PHP 7+ Payment processing library. It offers everything you need to work with payments: Credit card & offsite purchasing, subscriptions, payouts etc. - provided by Forma-Pro


Supporting Payum

Payum is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of community and our customers. If you'd like to join them, please consider:


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Reduce Your Development Time with Payum integrating more than 50 payment services simultaneously. Payum is one of the most popular bug-free solution that has over 1 000 000 downloads already. It is friendly for all top PHP frameworks and was successfully installed and tested by thousands of developers worldwide


Developed by Forma-Pro

Forma-Pro is a full stack development company which interests also spread to open source development. Being a team of strong professionals we have an aim an ability to help community by developing cutting edge solutions in the areas of e-commerce, docker & microservice oriented architecture where we have accumulated a huge many-years experience. Our main specialization is Symfony framework based solution, but we are always looking to the technologies that allow us to do our job the best way. We are committed to creating solutions that revolutionize the way how things are developed in aspects of architecture & scalability.

If you have any questions and inquires about our open source development, this product particularly or any other matter feel free to contact at


Payum is released under the MIT License.

  • Is Payum abandoned?

    Is Payum abandoned?

    It's two months since last activity from maintainers. Last merged PRs felt like they were not reviewed at all. There are critical bugs in latest versions. Seeing no activity from maintainers made me reluctant from working on PRs to fix bugs.

    Does anybody know what is happening? I wrote email to makasim month ago but got no response. Are there alternatives to Payum? I know only about Omnipay, but it does not have integration for Symfony.

    I use only about 8 custom Payum gateways for local market. Using Payum for long time I've found that Payum is far from perfect. Maybe it's time to develop an alternative?

    opened by Tetragramat 26
  • Explain the overall principle of the library in the docs

    Explain the overall principle of the library in the docs

    I'd suggest to add a new chapter to , right above "Get it started", which explains how the entire libraray works in principle. I'd be willing to start it. Here are some questions which I haven't figured out myself yet:

    1. What's the purpose of the Token? Is this going to be the "confirmation URL" for the payment provider?
    2. Why is the Token in a separate entity at all? Why is there no relationship (foreign key) to the Payment?
    3. After setting up the order/payment (see ), why is the user being redirected twice (see )?
    4. If I have 3 payment methods, will I get a separate database table for each or just one for everything?
    5. Database: I see two entities, payment and payment_token. Is that it or is there more to come?
    6. The payment is (more or less) the order. Is there a reason why you didn't call it "order"? Does it make sense to have a separate entity order?
    7. Is it possible to add columns to payment and payment_token? If yes: how? If no: What's the suggested way to achieve that?
    8. ~~Why aren't the colums for those two tables created at , but rather automagically under the hood? Is this magic different between the bundles and/or gateways?~~
    9. Since the order/payment gets persisted upon creation, how can I see in the database which payments actually got confimed?
    10. I think the entities in the database get modified during the process, right? What gets changed when?

    EDIT: For my own overview, I'm adding ~~strikethough~~ for finished questions.

    opened by ThomasLandauer 20
  • Paypal and TLSv1

    Paypal and TLSv1

    Hi one question... I have seen the changes on have been incorporated into the main repo. But as far I can see it has not been integrated payum/paypal-express-checkout-nvp So how do I go about making paypal work again?

    Thank you for any help. sergio

    opened by smarques 20
  • Sagepay gateway support request

    Sagepay gateway support request

    Hi All!!!

    As you know sylius payment is based on the top of payum library and bundle. In one of my projects based on Sylius i need sagepay gateway support. Sagepay is available in payum via omnipay bridge but: at first it uses previous version of sagepay's api and second it is like exclusion of all omnipay's implementations of gateways. I was discussing my problem in sylius repo with @makasim and we came to that the best way out of my problem is implementaion of own Payum's sagepay api and factory and bundle.

    Now time's I need only sage's onsite payment api, so I will implement only this type.

    My questions are:

    • What is the best way for implementation of new gateway for Payum:
    • Should I use standard project's namespace or not?
    • Should I pull it to payum's repo or you will do it yourself when the library would be fully functional and tested?
    • If so, where exactly I have to pull it?
    opened by a2xchip 20
  • Failed PayPal IPN because session has expired

    Failed PayPal IPN because session has expired

    I got the following error in one of my payment, after it received an IPN notification.

    This Express Checkout session has expired. Token value is no longer valid.

