PHP CLI project to get an appointment from
In order to run this project, you need PHP > 7 and Composer, once you've downloaded the project you can execute
composer install
- Go to
- Open your dev tools (right click on the page -> Inspect) and go to the Network tab and select only XHR
- Fill the form with your data
- Request and enter the SMS code
- And Click on "Vacunarme en un centro masivo"
- On the Network tab (dev tools) you will see a request to "centers" []
From this request copy the Request headers and put it on the config/users.json file:
- x-token
- x-queue-token
- x-auth-token
- cip
You can add as many users as you want, but you need to do the previous process for each person that need an appointment
- config/users.json Users that need an appointment
- config/centers.php Centers that will be used to get the appointment, add more centers if you want to have more chances. For that you will need to know the ID of the center. You can see it during the iterations on the terminal. You will see a message like:
No centers available at the moment matching your criteria:
Sant Antoni de Calonge (50)
Now that we have everything, we are ready to run the script bin/vaccine.php
php bin/vaccine.php
The script will run forever until it finds an appointment for all users. The script is basically a periodic timer that's executed every 15s inside a ReactPHP loop