106 Repositories
PHP url-handler Libraries
ThinkPHP6.0 exception 异常插件 安装 composer require tinywan/think-exception 配置 发布配置 php think tinywan:exception 这将自动生成 config/exception.php 配置文件。 配置异常类 a
A Laravel URL Shortener package that provides URL redirects with optionally protected URL password, URL expiration, open limits before expiration
A Laravel URL Shortener package that provides URL redirects with optionally protected URL password, URL expiration, open limits before expiration, ability to set feature activation dates, and click tracking out of the box for your Laravel applications.
UrlFactory help you to manage URL.
UrlFactory UrlFactory is a PHP package for working with URLs. Its offer you to best developer experience to manage and manipulate URLs. UrlFactory off
PSR-15 compatible middleware for Whoops, the pretty error handler
PSR-15 middleware for Whoops A PSR-15 compatible middleware for Whoops, the fantastic pretty error handler for PHP. Installation You can install the l
Personal PHP MySQL query handler based on Eloquent using PDO.
🐳 Equivoluent Welcome to "Equivoluent" my personal PHP MySQL query handler using PDO. Equivoluent is based on Laravel's Eloquent. The goal of "Equivo
Generate static map url for maptiler.com
PHP static maps url generator The package is used for static maps (images) URL generate. For now, it works only with maptiler.com. I welcome your comm
Syntax to query GraphQL through URL params, which grants a GraphQL API the capability to be cached on the server.
Field Query Syntax to query GraphQL through URL params, which grants a GraphQL API the capability to be cached on the server. Install Via Composer com
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
A helper method to generate absolute asset URL's to Vite assets
Laravel vite() helper method A super simple Laravel helper to fill the void that Laravel Mix left. Mix had a helper, aptly named mix() that would retu
Magento 2 module which can find potential url related problems in your catalog data
Url data integrity checker module for Magento 2 Purpose The purpose of this module is to give store owners of a Magento 2 shop insight into what url-r
A Redis-backed PHP session handler with optimistic locking
php-redis-session-abstract A Redis-based session handler with optimistic locking. Features: When a session's data size exceeds the compression thresho
A PHP SDK for the ScreenshotOne.com API to take screenshots of any URL
phpsdk An official Screenshot API client for PHP. It takes minutes to start taking screenshots. Just sign up to get access and secret keys, import the
Laravel package for manage your URL redirects in database or other sources to get better SEO results
Laravel 8 and 9 package to manage URL redirections inside your Laravel application using different data sources. It allows a better SEO support for your Laravel site.
Url's amigables en PHP
Phurl - Url's amigables en PHP Motor de url's amigables minimalista y sencillo de usar, crea tus vistas en Html plano. No es compatible con variables
PSR-15 middleware to use Whoops as error handler
middlewares/whoops Middleware to use Whoops as error handler. Requirements PHP = 7.2 A PSR-7 http library A PSR-15 middleware dispatcher Installation
Middleware to use FastRoute for handler discovery
middlewares/fast-route Middleware to use FastRoute for handler discovery. Requirements PHP = 7.2 A PSR-7 http library A PSR-15 middleware dispatcher
Create and validate signed URLs with a limited lifetime
This package can create URLs with a limited lifetime. This is done by adding an expiration date and a signature to the URL.
PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page.
Snappy Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopd
Error handler with PSR-7 support
Jasny Error Handler Error handler with PSR-7 support. Installation The Jasny Error Handler package is available on packagist. Install it using compose
Basic Authentication handler for the JSON API, used for development and debugging purposes
Basic Authentication handler This plugin adds Basic Authentication to a WordPress site. Note that this plugin requires sending your username and passw
A links dashboard which can be integrated via HTML into various other systems.
quickdash Newest QuickDash version. Combines the API and Client repositories. Requirements PHP version 7.4 - https://www.php.net/ Composer - https://g
PHP scraper for ZEE5 Live Streaming URL's Using The Channel ID and Direct Play Anywhere
It can scrape ZEE5 Live Streaming URL's Using The Channel ID and Direct Play Anywhere
Middleware to execute request handlers discovered by a router
middlewares/request-handler Middleware to execute request handlers discovered by a router.
Northwoods Lazy Middleware
Northwoods Lazy Middleware Lazy loading for PSR-15 middleware and request handlers that supports "just in time" instantiation using a PSR-11 container
Magento 2 extension. Solution for set Url of Category without Parent path.
Magento 2 extension. Solution for set Url of Category without Parent path.
A simple PHP library to parse and manipulate URLs
Url is a simple library to ease creating and managing Urls in PHP.
A Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking.
Cm_RedisSession A Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking. Features: Falls back to mysql handler if it can't connect to Redis.