    This payment was under review when customer finish checkout. The payment received two IPN, the first one was received right after customer checkout, the other one was received two days later, and it was an error in Payum. I guess the second IPN was supposed to notify Payum the payment has been completed.

    Does Payum always try to retrieve payment details from PayPal server, instead of reading it from the IPN directly?

    Did we forgot to renew the token after received IPN?

    Array (
    [state] => failed
    [details] => Array
            [RETURNURL] => http://xxx
            [CANCELURL] => http://xxx
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL] => http://xxx
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INVNUM] => xxx
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT] => 539.70
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT] => 539.70
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0] => Black Spirit T-Shirt
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0] => 25.20
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0] => 1
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME1] => Multicolor Print High Desert Raglan T-Shirt
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT1] => 34.20
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY1] => 1
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME2] => White Nico T-Shirt
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT2] => 53.10
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY2] => 1
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME3] => Wine Para Pant
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT3] => 98.10
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY3] => 1
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME4] => Black/Black Boy Globe Star Sweater
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT4] => 89.10
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY4] => 1
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME5] => Multicolor Print High Desert Cargo Shorts
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT5] => 72.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY5] => 1
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME6] => CLOT CLOT x BWGH Black Molano Shirt - M
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT6] => 144.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY6] => 1
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME7] => Shipping Total
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT7] => 24.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY7] => 1
            [LANDINGPAGE] => Billing
            [TOKEN] => EC-4YC754397X6151219
            [TIMESTAMP] => 2014-04-18T02:29:12Z
            [CORRELATIONID] => xxx
            [ACK] => Failure
            [VERSION] => 65.1
            [BUILD] => 10567876
            [CHECKOUTSTATUS] => PaymentActionCompleted
            [EMAIL] =>
            [PAYERID] => xxx
            [PAYERSTATUS] => unverified
            [FIRSTNAME] => Junliang
            [LASTNAME] => Chen
            [COUNTRYCODE] => US
            [SHIPTONAME] => xxx
            [SHIPTOSTREET] => xxx
            [SHIPTOSTREET2] => xxx
            [SHIPTOCITY] => Philadelphia
            [SHIPTOSTATE] => PA
            [SHIPTOZIP] => 19131
            [SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME] => United States
            [ADDRESSSTATUS] => Confirmed
            [CURRENCYCODE] => USD
            [AMT] => 539.70
            [ITEMAMT] => 539.70
            [SHIPPINGAMT] => 0.00
            [HANDLINGAMT] => 0.00
            [TAXAMT] => 0.00
            [INVNUM] => 83480
            [NOTIFYURL] => xxx
            [INSURANCEAMT] => 0.00
            [SHIPDISCAMT] => 0.00
            [L_NAME0] => Black Spirit T-Shirt
            [L_NAME1] => Multicolor Print High Desert Raglan T-Shirt
            [L_NAME2] => White Nico T-Shirt
            [L_NAME3] => Wine Para Pant
            [L_NAME4] => Black/Black Boy Globe Star Sweater
            [L_NAME5] => Multicolor Print High Desert Cargo Shorts
            [L_NAME6] => CLOT CLOT x BWGH Black Molano Shirt - M
            [L_NAME7] => Shipping Total
            [L_QTY0] => 1
            [L_QTY1] => 1
            [L_QTY2] => 1
            [L_QTY3] => 1
            [L_QTY4] => 1
            [L_QTY5] => 1
            [L_QTY6] => 1
            [L_QTY7] => 1
            [L_TAXAMT0] => 0.00
            [L_TAXAMT1] => 0.00
            [L_TAXAMT2] => 0.00
            [L_TAXAMT3] => 0.00
            [L_TAXAMT4] => 0.00
            [L_TAXAMT5] => 0.00
            [L_TAXAMT6] => 0.00
            [L_TAXAMT7] => 0.00
            [L_AMT0] => 25.20
            [L_AMT1] => 34.20
            [L_AMT2] => 53.10
            [L_AMT3] => 98.10
            [L_AMT4] => 89.10
            [L_AMT5] => 72.00
            [L_AMT6] => 144.00
            [L_AMT7] => 24.00
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMLENGTHVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMWIDTHVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPPINGAMT] => 0.00
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_HANDLINGAMT] => 0.00
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPDISCAMT] => 0.00
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTONAME] => xxx
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOCITY] => xxx
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOZIP] => 19131
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ADDRESSSTATUS] => Confirmed
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT0] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT1] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT2] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT3] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT4] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT5] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT6] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT7] => 0.00
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMLENGTHVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMWIDTHVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE0] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE1] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE2] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE3] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE4] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE5] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE6] => 0.00000
            [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMHEIGHTVALUE7] => 0.00000
            [INSURANCEOPTIONSELECTED] => false
            [SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT] => false
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID] => xxx
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTTYPE] => instant
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_ORDERTIME] => 2014-04-17T02:20:09Z
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT] => 539.70
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_FEEAMT] => 15.95
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_TAXAMT] => 0.00
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS] => Pending
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_PENDINGREASON] => paymentreview
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_REASONCODE] => None
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_ERRORCODE] => 0
            [PAYMENTINFO_0_ACK] => Success
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTTYPE] => instant
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ORDERTIME] => 2014-04-17T02:20:10Z
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_FEEAMT] => 15.95
            [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PENDINGREASON] => paymentreview
            [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10411
            [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => This Express Checkout session has expired.
            [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This Express Checkout session has expired. Token value is no longer valid.
            [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error

