content, searchable, clear button)
- Unique Repeatable Inputs (Inline editable, multiple field option, add/delete buttons)
- Date Input (Powered V-Calendar, date, date time, time and range with popup calendar)
🚀 We are going to make the big updates about app because this theme is using in our projects therefore the updates will be continuous
Partners and Sponsors
?? If you want to support us, you can send a mail to us via admin@tailadmin.dev
Major External Sources
Minor External Sources
Please see package.json
The TailAdmin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.