Create CloudFront signed URLs in Laravel 6+
Easy to use Laravel 6+ wrapper around the official AWS PHP SDK which allows to sign URLs to access Private Content through CloudFront CDN
Shortener URL is simple web application to short your URL
Shortener URL is simple web application to short your URL. It will generate unique key, with the unique key it will redirect to the original URL.
Juliangut Slim Framework Doctrine handler middleware
Juliangut Slim Framework Doctrine handler middleware Doctrine handler middleware for Slim Framework. Slim3 version Doctrine integration service for Sl
A simple class that converts your URLs to link names ✨
CuteLinkNames A simple class that converts your URLs to link names ✨ 👀
A modern error handler capable of logging and formatting errors in a variety of ways.
BooBoo Quality Purpose An error handler for PHP that allows for the execution of handlers and formatters for viewing and managing errors in developmen
URL Shortener (Back-end & APIs)
About Mutt Mutt.ir is a cross-platform URL shortener project that is being developed open source. You can view the source of different platforms of th
PHP implementation of Nanoid, secure URL-friendly unique ID generator
Nanoid-php A tiny (179 bytes), secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator for JavaScript Safe. It uses cryptographically strong random APIs and gu
Composer install helper outsourcing sensitive keys from the package URL into environment variables
private-composer-installer This is a Composer plugin offering a way to reference private package URLs within composer.json and composer.lock. It outso
Create CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from PHP Composer projects
CycloneDX PHP Composer Plugin A plugin for PHP's Composer that generates Software Bill of Materials (SBoM) in CycloneDX format. Requirements The lates
Manage meta data based on URL path within your app.
Laravel SEO Manager This package provides simple functionality to manage SEO tags based on URL path within your Laravel application. You can put the U
Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404. This module saves all 404 url to a database table
Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404 This module saves all 404 urls to a database table. Adds an admin grid with 404s It includes a count so y
A super simple, clean and pretty error handler that replace the default error handler of PHP. You need only include this file!
php-custom-error-handler A super simple, clean and pretty error handler that replace the default error handler of PHP. You need just include only this
Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking
Cm_RedisSession A Redis-based session handler for Magento with optimistic locking. Features: Falls back to mysql handler if it can't connect to Redis.
AWS DynamoDB session handler for Magento (experimental!)
Magento Session Handler for AWS DynamoDB Author: Fabrizio Branca TODO: disable automatic gc create cron that does gc how does it keep track of lifetim
Unicode-url-for-Textpattern - Plugin for using unicode urls instead of transliterations to ASCII characters
Unicode-url-for-Textpattern Summary textpattern plugin wcz_utf8_url – uses UTF-8 permlinks instead of transliterated ones for SEO Features automatical
A full-featured Laravel package for aiding in Shopify App development
Laravel Shopify App A full-featured Laravel package for aiding in Shopify App development, similar to shopify_app for Rails. Works for Laravel 7 and u
URL shortener web application based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
UrlHub Warning: UrlHub is still in development, constantly being optimized and isn't still stable enough to be used in production environments. Whatev
A Laravel package to shorten urls
Laravel Short Url Laravel Short Url is a package allowing you to shorten urls. Installation With composer composer require gallib/laravel-short-url t
A modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener
🚡 A modern, minimalist, and lightweight URL shortener. Polr is an intrepid, self-hostable open-source link shortening web application with a robust A
The modern, privacy-aware URL Shortener built in PHP.
About UrlHum UrlHum is a modern, privacy-aware and fast URL Shortener built with PHP and the Laravel Framework. At the moment UrlHum is heavily under
Get the thumbnail of youtube and vimeo videos from the url. The returned information is ID and URL of the thumbnail
Video Thumbnail URL Get the thumbnail of youtube and vimeo videos from the url. The returned information is ID and URL of the thumbnail Installation I
590+ usernames in this dictionary! A list of reserved usernames to prevent url collision with resource paths.
590+ usernames in this dictionary! A list of reserved usernames to prevent url collision with resource paths. This repository hosts the list in multiple formats like JSON, CSV, SQL and plain text. You can use its just download its by wget.
SЁCU is a public API to store self-destructing data payloads with url shortener and handle anonymous chat-rooms.
SЁCU Introduction SЁCU is a public API to store self-destructing data payloads. This repository includes only backend part using Laravel framework. Fr
Send ping to search engine by Index now protocol.
Index now PHP protocol Easy to use protocol that websites can call to notify search engines whenever website contents on any URL is updated or created
urldecode'ing of all HTTP parameters in Lumen project
Request UrlDecode Description This package is intended to perform urldecode of all HTTP parameters in Lumen project. Lumen for some reason does not do
Obfuscate your data by generating reversible, non-sequential, URL-safe identifiers.
