A Oembed consumer library, that gives you information about urls. It helps you replace urls to youtube or vimeo for example, with their html embed code. It has advanced features like offline support, responsive embeds and caching support.


Embera - PHP Oembed consumer library

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Embera is an Oembed consumer library written in PHP. It takes urls from a text and queries the matching service for information about the media and embeds the resulting html. It supports +150 sites, such as Youtube, Twitter, Livestream, Dailymotion, Instagram, Vimeo and many many more.


Install the latest stable version with:

$ composer require mpratt/embera:~2.0

Standalone Installation (without Composer)

Download the latest release or clone this repository and include the Àutoloader.php file inside the Embera/src directory.

require '....../Autoloader.php';

use Embera\Embera;

$embera = new Embera();


  • PHP >= 7.0 (It should work on 5.6)
  • Curl or allow_url_fopen should be enabled

Basic Usage

The most common or basic example is this one:

use Embera\Embera;

$embera = new Embera();
echo $embera->autoEmbed('Hi! Have you seen this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J---aiyznGQ Its the best!');

The last example returns something like the following text:

Hi! Have you seen this video?
  allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
Its the best!

You can also inspect urls for their oembed data:

use Embera\Embera;

$embera = new Embera();

That will return something like this

    [https://vimeo.com/374131624] => Array
            [type] => video
            [version] => 1.0
            [provider_name] => Vimeo
            [provider_url] => https://vimeo.com/
            [title] => VACATION movie
            [author_name] => Andrey Kasay
            [author_url] => https://vimeo.com/andreykasay
            [is_plus] => 0
            [account_type] => basic
            [html] => <iframe src="......."></iframe>
            [width] => 426
            [height] => 240
            [duration] => 146
            [description] => Остросюжетное кино про жизнь
            [thumbnail_url] => https://i.vimeocdn.com/video/832478725_295x166.jpg
            [thumbnail_width] => 295
            [thumbnail_height] => 166
            [thumbnail_url_with_play_button] => https://i.vimeocdn.com/......Fcrawler_play.png
            [upload_date] => 2019-11-19 06:27:37
            [video_id] => 374131624
            [uri] => /videos/374131624
            [embera_using_fake_response] => 0
            [embera_provider_name] => Vimeo
    [https://www.flickr.com/photos/bees/8597283706/in/photostream] => Array
            [type] => photo
            [flickr_type] => photo
            [title] => Durumu
            [author_name] => ‮‭‬bees‬
            [author_url] => https://www.flickr.com/photos/bees/
            [width] => 1024
            [height] => 723
            [url] => https://live.staticflickr.com/8385/8597283706_7b51ea50b1_b.jpg
            [web_page] => https://www.flickr.com/photos/bees/8597283706/
            [thumbnail_url] => https://live.staticflickr.com/8385/8597283706_7b51ea50b1_q.jpg
            [thumbnail_width] => 150
            [thumbnail_height] => 150
            [web_page_short_url] => https://flic.kr/p/e6HjVq
            [license] => All Rights Reserved
            [license_id] => 0
            [html] => .........
            [version] => 1.0
            [cache_age] => 3600
            [provider_name] => Flickr
            [provider_url] => https://www.flickr.com/
            [embera_using_fake_response] => 0
            [embera_provider_name] => Flickr
            [html_alternative] => ........

The response data depends on the provider, each of them returns information about the consulted media, however this library always tries to provide an embeddable html key that can be used to embed the information on a html document.

This library has fake responses / Offline support which is a way of getting the html embeddable code without the need of querying the oembed provider. It also has caching support, provider collections, responsive embeds and many other features. You can find out more by reading the documentation below.


Migrating from version >= 1.9.x

The folder structure has changed, the library is now in the src folder and you can find an autoloader there if you are not using composer.

The configuration array has changed in order to make it simpler. Take a look at the Usage/Configuration instructions to update it.

