Um encurtador de URL's gratuito e Open source. Torne suas URL's um tanto pequenas forma rápida e gratuita


Slim Framework 4 Skeleton Application

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Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 4 application. This application uses the latest Slim 4 with Slim PSR-7 implementation and PHP-DI container implementation. It also uses the Monolog logger.

This skeleton application was built for Composer. This makes setting up a new Slim Framework application quick and easy.

Install the Application

Run this command from the directory in which you want to install your new Slim Framework application.

composer create-project slim/slim-skeleton [my-app-name]

Replace [my-app-name] with the desired directory name for your new application. You'll want to:

  • Point your virtual host document root to your new application's public/ directory.
  • Ensure logs/ is web writable.

To run the application in development, you can run these commands

cd [my-app-name]
composer start

Or you can use docker-compose to run the app with docker, so you can run these commands:

cd [my-app-name]
docker-compose up -d

After that, open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Run this command in the application directory to run the test suite

composer test

That's it! Now go build something cool.

  • Install and setup Phinx

    Install and setup Phinx

    Install tool to make it easier version database. It's necessary create the migration scripts to tables urls and url_logs;

    Follow the table structure:

    Url Table

    create table urls
        id             binary(16)                                 not null,
        uuid           varchar(36)                                not null,
        user_id        binary(16)                                 null,
        long_url       longtext                                   not null,
        short_url_path varchar(15)                                not null,
        type           enum ('RANDOM', 'CUSTOM') default 'RANDOM' not null,
        economy_rate   decimal(10, 2)            default 0.00     not null,
        meta           json                                       null,
        created_at     timestamp                                  not null,
        constraint urls_id_uindex
            unique (id),
        constraint urls_short_url_path_uindex
            unique (short_url_path),
        constraint urls_uuid_uindex
            unique (uuid)
    alter table urls
        add primary key (id);

    Url Logs Table

    create table urls_logs
        id         binary(16)  not null,
        uuid       varchar(36) not null,
        url_id     binary(16)  not null,
        created_at timestamp   not null,
        meta       json        null,
        constraint urls_logs_id_uindex
            unique (id),
        constraint urls_logs_uuid_uindex
            unique (uuid),
        constraint fk_urls_logs_url_id
            foreign key (url_id) references urls (id)
                on update cascade on delete cascade
    alter table urls_logs
        add primary key (id);

    These are the procedures to make it easy to convert UUID to Binary and vice versa:


    CREATE DEFINER=`smll_main`@`%.%.%.%` FUNCTION `smll_main`.`BIN_TO_UUID`(b BINARY(16)) RETURNS char(36) CHARSET latin1
        DECLARE hexStr CHAR(32);
        SET hexStr = HEX(b);
            SUBSTR(hexStr, 1, 8), '-',
            SUBSTR(hexStr, 9, 4), '-',
            SUBSTR(hexStr, 13, 4), '-',
            SUBSTR(hexStr, 17, 4), '-',
            SUBSTR(hexStr, 21)


    CREATE DEFINER=`smll_main`@`%.%.%.%` FUNCTION `smll_main`.`UUID_TO_BIN`(uuid CHAR(36)) RETURNS binary(16)
    RETURN UNHEX(REPLACE(uuid, '-', ''));
    feature hacktoberfest 
    opened by dersonsena 2
  • Issue #14 - Adding Phinx as migration manager

    Issue #14 - Adding Phinx as migration manager

    • To create a new migration: docker exec -it smallish-app vendor/bin/phinx create <MyNewMigration>
    • To run all migrations: docker exec -it smallish-app vendor/bin/phinx migrate -e <environment> (all environments are configured in phinx.php file on root folder)
    • To rollback all migrations: docker exec -it smallish-app vendor/bin/phinx rollback -e <environment> -t 0

    To check more commands available, you can visit the Phinx documentation:

    opened by lucascavalcante 1
  • Arrange Project Error Handler

    Arrange Project Error Handler

    • Exception classes organization
    • Add the when requests are via template
    • Add the convention to async request (REST)
    feature hacktoberfest 
    opened by dersonsena 0
  • Basic metrics to URL

    Basic metrics to URL

    If the user adds the + sign at the end of the shortened URL (https://.../abcde**+**) the user should be redirected to a page and show basic shortened URL metrics: total clicks, origin and last ten clicks informations

    feature hacktoberfest 
    opened by dersonsena 0
  • Notification when Url is not clicked

    Notification when Url is not clicked

    When the URL is linked to a user and it has not been clicked within a certain time, send a reminder via email and/or browser notification.

    It should have a setting of 3 days by default, but the user who owns the URL can change it at any time.

    feature hacktoberfest 
    opened by dersonsena 0
  • Report URL

    Report URL

    Creation of a page so that any user can report a link that does not comply with the project's policies and terms. It's very important that the page has a captcha verification, something like the follow image:


    feature hacktoberfest 
    opened by dersonsena 0
  • Browser plugin

    Browser plugin

    Creation of a plugin for Firefox and Chrome browsers. The idea would be to give the user the possibility to shorten a URL when the user selects a URL on some page and the plugin can quickly and easily create a shortened URL

    feature hacktoberfest 
    opened by dersonsena 0
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