    (please note that the array above are mix with pervious payment details... you know how Doctrine Loggable works...)

    opened by kayue 18
  • Paypal Masspay capture.php script

    Paypal Masspay capture.php script

    Can't figure out what script should I use after getting $payoutToken in

    according to general documentation it should be capture.php script like here

    Tried to implement it but not sure what to do exactly to make it work. Please point me

    opened by vdomah 17
  • Unable to redirect to capture.php after prepare.php is rendered

    Unable to redirect to capture.php after prepare.php is rendered

    I am trying to implement PayPal Express Checkout using Payum and I am stuck at an error "The page isn’t redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." when I try to open prepare.php . screenshot from 2016-11-07 13-23-18

    Below is my prepare and capture script.

    // prepare.php
    include_once 'config.php';
    $gatewayName = 'paypal_express_checkout';
    $storage = $payum->getStorage($paymentClass);
    $payment = $storage->create();
      // put here any fields in a gateway format.
      // for example if you use Paypal ExpressCheckout you can define a description of the first item:
      // 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0' => 'A desc',
    $captureToken = $payum->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken('paypal_express_checkout', $payment, 'done.php');
    header("Location: ".$captureToken->getTargetUrl());
    include_once 'config.php';
    use Payum\Core\Reply\HttpPostRedirect;
    use Payum\Core\Reply\HttpRedirect;
    use Payum\Core\Request\Capture;
    use Payum\Core\Security\TokenInterface;
    $token = $payum->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($_REQUEST);
    $gateway = $payum->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());
    if ($reply = $gateway->execute(new Capture($token), true)) {
        if ($reply instanceof HttpRedirect) {
            header("Location: ".$reply->getUrl());
        if ($reply instanceof HttpPostRedirect) {
        throw new \LogicException('Unsupported reply', null, $reply);
    header("Location: ".$token->getAfterUrl());
    bug Has PR 
    opened by iadityakumar 16
  • paypal recurring payments

    paypal recurring payments


    I'm following the docs for implementing paypal recurring payments and I'm getting that after creating the recurring payment profile and call sync action I always get a "pending" status.

    I see on sandbox paypal page that the payment is made a few seconds after I get the payment state, so my backend didn't know that the payment was finally successful.

    is there any way to solve this?

    Thank you for the help in advance

    opened by frechina 15
  • Don't make PHP output useless warnings

    Don't make PHP output useless warnings

    This line here is making PHP try to include the class for which is checking. See example output:

