449 Repositories
PHP livewire-project Libraries
It is an open-source and free project, which is faced with the drawing lovers, providing a free and simple Gallery service
It is an open-source and free project, which is faced with the drawing lovers, providing a free and simple Gallery service
WIRECRUD 9 adalah aplikasi CRUD + Search sederhana yang dibuat menggukana Laravel 9 dan Livewire 2
WIRECRUD 9 adalah aplikasi CRUD + Search sederhana yang dibuat menggukana Laravel 9 dan Livewire 2. Demo bisa dilihat di YouTube Developow Terbuka jika ingin clone apliaksi sederhana ini untuk belajar, bisa ikuti cara-cara berikut ini.
🎲 This project provides an integration for the Doctrine ORM and the Hyperf framework
Hyperf 🤝 Doctrine This project provides an integration for the Doctrine ORM and the Hyperf framework. Install composer require leocavalcante/hyperf-d
An un-offical API wrapper for logsnag.com to get notifications and track your project events
An un-offical API wrapper for logsnag.com to get notifications and track your project events
An index of Laravel's cascading comments
Cascading Comments An index of Laravel's cascading comments. Visit the site at cascading-comments.sjorso.com. About This is a cascading comment: casca
A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for multi steps form
Livewire component that provides you with a wizard that supports multiple steps form while maintaining state.
WordPress Group Project: Resume Library
The user will also be able to generate it in PDF for his personal needs.
Anemone - an application that centralizes users' documentation queries
Anemone C. Sun, F. Imadegbelo, F. Johnston, T. Rowe, W. Zhai Anemone is an application that centralizes users' documentation queries. A user will be a
First SQL Project - HTML, Bootstrap, PHP enabling CRUD from web
DB-Project First SQL Project with HTML, Bootstrap, PHP enabling CRUD from web Java for mocking data, enabling .csv input Idea This model corresponds t
The Bureau Onbekende Zaken is a laravel project meant to compete with mainstream CMS applications and finetune to the specific needs of Bureau Onbekende Zaken.
The Bureau Onbekende Zaken is a laravel project meant to compete with mainstream CMS applications and finetune to the specific needs of Bureau Onbekende Zaken.
Twitter clone - This project is conducted for learning purposes only
Twitter clone - This project is conducted for learning purposes only
Simple CRUD + Search using Laravel 8 and Livewire 2
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A PHP project template with PHP 8.1, Laminas Framework and Doctrine
A PHP project template with PHP 8.1, Laminas Framework and Doctrine
Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack.
Fukigen Filament Starterpack Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack. Usually, many of us are confused about where to start a new p
kreatinc project (laravel graph Facebook api)
kreatinc project (laravel graph Facebook api)
PhpMetrics provides metrics about PHP project and classes, with beautiful and readable HTML report.
PhpMetrics provides metrics about PHP project and classes, with beautiful and readable HTML report.
Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project
AmiAirbrakeBundle Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project. Prerequisites Th
Integrate Paytm Payment gateway to php website.
paytm-integration-kit-project-for-PHP Integrate Paytm Payment gateway to php website. Copy PaytmKit folder in document root of your server (like /var/
This project backports features found in the latest PHP versions and provides compatibility layers for some extensions and functions
This project backports features found in the latest PHP versions and provides compatibility layers for some extensions and functions. It is intended to be used when portability across PHP versions and extensions is desired.
This package provides a set of factories to be used with containers using the PSR-11 standard for an easy Doctrine integration in a project
psr-container-doctrine: Doctrine Factories for PSR-11 Containers Doctrine factories for PSR-11 containers. This package provides a set of factories to
PHPProject is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different project management file formats
PHPProject PHPProject is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different project management file formats, i.e. Micr
A Multi User Chat Application With Laravel and Livewire
A Multi User Chat Application With Laravel and Livewire. where you can chat with multiple frinds at the same time. i build this with php Laravel and Livewire.
