& Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project

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API airbrake-bundle


Build Status Coding Style Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version SensioLabsInsight License & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project.


This version of the bundle requires Symfony 3.4+ and php 7.2+


Step 1: Download AmiAirbrakeBundle using composer

Add AmiAirbrakeBundle in your composer.json:

$ composer require aminin/airbrake-bundle

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Ami\AirbrakeBundle\AmiAirbrakeBundle(),

Step 3: Configure the AmiAirbrakeBundle

Add the following configuration to your config.yml file

# app/config/config.yml
    project_id:  YOUR-PROJECT-ID
    project_key: YOUR-API-KEY

Configuration reference

    # This parameter is required
    # For Errbit the exact value of project_id doesn't matter
    project_id: YOUR-PROJECT-ID

    # Omit this key if you need to enable/disable the bundle temporarily 
    # If not given, this bundle will ignore all exceptions and won't send any data to remote.
    project_key: YOUR-API-KEY

    # By default, it is set to
    # A host is a web address containing a scheme ("http" or "https"), a host and a port.
    # You can omit the scheme ("https" will be assumed) and the port (80 or 443 will be assumed).
    host: http://errbit.localhost:8000

    # You might want to ignore some exceptions such as http not found, access denied etc.
    # By default this bundle ignores all HttpException instances. (includes HttpNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException)
    # To log all exceptions leave this array empty.
    ignored_exceptions: ["Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException"]

  # You may modify these parameters at your own risk
  ami_airbrake.notifier.class: 'Airbrake\Notifier'
  ami_airbrake.exception_listener.class: 'Ami\AirbrakeBundle\EventListener\ExceptionListener'
  ami_airbrake.shutdown_listener.class: 'Ami\AirbrakeBundle\EventListener\ShutdownListener'


Once configured, bundle will automatically send exceptions/errors to airbrake server.

You may access the Notifier as ami_airbrake.notifier service

    /** @var ContainerInterface $container */
    $container->get('ami_airbrake.notifier')->addFilter(function ($notice) {
        $notice['context']['environment'] = 'production';
        return $notice;


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the Resources/meta/LICENSE


Airbrake API client:

  • Add possibility to add a filter

    Add possibility to add a filter

    I'd like to call the addFilter function of the Notifier API, but I don't see a way to get the notifier. Is it possible to add a functionality for this?

    opened by delx 3
  • Error for symfony 5.1.2

    Error for symfony 5.1.2

    Description: Installing this bundle in Symfony 5 errors out with You have requested a non-existent parameter "kernel.root_dir". Did you mean one of these: "kernel.project_dir", "kernel.cache_dir", "kernel.logs_dir"?

    How to reproduce: Install symfony the latest and then install this bundle

    Possible Solution:

    opened by cybervoid 1
  • - changed root variables

    - changed root variables

    • This PR fixes "You have requested a non-existent parameter "kernel.root_dir". Did you mean one of these: "kernel.project_dir", "kernel.cache_dir", "kernel.logs_dir"?" Error on Symfony5.0.8
    opened by cybervoid 1
  • Update


    I closed the previous Pull Request inadvertently.

    The PR motive is due to airbrake warnings with the version 0.1., where they explicitly request that it be updated to 0.2. in airbrake/phpbrake package.

    Is the only change.


    opened by davidjdr 1
  • Cant deactivate bundle if using explicit DependancyInjection

    Cant deactivate bundle if using explicit DependancyInjection

    I am running in to a problem when trying to follow latest Symfony standards and disable the Notifier for dev/test environments.

    I have a listener that grabs the service and adds context if the service is present. Up until recently I was inserting the container to this listener, checking if the Notifier was present and using it but as of Symfony 5.1 I'm getting this error

    The "ami_airbrake.notifier" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container was compiled. You should either make it public, or stop using the container directly and use dependency injection instead.

    If I switch to direct injection everything is happy until I disable the service by setting the airbrake key to null (as per the docs) the service is not loaded and the compile fails.

    I have worked around this problem this with my own services but substituting a Mock Service object instead of the real Notifier when in dev, I'd be happy to submit a PR that adds a NotifierInterface class that can be implemented by both real and Mock Services to make this possible if that'd be accepted or is there a more tidy solution?

    opened by benrcole 0
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