Laravel Hashid Laravel Hashid provides a unified API across various drivers such as Base62, Base64, Hashids and Optimus, with support for multiple con
Projeto em Laravel para práticar redis, cache e vue js
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
URL shortener web application based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
UrlHub Warning: UrlHub is still in development, constantly being optimized and isn't still stable enough to be used in production environments. Whatev
A full-featured Laravel package for aiding in Shopify App development
Laravel Shopify App A full-featured Laravel package for aiding in Shopify App development, similar to shopify_app for Rails. Works for Laravel 7 and u
Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
Project is not being maintained actively. You will most likely find a better more actively maintained fork here https://github.com/yajra/laravel-datat
URL - link shortener based on sqlite
link-url-shortener url - link shortener based on sqlite.
Laravel based API to shorten URLs and share them easily. Redirects to the real URL by entering a short URL generated by the API
URL Shortener Requirements: PHP 7.4 or above composer node / npm Installation clone the project from the Github repository, enter the project folder,
Yii Caching Library - Redis Handler
Yii Caching Library - Redis Handler This package provides the Redis handler and implements PSR-16 cache. Requirements PHP 7.4 or higher. Installation
API in PHP for DDoS Attacks (sends a command to a SSH Server from a URL)
SSH-PHP-API API in PHP for DDoS Attacks (sends a command to a SSH Server from a URL) [Install on Ubuntu 20.04: apt install apache2 php php-fpm php-ssh
Checking an arbitrary URL for Micro-Framework HLEB
Checking an arbitrary URL for Micro-Framework HLEB The class RouteFinder is not included in the original configuration of the framework HLEB, so it mu
Enables the possibility generating sanitized URL parts from persisted patterns.
#Persisted sanitized pattern mapping What does it do? Enables the possibility generating sanitized URL parts from persisted patterns. How does it work
Simple URL parser
urlparser Simple URL parser This is a simple URL parser, which returns an array of results from url of kind /module/controller/param1:value/param2:val
A simple PHP web backdoor allows you to retrieve directory/file contents and upload file(s) from the local machine or remote URL.
Simple PHP Web Backdoor A simple PHP web backdoor allows you to retrieve directory/file contents and upload file(s) from the local machine or remote U
A simple but powerful URL shortener
UrlShorter 这是一个足够简洁的Url短网址生成器 This is a simple Url shorter. 兼容性 在PHP7.X 与 PHP 8.0 下测试通过 安装 step 1: git clone git@github.com:soxft/UrlShorter.git step
It's authorization form, login button handler and login to your personal account, logout button
Authorization-form It's authorization form, login button handler and login to your personal account, logout button Each file is: header.php - html-fil
An easy and elegant way to generate gravatars 🖼
pH2Gravatar The simplest Gravatar PHP package An easy and elegant way to generate gravatar profile photos from email addresses 🪄 ⛏ Requirements PHP 7
This is a simple url bot validator made with laravel and react
🚀 This is a simple URL validator. Used Technologies React - Javascript framework Laravel - PHP framework Mysql - Relational database Installation Ins
Capture and monitor detailed error logs with nice dashboard and UI
Capture and monitor detailed error logs with nice dashboard and UI Requirements Check Laravel 6 requirements Check Laravel 7 requirements Installation
Create and validate signed URLs with a limited lifetime
THIS PACKAGE IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE. SIGNING URLS IS NOW PART OF LARAVEL: https://laravel-news.com/signed-routes Create secured URLs with a limited
A WordPress package for updating custom plugins and themes based on an API response from a custom update server.
WordPress Update Handler A WordPress package for updating custom plugins and themes based on an JSON REST API response from a custom update server. Ch
Simple wayback interface for archive.org.
Wayback machine API Simple wayback interface for archive.org. 📦 Installation & Basic Usage To install the package call Composer and execute the follo
Easily generate URLs to Minecraft avatars with the ability to switch between services
Minecraft Avatar URLs This library provides PHP utilities to generate URLs to Minecraft Avatars in different formats with the ability to easily change
It can Scrap ZEE5 Live Streaming URL's Using The Channel ID and Direct Play Anywhere
It can Scrap ZEE5 Live Streaming URL's Using The Channel ID and Direct Play Anywhere
Um encurtador de URL's gratuito e Open source. Torne suas URL's um tanto pequenas forma rápida e gratuita
Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application. This app
Boost the speed of Kirby by having content files of pages cached, with automatic unique ID, fast lookup and Tiny-URL.
🚀 Kirby3 Boost ⏱️ up to 3x faster content loading 🎣 fastest page lookup and resolution of relations Boost the speed of Kirby by having content files
Laravel URL Localization Manager - [ccTLD, sub-domain, sub-directory].