PHPoAuthLib provides oAuth support in PHP 7.2+ and is very easy to integrate with any project which requires an oAuth client.
PHPoAuthLib NOTE: I'm looking for someone who could help to maintain this package alongside me, just because I don't have a ton of time to devote to i
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
This is Fully Working Net Banking Project Developed in PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Net Banking Project in PHP In this project i have develop real world net-banking project. This project is a best simulator for banking learners Featur
A Laravel Admin Starter project with Page Builder, Roles, Impersonation, Analytics, Blog, News, Banners, FAQ, Testimonials and more
Laravel CMS Starter Project A Laravel CMS Starter project with AdminLTE theme and core features. Preview project here User: github@bpocallaghan.co.za
The SensioLabs DeprecationDetector runs a static code analysis against your project's source code to find usages of deprecated methods, classes and interfaces
SensioLabs DeprecationDetector CAUTION: This package is abandoned and will no longer receive any updates. The SensioLabs DeprecationDetector runs a st
The classic email sending library for PHP - this is my personal fork, please post issues on the upstream project
PHPMailer - A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP Build status: Class Features Probably the world's most popular code for sending
EvaOAuth provides a standard interface for OAuth1.0(a) / OAuth2.0 client authorization, it is easy to integrate with any PHP project by very few lines code.
EvaOAuth EvaOAuth provides a standard interface for OAuth1.0 / OAuth2.0 client authorization, it is easy to integrate with any PHP project by very few
This is Slim 3 API skeleton project for Composer
Slim 3 API skeleton This is Slim 3 API skeleton project for Composer. Project uses Zend Table Gateway and Phinx for database operations, Monolog for l
🐋 This project aims to broaden knowledge of system administration by using Docker: virtualizing several Docker images, creating them in a new personal virtual machine.
🐋 This project aims to broaden knowledge of system administration by using Docker: virtualizing several Docker images, creating them in a new personal virtual machine.
Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project
Gracili What is Gracili? Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project. Using this template can save you a lot of time. With t
The FileLocator library was created to provide file locating capabilities to a larger project
File Locator A simple file locator library. Summary The FileLocator library was created to provide file locating capabilities to a larger project. It
Add a general-purpose tools page to your Filament project. 🛠
Add a general-purpose tools page to your Filament project. Installation You can install the package via Composer: composer require ryangjchandler/fila
Project to emulate a pokedex of pokemon when we searh our favorite pokemon
POKEDEX Project to emulate a pokedex of pokemon when we searh our favorite pokemon and see its features, you can see the project here: ➡ Go to the pro
This mini project aims to design a set of APIs that manage transactions of a company
Introduction. This mini project aims to design a set of APIs that manage transactions of a company.Managing transactions include: creating transaction
An Online Movie Booking Website whose data is completely from a database
An Online Movie Booking Website whose data is completely from a database to ensure that it can be implemented in a real time scenario as any change of data needs to be done only in the database using SQL queries and the changes are immediately reflected.
This is a project demonstrates how to improve authoring experience Matrix Façades
About nystudio107/matrixfacades This is a project demonstrates how to improve authoring experience Matrix Façades Using nystudio107/matrixfacades Init
This pacakge provides an easy connection to the Open Brewery DB project for PHP and Laravel applications.
Laravel Openbrewerydb API This pacakge provides an easy connection to the Open Brewery DB project for PHP and Laravel applications. About Open Brewery
Project that aims to create a website for a gym, where the clients and employees can access their data, buy in the gym store and check the gym activities.
Gym_Management_Project Project that aims to create a website for a gym, where the clients and employees can access their data, buy in the gym store an
Site Web pour un site de conciergerie d'entreprise
DATE DE CREATION : 30 novembre 2021 • Développement d'un site Web pour une entreprise de conciergerie pour entreprise, une interface pour les dirigea
Full symfony website application cms + app all in one
Symfony Web App All in one cms website + Inventori Invoice Accounting Application A new modern web app with content management system for build websit
The idea of this package is using PHP Attribute in a laravel project
Laravel #[Annotation] Introduction PHP 8.0 release was a revolution for the language. It brings cool features like Named arguments, Attributes, Constr
Dispatcher is a Laravel artisan command scheduling tool used to schedule artisan commands within your project so you don't need to touch your crontab when deploying.
