Laravel Subscribable Notifications


Laravel Subscribable Notifications

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This package allows you to subscribe your app Users to your app Notifications and dispatch them without specifying the recipient. The main goal of this package is allowing you to create "lists of recipients" for your Notification classes and dispatch notifications to your users easily.


Recently I've been developing back-office kind of apps where a group of users need to be notified via email for a particular event or scenario in the system. These users were being hardcoded in the app and sometimes they needed to subscribe or be removed from certain emails, depending on the job they were doing at the company. Since their emails were hardcoded, it was tricky to update the "subscribers" list to each mailable that was sent by the application. With that idea in mind, this package was created to allow configuring users to each mailable they need to receive.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require asantibanez/laravel-subscribable-notifications

Afterwards, export both the config and migrations by using the php artisan vendor:publish command.

Once the laravel-subscribable-notifications.php config file is exported, make sure you define your User model and your subscribable_notifications (more on this below). Only the notifications you configure will be available for subscription.


Using Laravel notifications system, you normally dispatch notifications using the Notification facade or via the User model notify() method when implementing the Notifiable trait.

Notification::send([$user1, $user2, $user3], new OrderShipped($order));

// or 
$notification = new OrderShipped($order);


With laravel-subscribable-notifications, you send the notification by "dispatching" it. Any subscribed user to the notification will receive it.


Preparing your Notifications

Notifications must implement the SubscribableNotification interface which will require to implement the following methods:

  • dispatch
  • subscribers
  • subscribableNotificationType

For these, add the DispatchesToSubscriber trait to your notification which will cover dispatch and subscribers. Lastly, implement subscribableNotificationType by providing a string that identifies your notification. This value will be saved in the database for your users subscriptions.

class SalesOrderApprovedNotification extends Notification implements SubscribableNotification
    use DispatchesToSubscribers;

    public static function subscribableNotificationType(): string
        return 'sales-order.approved';
    // notification implementation here

You must also add your notification to the subscribable_notifications array inside laravel-subscribable-notifications config. Registering your notification here will allow the package to know which notifications can be dispatched throughout this interface.

Subscribing/Unsubscribing Users

Under the hood, a notification_subscriptions table is used to track all user subscriptions to your notifications.

Using the NotificationSubscriptionManager facade, you can subscribe and unsubscribe users from notification using the subscribe and unsubscribe methods respectively. There's also a unsubscribeFromAll method to remove all subscription from a user.

Note: Your User model can implement the HasNotificationSubscriptions trait to get helper methods in order to know what subscriptions each user has been subscribed to.


The package register a new subscribable-notifications:manage command which you can run in your terminal and interact with the notification_subscriptions table. The command allows you to list/add/remove users from notifications you've defined in the laravel-subscribable-notifications config file.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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