Laravel URL Localization - (ccTLD, sub-domain, sub-directory). with Simple & Easy Helpers. Afrikaans Akan shqip አማርኛ العربية հայերեն অসমীয়া azərbayca
A URL shortener with various other utilities, backed by a custom lightweight framework.
da.gd What is da.gd? da.gd is both a URL shortener and a collection of quick-info tools written in PHP. It allows you to use curl (or any http client)
Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project.
Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind.
🔗 Your Own URL Shortener
Your Own URL Shortener YOURLS is a set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run Your Own URL Shortener, on your server. You'll have full control over
PHP library allowing PDF generation or snapshot from an URL or an HTML page. Wrapper for Kozea/WeasyPrint
PhpWeasyPrint PhpWeasyPrint is a PHP library allowing PDF generation from an URL or an HTML page. It's a wrapper for WeasyPrint, a smart solution help
A PHP-based self-hosted URL shortener that can be used to serve shortened URLs under your own custom domain.
A PHP-based self-hosted URL shortener that can be used to serve shortened URLs under your own custom domain. Table of Contents Full documentation Dock
Eloquent Filter is a package for filter data of models by the query strings. Easy to use and fully dynamic.
Eloquent Filter Eloquent Filter adds custom filters to your Eloquent Models in Laravel. It's easy to use and fully dynamic. Table of Content Introduct
A laravel package for generating Bitly short URLs.
Laravel Bitly Package A laravel package for generating Bitly short URLs. For more information see Bitly Requirements Laravel 5.1 or later Installation
Use auto generated UUID slugs to identify and retrieve your Eloquent models.
Laravel Eloquent UUID slug Summary About Features Requirements Installation Examples Compatibility table Alternatives Tests About By default, when get
Simpler Url Shortener for Laravel
Laravel Url Shortener Install composer require magarrent/laravel-url-shortener Run migrations: php artisan migrate Configuration If you want to config
TinyFileManager is web based file manager and it is a simple, fast and small file manager with a single file, multi-language ready web application
TinyFileManager is web based file manager and it is a simple, fast and small file manager with a single file, multi-language ready web application for storing, uploading, editing and managing files and folders online via web browser. The Application runs on PHP 5.5+, It allows the creation of multiple users and each user can have its own directory and a build-in support for managing text files with cloud9 IDE and it supports syntax highlighting for over 150+ languages and over 35+ themes.
PhpRouter is a powerful, lightweight, and very fast HTTP URL router for PHP projects.
PhpRouter PhpRouter is a powerful, lightweight, and very fast HTTP URL router for PHP projects. Some of the provided features: Route parameters Predef
Divide / Split your WordPress Blog visitors into 4 links by using Re-skinning URL splitter
Re-skinning URL splitter Tool Divide / Split your Wordpress Blog visitors into 4 links by using Re-skinning URL splitter Re-skinning URL Splitter Feat
A fast and powerful URL Shortener built with Laravel, VueJS, and Tailwind CSS.
A fast and powerful URL Shortener built with Laravel, VueJS, and Tailwind CSS.
An open source image hosting service powered by Laravel
Limg An open source image hosting service powered by Laravel Features Upload your image via file, url or ShareX ! Manage your image (custom title, pub
Simple handler system used to power clients and servers in PHP (this project is no longer used in Guzzle 6+)
RingPHP Provides a simple API and specification that abstracts away the details of HTTP into a single PHP function. RingPHP be used to power HTTP clie
A simple URL shortener for PHP
Shorty Shorty is a simple URL shortener for PHP. Installation 1. Download and extract the files to your web directory. 2. Use the included database.sq
:aerial_tramway: A modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener
🚡 A modern, minimalist, and lightweight URL shortener. Polr is an intrepid, self-hostable open-source link shortening web application with a robust A
The Asset component manages URL generation and versioning of web assets such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files and image files.
Asset Component The Asset component manages URL generation and versioning of web assets such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files and image files. Res
:earth_asia: Functions for making sense out of URIs in PHP
sabre/uri sabre/uri is a lightweight library that provides several functions for working with URIs, staying true to the rules of RFC3986. Partially in
Purl is a simple Object Oriented URL manipulation library for PHP 7.2+
Purl Purl is a simple Object Oriented URL manipulation library for PHP 7.2+ Installation The suggested installation method is via composer: composer r
PHP library to parse urls from string input
Url highlight - PHP library to parse URLs from string input. Works with complex URLs, edge cases and encoded input. Features: Replace URLs in string b
A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library that converts non-ascii characters for use in URLs.
URLify for PHP A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library, started as a PHP port of URLify.js from the Django project. Handles symbols from