Dispatcher Dispatcher allows you to schedule your artisan commands within your Laravel project, eliminating the need to touch the crontab when deployi
EvaOAuth provides a standard interface for OAuth1.0(a) / OAuth2.0 client authorization, it is easy to integrate with any PHP project by very few lines code.
EvaOAuth EvaOAuth provides a standard interface for OAuth1.0 / OAuth2.0 client authorization, it is easy to integrate with any PHP project by very few
This project is a demo for Media-Upload package:
🖼️ Media-Upload-Demo This project is a demo for Media-Upload package: 💻 Installation guide As always you need to: composer install Then npm install
Magento 2 Italian Language Pack is special gift for Magento 2 Community Edition. The data of the translation is supplied by Magento 2 Translation Project of Crowdin site, on which you will contribute into the project and download the zip file to install on your own store. This knowledge base will include full of the clear guides that supports you to convert the default language (English) into Italian language on your entire store.
Magento 2 Italian Language Pack Magento 2 Italian Language Pack is a special gift for Magento 2 Community Edition. The data of the translation is supp
In order to use the Korean Language on your Magento 2 store, it is time to start with Magento 2 Korean Language Pack in the set of informative documentations by Mageplaza. Magento 2 Korean Language Package is published by Magento 2 Translation Project at Crowdin, so all phrases will be replaced by the Korean language according to the contribution to that project. Please following up the guides in this post to convert the language with ease!
Magento 2 Korean Language Pack In order to use the Korean Language on your Magento 2 store, it is time to start with Magento 2 Korean Language Pack in
Magento 2 Blog Extension is a better blog extension for Magento 2 platform. These include all useful features of Wordpress CMS
Magento 2 Blog extension FREE Magento 2 Better Blog by Mageplaza is integrated right into the Magento backend so you can manage your blog and your e-c
A Laravel 8 and Livewire 2 demo showing how to search and filter by tags, showing article and video counts for each tag (Polymorphic relationship)
Advanced search and filter with Laravel and Livewire A demo app using Laravel 8 and Livewire 2 showing how to implement a list of articles and tags, v
All about docker projects either from dockerfile or compose. Anyway, here the project is in the form of a service, for the programming language I will make it later
Docker Project by ItsArul Hey, yo guys okay, this time I made some projects from Docker. Anyway, this project is open source, for example, if you want
Improve default Magento 2 Import / Export features - cron jobs, CSV , XML , JSON , Excel
Improve default Magento 2 Import / Export features - cron jobs, CSV , XML , JSON , Excel , mapping of any format, Google Sheet, data and price modification, improved speed and a lot more!
LiqPay integration extension for Magento 2
LiqPay Extension for Magento 2 LiqPay payment integration extension for Magento 2. Check out the Wiki pages for the project details. Idea The idea of
A simple blog project based on a custom-created MVC framework using PHP & MySQL
A simple blog project based on a custom-created MVC framework using PHP & MySQL. That follows the Facade design pattern.
Proyecto Laravel-Livewire-Tailwind. Buscador de Gifs, Imágenes y Vídeos. Fuentes: Giphy y Pixabay.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This project processes a small database with php all on a web server. This project uses XAMPP to run the web server and the database.
PHP-introduction This project processes a small database with php all on a web server. This project uses XAMPP to run the web server and the database.
