Laravel package to launch toast notifications.


Laravel package to launch toast notifications.

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This package provides assistance when using toast notifications. Using the iziTOAST package, which allows us to launch elegant and responsive notifications, having the facility to apply a number of configurations that you will find available on their official site .



Step 1: Composer

Run this command line in console.

composer require tonystore/livewire-notification

Step 2: Include component

Add the iziTOAST CDN styles and script, and the component containing the script to launch the notifications.

... @livewireScripts ... ... //INSERT COMPONENT //OR @component('livewire-notification::components.toast') @endcomponent ">
 "[email protected]/dist/css/iziToast.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />





    @component('livewire-notification::components.toast') @endcomponent

Publish Config File

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tonystore\LivewireNotification\LivewireNotificationProvider" --tag="config"

Default configuration


return [
    'toast' => [
        'title' => '', //Defaut Title
        'position' => 'topRight', //Defaut Position
        'timeout' => 3000, //Display Time
        'modal' => null, //Very important, it defines if an event is triggered to close a Bootstrap modal.


Now, in any Livewire component, you can launch notifications. To launch a notification you can choose between the different types available:

  • success
  • info
  • error
  • warning

Example 1

Launch a simple notification with a personalized message.

        'Example of notification.',

Example 2

Example of notification with modal event.

$this->alert('info','Example of notification with modal event', [
        'modal' => '#hideModal'

To use more configurations, you can check the documentation on their official site .

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  • Redirect Button on the notification

    Redirect Button on the notification

    Hello there,

    I was trying to create a simple redirect button on the notification and looking at the documentation of Toast this is not easy with the current package.

    I got it working localy by changing the package, I had this in mind:

    Livewire.on('success', function(alert) {
          if (alert.modal !== null) {
          iziToast.success(Object.assign({}, {
                  title: alert.options.title !== null &&
                  alert.options.title !== void 0 ? alert.options.title : '',
                  message: alert.message !== null &&
                  alert.message !== void 0 ? alert.message : '',
                  buttons: alert.options.redirect_button !== void 0 ? [
                      ['<button>' + alert.options.redirect_button.title + '</button>', function (instance, toast) {
                          window.location.href = alert.options.redirect_button.route;
                  ] : []

    This way u can add the following to the options:

    'options' => [
        'redirect_button' => [
            'route' => route('x', ['x' => $x]),
            'title' => 'x'

    This will result in a simple button that redirects u when clicked!

    If this is already possible with the current code, please let me know how, if not, maybe consider adding this to the repo?

    With kind regards, Kars Miesen

    opened by kmiesen 0
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