    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Warning:  include(/home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ on line 438
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Stack trace:
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   1. {main}() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   2. YiiBase::createWebApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   3. YiiBase::createApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   4. CApplication->__construct() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   5. require() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   6. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   7. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   8. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   9. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGeneric() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  10. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGenericPaths() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  11. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::guessViewsPath() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  12. class_exists() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  13. spl_autoload_call() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  14. YiiBase::autoload() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Warning:  include(): Failed opening '/home/alexandernst/Proyectos/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ on line 438
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Stack trace:
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   1. {main}() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   2. YiiBase::createWebApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   3. YiiBase::createApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   4. CApplication->__construct() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   5. require() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   6. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   7. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   8. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   9. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGeneric() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  10. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGenericPaths() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  11. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::guessViewsPath() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  12. class_exists() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  13. spl_autoload_call() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  14. YiiBase::autoload() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Warning:  include(/home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ on line 438
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Stack trace:
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   1. {main}() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   2. YiiBase::createWebApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   3. YiiBase::createApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   4. CApplication->__construct() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   5. require() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   6. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   7. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   8. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   9. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGeneric() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  10. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGenericPaths() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  11. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::guessViewsPath() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  12. class_exists() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  13. spl_autoload_call() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  14. YiiBase::autoload() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Warning:  include(): Failed opening '/home/alexandernst/Proyectos/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ on line 438
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Stack trace:
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   1. {main}() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   2. YiiBase::createWebApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   3. YiiBase::createApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   4. CApplication->__construct() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   5. require() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   6. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   7. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   8. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   9. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGeneric() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  10. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGenericPaths() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  11. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::guessViewsPath() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  12. class_exists() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  13. spl_autoload_call() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  14. YiiBase::autoload() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Warning:  include(/home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ on line 438
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Stack trace:
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   1. {main}() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   2. YiiBase::createWebApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   3. YiiBase::createApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   4. CApplication->__construct() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   5. require() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   6. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   7. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   8. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   9. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGeneric() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  10. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGenericPaths() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  11. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::guessViewsPath() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  12. class_exists() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  13. spl_autoload_call() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  14. YiiBase::autoload() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Warning:  include(): Failed opening '/home/alexandernst/Proyectos/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ on line 438
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Stack trace:
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   1. {main}() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   2. YiiBase::createWebApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   3. YiiBase::createApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   4. CApplication->__construct() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   5. require() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   6. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   7. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   8. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   9. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGeneric() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  10. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGenericPaths() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  11. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::guessViewsPath() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  12. class_exists() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  13. spl_autoload_call() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  14. YiiBase::autoload() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Warning:  include(/home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/ on line 438
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP Stack trace:
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   1. {main}() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   2. YiiBase::createWebApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   3. YiiBase::createApplication() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   4. CApplication->__construct() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   5. require() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   6. Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   7. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->create() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   8. Payum\Core\PaymentFactory->createConfig() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP   9. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGeneric() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  10. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::createGenericPaths() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  11. Payum\Core\Bridge\Twig\TwigFactory::guessViewsPath() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  12. class_exists() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  13. spl_autoload_call() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/
    [Thu Feb 26 00:50:53 2015] PHP  14. YiiBase::autoload() /home/alexandernst/Proyectos/

    Anyways, fixing this is really simple. Just add an @, so the line gets into this: if (false == @class_exists($paymentFactoryOrRootClass)) {

    opened by alexandernst 15
  • Payum and PCI DSS Compliance

    Payum and PCI DSS Compliance

    Hi @makasim,

    We're still working through a Payum implementation here and are now looking at the finer points of PCI DSS. Does PCI DSS apply in the Ukraine? It certainly does over here. One of the guidelines is that we're not allowed to store card details for any length of time, or we'll be elevated to the highest level of self assessment questionnaire to gain compliance.

    The SecuredCaptureRequest relies on storing all of the card information across a redirect (from what I can see). Even though this is only done for a very small amount of time, the PCI DSS requirements are pretty black and white. Even encryption does not help here!

    My question is twofold:

    1. What was the purpose of introducing tokens and the SecuredCaptureRequest?
    2. Can the SecuredCaptureRequest be used without storing the data? And if not, would it still be valid to use the standard CaptureRequest in its place?



    opened by mtudor 15
  • Attempted to call method

    Attempted to call method "getClientId"

    hi i try to set payumBundle (stable -.12) on symfony 2.5.8

    i get this error :

