Roach-example-project - Example project to demonstrate how to use RoachPHP in a Laravel project.


Example repository to illustrate how to use roach-php/laravel in a Laravel app.

Check app/Spiders/FussballdatenSpider.php for an example spider that crawls yesterday’s football matches from and imports new ones into a SQLite database.

Set the LOG_CHANNEL to stdout in your .env file to have Roach log to stdout during a spider’s run.

Run php artisan scrape:fussballdaten to run the spider.

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  • Can't drop a request with RequestMiddlewareInterface

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    namespace App\Spiders;
    use App\Spiders\Processors\SaveJobToDatabaseProcessor;
    use App\Spiders\SpiderMiddleware\CheckJobAlreadyExistsMiddleware;
    use Generator;
    use RoachPHP\Downloader\Middleware\RequestDeduplicationMiddleware;
    use RoachPHP\Downloader\Middleware\UserAgentMiddleware;
    use RoachPHP\Extensions\LoggerExtension;
    use RoachPHP\Extensions\StatsCollectorExtension;
    use RoachPHP\Http\Response;
    use RoachPHP\Spider\BasicSpider;
    use RoachPHP\Spider\ParseResult;
    class Spider1 extends BasicSpider
        public array $startUrls = [
        public array $downloaderMiddleware = [
            [UserAgentMiddleware::class, ['userAgent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; RoachPHP/0.1.0)']],
        public array $spiderMiddleware = [
        public array $itemProcessors = [
        public array $extensions = [
        public int $concurrency = 2;
        public int $requestDelay = 1;
         * @return Generator<ParseResult>
        public function parse(Response $response): \Generator
            $title = $response->filter('h1')->text();
            $content = $response
                ->filter('main > div:nth-child(2) p:first-of-type')
            yield $this->item([
                'id' => '123456',
                'title' => $title,
                'content' => $content,
                'contract_type' => 'CDI',


    namespace App\Spiders\SpiderMiddleware;
    use App\Models\Job;
    use RoachPHP\Http\Request;
    use RoachPHP\Http\Response;
    use RoachPHP\Support\Configurable;
    use RoachPHP\Spider\Middleware\RequestMiddlewareInterface;
    class CheckJobAlreadyExistsMiddleware implements RequestMiddlewareInterface
        use Configurable;
        public function handleRequest(Request $request, Response $response): Request
            return $request->drop('This never happens');


    [2022-10-05 16:19:14] local.INFO: Run starting  
    [2022-10-05 16:19:14] local.INFO: Dispatching request {"uri":""} 
    [2022-10-05 16:19:15] local.INFO: Item scraped {"id":"123456","title":"Spiders","content":"Basic Concepts","contract_type":"CDI"} 
    [2022-10-05 16:19:15] local.INFO: Run statistics {"duration":"00:00:00","requests.sent":1,"requests.dropped":0,"items.scraped":1,"items.dropped":0} 
    [2022-10-05 16:19:15] local.INFO: Run finished

    As you can see, "requests.dropped" is 0 instead of 1

    Packages version

    laravel/framework v9.34.0 roach-php/core 1.1.1 roach-php/laravel 1.0.0

    opened by David-YesWeDev 1
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