Aplicación Laravel-Livewire-Tailwind. La aplicación se conecta a APIRest y muestra resultados, búsquedas, historial, Responsive Design
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Utilizamos select2 con MySQL - Laravel 8 - livewire y jetstream
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Final Project of IS207 - Web Developent Application
Web-Social-Network Các công nghệ được sử dụng Front-end: HTML,CSS,Javascript. Back-end: PHP, MySQL. Yêu cầu và dướng dẫn sử dụng Yêu cầu Git Bash, Vis
langage interprété en php
lancer un programme php main.php nom du fichier mode et args du kea brut description mod arg1 arg2 agr3 arg4 afficher une variable A var comparaison
The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models through `spatie/laravel-permission`
Filament Shield The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models (more coming soon 😎 ) One Plugin to rule
Laravel & Google Drive Storage - Demo project with Laravel 6.x and earlier
Laravel & Google Drive Storage Demo project with Laravel 8.X Look at the commit history to see each of the steps I have taken to set this up. Set up t
This project has reached its end-of-life (EOL).
EOL Notice This project has reached its end-of-life (EOL). README Requirements The supported Magento version is 1.9.x Features ajax navigation using h
Chef-magento - Installs and Configures a Magento project
Description Requirements Chef 0.10.0 or higher required (for Chef environment use). Platform Debian, Ubuntu CentOS, Red Hat, Fedora Your basebox must
Sharkpay is a system to provide a full order/payment eco-system for your project.
sharkpay sharkpay is a PHP library which aims to provide a full order/payment eco-system for your projects. A form of plug-in & ready to go for E-Comm
Pat if amp - ⚡ A Textpattern Conditional Plugin for Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP)
pat_if_amp Download | Packagist AMP pages for Textpattern CMS. This conditional tag examines the URL of the current page and determines if the URL end
Webshell - This is a webshell open source project
webshell | English 这是一个webshell收集项目 送人玫瑰,手有余香,如果各位下载了本项目,也请您能提交shell 本项目涵盖各种常用脚本 如:asp,aspx,php,jsp,pl,py 如提交各种webshell,请勿更改名称和密码 注意:所有shell 本人不保证是否有后
Laravel-comments-livewire - Livewire components for the laravel-comments package
Associate comments and reactions with Eloquent models This package contains Livewire components to be used with the spatie/laravel-comments package. S
Roach-example-project - Example project to demonstrate how to use RoachPHP in a Laravel project.
Example repository to illustrate how to use roach-php/laravel in a Laravel app. Check app/Spiders/FussballdatenSpider.php for an example spider that c
PHP Project - Export your profile to vCard file
KamVCard PHP v1.00 Easy to have your own vCard file, fill in the form and hit the "Export" button UPDATE : Now you can add your picture too ! Preview
IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your website performance.
IMAGON API Demo Image Optimization and Compression API by IMAGON IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your web
Searches for multilingual phrases in Laravel project and automatically generates language files for you.
Laravel Lang Generator Searches for multilingual phrases in a Laravel project and automatically generates language files for you. You can search for n
A collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces, designed for humans.
Filament is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces, designed for humans. Packages Admin Panel • Documentation • De
A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire - For Slack access, visit:
A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for data tables. Bootstrap 4 Demo | Bootstrap 5 Demo | Tailwind Demo | Demo Repository Installation You can insta
Livewire UI components with tailwind base style
WireUI 📚 Documentation Wire UI is a library of components and resources to empower your Laravel and Livewire application development. Starting a new
Free and open-source Laravel admin dashboard interface built with Livewire & Alpine.js based on Bootstrap 5
Volt Dashboard Laravel Free Frontend Web App for Laravel with Livewire & Alpine.js Never start a development project from scratch again. We've partner
An issue tracking tool based on laravel+reactjs for small and medium-sized enterprises, open-source and free, similar to Jira.
ActionView English | 中文 An issue tracking tool based on php laravel-framework in back-end and reactjs+redux in front-end, it's similar to Jira. You co
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go
Pterodactyl Panel Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodac
Multi Auth and admin auth in Laravel Project
Laravel Multi Auth For Complete Documentation, visit Here This package is just create admin side (multi auth), which is totaly isolated from your norm
Easily add a full Laravel blog (with built in admin panel and public views) to your laravel project with this simple package.