    Attempted to call method "getClientId" on class "Payum\Core\Model\Identificator" in D:\Programmation\Web\root_www\\src\Neo\PaymentBundle\Controller\PaymentController.php line 74. 
        public function prepareAction () {
            $paymentName = 'paypal_express_checkout_nvp_orn';
            $storage = $this->get ( 'payum' )
                            ->getStorage ( 'Neo\PaymentBundle\Entity\PayumOrder' )
            $order = $storage->createModel ();
            $order->setNumber ( uniqid () );
            $order->setCurrencyCode ( 'EUR' );
            $order->setTotalAmount ( 123 ); // 1.23 EUR
            $order->setDescription ( 'A description' );
            $order->setClientId ( 'anId' );
            $order->setClientEmail ( '' );
            $storage->updateModel ( $order );
            $captureToken = $this->get ( '' )
                                 ->createCaptureToken (
                                     $paymentName ,
                                     $order ,
                                     'payum_done' // the route to redirect after capture
            return $this->redirect ( $captureToken->getTargetUrl () );
    public function doneAction ( Request $request ) {
            $token = $this->get ( '' )
                          ->verify ( $request )
            // $this->get('')->invalidate($token);
            $payment = $this->get ( 'payum' )
                            ->getPayment ( $token->getPaymentName () )
            $payment->execute ( $status = new GetHumanStatus( $token ) );
            $order = $token->getDetails ();
            return new JsonResponse(array(
                                        'status' => $status->getValue(),
                                        'order' => array(
                                            'client' => array(
                                                'id' => $order->getClientId(),
                                                'email' => $order->getClientEmail(),
                                            'number' => $order->getNumber(),
                                            'description' => $order->getCurrencyCode(),
                                            'total_amount' => $order->getTotalAmount(),
                                            'currency_code' => $order->getCurrencyCode(),
                                            'details' => $order->getDetails(),
            %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/payum/core/Payum/Core/Resources/views: PayumCore
                            is_bundle: false
                            type: xml
                            dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/payum/core/Payum/Core/Bridge/Doctrine/Resources/mapping
                            # set this dir instead if you use `payum/payum` library
                            #dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/payum/payum/src/Payum/Core/Bridge/Doctrine/Resources/mapping
                            prefix: Payum\Core\Model
                Neo\PaymentBundle\Entity\PaymentToken: { doctrine: orm }
            Neo\PaymentBundle\Entity\PayumOrder: { doctrine: orm }
                    username:  blalbllll
                    password:  VDJ879M
                    signature: 31AvkHr8-fefWgQFzJjQfDY6qk-2pz
                    sandbox: true

    thank for help.

    opened by xorgxx 14
  • Update Guzzle deprecation to reference PSR-18 instead of Httplug

    Update Guzzle deprecation to reference PSR-18 instead of Httplug

    Payum still references Httplug as its planned HTTP client implementation successor for Guzzle for version 2.0. This seems to have been decided back in 2016 in #491.

    I'd like to suggest updating these notices to reference PSR-18 instead. Additionally, it would be nice if a proper client bridge were created in 1.x to make future migration easier.

    Also, I think it would make sense to mark Payum\Core\HttpClientInterface as deprecated the same way all its concrete implementations (and the Guzzle factory) are marked already. I'm guessing that the lack of a deprecation docblock above it is an oversight and not intentional?

    opened by rimas-kudelis 0
  • [BUG] - Stop loading tests on production environment

    [BUG] - Stop loading tests on production environment

    The library loads every class to autoload, which raises two issues.

    1. Some of the classes do not comply with PSR-4
    2. The test files are loaded on production, which does not make sense

    The solution is relatively simple. It would be best if you excluded the Tests namespace from autoload and introduce a new autoload-dev where these are loaded.

    Example ->

    Class Payum\Be2Bill\Tests\Be2billOffsiteGatewayFactoryTest located in ./vendor/payum/payum/src/Payum/Be2Bill/Tests/Be2BillOffsiteGatewayFactoryTest.php does not comply with the psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    opened by Ferror 0
  • GenericTokenFactoryInterface is marked as deprecated but there is no replacement

    GenericTokenFactoryInterface is marked as deprecated but there is no replacement

    GenericTokenFactoryInterface is marked as deprecated but there is no replacement for GenericTokenFactoryAwareInterface nor GenericTokenFactoryAwareTrait. So since version 2.0 there will be no way how to create token inside payum action.


    Add TokenFactoryAwareInterface and TokenFactoryAwareTrait which contains AbstractTokenFactory instance

    opened by Tetragramat 0
  • Document how to create a custom gateway

    Document how to create a custom gateway


    I have trouble understanding how Payum should work. I'm working with Sylius and Mangopay which should have custom actions (that are documented) but I'm not sure about how to implement them.

    A guide to implementing a new platform could be great.

    opened by vasilvestre 1
  • support symfony/http-foundation in version 6 (no objects as request query-paramters)

    support symfony/http-foundation in version 6 (no objects as request query-paramters)

    The symfony/http-foundation does not allow to set objects as query Parameters to requests in version 6. This looks reasonable for me.

    The test fails here

    It is in the group legacy so it may be will a solution to make the test skippable for symfony 6?

    opened by Chris53897 2
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