The other major change is that the inspectUrlInfo() method is now called getUrlData(). The HtmlFormatter class does not exist anymore since the library allows now other type of templating.

Updating should be fairly easy, check the documentation.

Submitting bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub


Michael Pratt - [email protected] - http://www.michael-pratt.com See also the list of contributors which participated in this project.

If you like this library, it has been useful to you and want to support me, you can do it via paypal.

Support via PayPal


Embera is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

  • Custom Provider Parameters

    Custom Provider Parameters

    re: https://github.com/mpratt/Embera/blob/master/doc/07-advanced-usage.md#passing-custom-parameters-to-provider

    This doesn't work for Facebook/Instagram access_tokens. $config['instagram_access_token'] will not be seen by the Instagram provider. If I pass $config['access_token'] then both Facebook and Instagram work fine.

    It's unclear to me how best to fix this. access_token does need to be in $this->config but using instagram_access_token means it only appears in getParams() and the Instagram provider uses the legacy endpoint.

    I'd be happy to create a PR with a proposed fix, but perhaps you would more quickly know the best way to deal with this.

    opened by billtomczak 9
  • twiitter embed doesn't work

    twiitter embed doesn't work

    https://twitter.com/RalphGarman/status/362589356495605762/ Array ( [0] => 0: Invalid response for https://publish.twitter.com/oembed.json?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FRalphGarman%2Fstatus%2F362589356495605762 [1] => 0: Invalid response for https://publish.twitter.com/oembed.json?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FRalphGarman%2Fstatus%2F362589356495605762 )

    opened by chuja3 9
  • Ignore or modify links

    Ignore or modify links

    Hi, I guess oEmbed was invented to enhance user generated content. The big problem I have is that I'm getting a mix of plaintext and html. Plaintext is fine, but for example <a href="http://youtube.com/***">http://youtube.com/***</a> is getting messed up when parsed through Embara.

    There are several solutions I thought off:

    • Strip all links from my content (bad, there are links that are linking to non oembed sites)
    • Strip links from oEmbed sites (a bit bad, I had to maintain another list of regex's)
    • Embara could ignore links wrapped in html (in my opionion the best solution)
    • Embara could remove html from oEmbed site links and replace them with am embed code (good, but sometimes it could be important to keep a link as a link)

    Did you encountered such a problem and what did you do?

    Greets, Sören

    opened by pattyland 7
  • Improve code

    Improve code

    • [x] Tests improvements (use proper methods from php unit instead of php constructions and checks for true and false)
    • [x] Performance improved with using static for closures
    • [x] Optimize regular expressions (replace \w\d with just \w (because \w already include \d), remove excessive escaping, use character classes ([vl]) instead of or (v|l), remove i flag for patterns without alphabetical symbols)
    • [x] Remove obsolete imports
    • [x] Remove obsolete test
    • [x] Fix phpdoc in tests
    opened by vkhramtsov 6
  • How do I change embed to use https?

    How do I change embed to use https?

    Hi, I am trying to use this on a secure server, is it possible to change embed links to https? I see a function for it, just not sure how to use it.

    Thanks, Amir

    opened by amirshawn 6
  • (OLD) Road to Embera 2.0

    (OLD) Road to Embera 2.0

    I am starting to think about version 2.0 of this library. There are some areas of improvement and perhaps I might need to introduce some changes to the API that might break compatibility.

    As of now, the main points that I think are very important in order to release a 2.0 version are:

    • [ ] Reduce Class complexity.
    • [ ] Change the way the library handles custom Oembed Providers. In other words, make it simpler!
    • [ ] Expose an API that allows the user to modify the Oembed response directly.
    • [ ] Use Interfaces so that developers can change parts of the Library via dependency injection.
    • [ ] I am not happy with the configuration array, lets simplify it a bit
    • [ ] Lets get away from the Formatter Class and find another way to use "templates"

    Other stuff I've been thinking about that I'm not sure that should be implemented on Embera are:

    • [ ] A simple caching system (probably file based) for urls
    • [ ] A global (or per Provider) way to handle https embeds
    • [ ] Normalize the oembed responses (some providers reply with thumbnailWidth others with thumbnal_width :unamused: )
    • [ ] Add Embedly/NoEmbed/Iframely providers
    • [ ] Look into responsive embeds and the possibility to implement them on some providers

    We all know that PHP 5.3 is deprecated now (since August 2014), but I still plan on supporting it. Yeah, I know how it feels when you're stuck on a shitty environment without ways to upgrade.. I feel your pain too..