Webdevetc BlogEtc - Complete Laravel Blog Package Quickly add a blog with admin panel to your existing Laravel project. It has everything included (ro
Laravel+Vue project
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Project C2 (Laravel 8.x) - Pemograman Web Service (Semester 5)
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
There are errors that I can't solve in this project, I'm waiting for your help!
Laravel-Basic-CMS There are errors that I can't solve in this project, I'm waiting for your help! Migration artisan komutlarını terminalde çalıştırıke
CPAY is a sdk that encapsulates the Orange Money api with an intuitive syntax allowing you to integrate the Orange Money payment into your PHP project.
CPAY CHOCO PAY is a sdk that encapsulates the Orange Money api with an intuitive syntax allowing you to integrate the Orange Money payment into your P
this is a semester project using Laravel, this app allow user to keep and shear their note with other users.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
GitScrum is a Project Management Tool, developed to help entrepreneurs, freelancers, managers, and teams Skyrocket their Productivity with the Agile methodology and Gamification.
What is GitScrum? GitScrum is a Project Management Tool, developed to help entrepreneurs, freelancers, managers, and teams Skyrocket their Productivit
A Web Artisan list of categorized OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS built with Laravel PHP Framework.
Laravel-Open-Source-Projects A Web Artisan list of categorized OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS built with Laravel PHP Framework. This repository includes a compr
DooTask is a lightweight open source online project task management tool that provides various document collaboration tools, online mind mapping, online flowcharting, project management, task distribution, instant IM, file management and other tools.
DooTask is a lightweight open source online project task management tool that provides various document collaboration tools, online mind mapping, online flowcharting, project management, task distribution, instant IM, file management and other tools.
Multipurpose Laravel and Livewire Application. This is a part of tutorial series on Youtube.
Multipurpose Laravel and Livewire Application This is a part of YouTube tutorial series on building application using Laravel and Livewire. Here is th
Collection of agnostic PHP Functions and helpers with zero dependencies to use as foundation in packages and other project
Collection of agnostic PHP Functions and helpers This package provides a lot of very usefull agnostic helpers to use as foundation in packages and oth
A list of all the Belgian stations and their properties used within the iRail project
All stations in Belgium We try to maintain a list of all the stations in Belgium using CSV so everyone can help to maintain it on github. Furthermore,
Livewire component that brings Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.
About Wire Elements Spotlight Wire Elements Spotlight is a Livewire component that provides Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel applic
⚡ PowerGrid generates Advanced Datatables using Laravel Livewire.
📚 Documentation | 🔥 Features | ⌨️ Get started Livewire ⚡ PowerGrid ⚡ PowerGrid creates modern, powerful and easy to customize Datatables based on La
Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining state.
About Wire Elements Modal Wire Elements Modal is a Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintai
Ghygen is a GitHub Actions configurator for your PHP / Laravel project.
Ghygen Ghygen is a GitHub actions Yaml Generator. Ghygen allows you creating your Yaml file for GitHub Actions, for Laravel/PHP web application, so yo
The completed blog demo project from Laravel 8 From Scratch.
Laravel From Scratch Blog Demo Project http://laravelfromscratch.com Installation First clone this repository, install the dependencies, and setup you
ergodnc (Ergonomic Desk & Coffee) is an open source Laravel project that's being built live on the official Laravel YouTube Channel
About This Project ergodnc (Ergonomic Desk & Coffee) is an open source Laravel project that's being built live on the official Laravel YouTube Channel
Apply rate limiters to Laravel Livewire actions.
This package allows you to apply rate limiters to Laravel Livewire actions. This is useful for throttling login attempts and other brute force attacks
Laravel 8, Livewire v2
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Extract and evolution of the magento2-currency-precision module from the magento2-jp project from @Magento
Currency Precision Module for Magento 2 This module aims to help merchants to manage easily their currency precision in Magento 2. DISCLAIMER Initiall