    I'm going to keep fixing bugs and adding providers to version 1.x.x. Version 2.0 should be available somewhere in february 2015.

    I will make a 2.0 branch available over the weekend in order to start playing.

    Feel free to comment and share your ideas/thoughts for this library.

    • Edit: grammar :(
    opened by mpratt 5
  • Facebook is problematic

    Facebook is problematic

    For posts, the height is too big and the result isn't responsive.

    For pages, a url like https://www.facebook.com/<USER> always seems to return the dreaded 'This Facebook post is no longer available'

    Videos seem to be okay and responsive, if not necessarily what might be desired.

    We've spent quite bit of time trying to figure out how to fix the height issues in posts with little success. The one thing that seems to make everything work better was to skip the modifyResponse() method entirely and unset the provider name. We have a subclass to do this:

    public function modifyResponse(array $response = [])
        return $response;

    Pages - now are accessible, if unresponsive and the height is correct Posts - no change other than the height problem is fixed, still not responsive Videos - The video is now fully embedded without the FB user/share links and still responsive

    I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around what the intent behind FaceBook::modifyResponse() code is. I assume the idea is to make the non-responsive response responsive. But it doesn't do that for posts and makes pages not work.

    For now our lame patch does what we need it to do, but it doesn't strike me as a particularly good fix.

    I'd be happy to work on a patch, but I'm unclear how to approach this.

    opened by billtomczak 4
  • Fix several issues

    Fix several issues

    • [x] Remove obsolete use statements
    • [x] Fix php docs
    • [x] Remove array usage where we can use simple compare
    • [x] Optimize some code
    • [x] Remove methods with same body as in parent
    opened by vkhramtsov 4
  • Specify provider(s)

    Specify provider(s)

    Thanks for this awesome library, The issue is, what if i want to specify specifec provider(s) for my request, so it will return if this url is from this provider or not before getting the data and then checking the provider name and stuff ? is this possible ?, or I need to do the filter for the url before using the embera class?


    opened by ayndev 4
  • added proper merging of deep associative arrays

    added proper merging of deep associative arrays

    The array_merge in the configuration doesn't correctly merge the deep associative array as it only merges the first level of the array. Thus when you miss out configuration options from the params config array you run into errors.

    So I've added a deep recursive merge function to correctly merge in the specified configuration options.

    There may be other places where there are incorrect deep merges and you may need to update accordingly.

    opened by buggedcom 4
  • fix: use current `__NAMESPACE__` instead of hardcoded string

    fix: use current `__NAMESPACE__` instead of hardcoded string

    | Q | A | ----------------- | ---------- | Bug fix? | yes | New feature? | no | BC breaks? | no
    | Need Doc update | no

    Describe your change

    Use the __NAMESPACE__ identifier to get the full qualified name for a class instead of a string.

    What problem is this fixing?

    I want to bundle this package within my WordPress plugin together with PHP-Scoper, unfortunately it does not scope a hardcoded namespace string.

    PHP-Scoper is a tool which essentially moves any body of code, including all dependencies such as vendor directories, to a new and distinct namespace.

    WIthout this changes, I get the following error:

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'Embera\\Provider\\TwentyThreeHq' not found in X/vendor/mpratt/embera/src/Embera/ProviderCollection/ProviderCollectionAdapter.php:89
    opened by matzeeable 3
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