UnionPay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library


Omnipay: UnionPay

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UnionPay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library

Omnipay is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 7.1+. This package implements UnionPay support for Omnipay.


Omnipay is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "lokielse/omnipay-unionpay": "^0.4"

And run composer to update your dependencies:

$ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar update

Basic Usage

The following gateways are provided by this package:

  • Union_Wtz (Union No Redirect Payment) 银联无跳转支付(alpha)
  • Union_Express (Union Express Payment) 银联全产品网关(PC,APP,WAP支付)
  • Union_LegacyMobile (Union Legacy Mobile Payment) 银联老网关(APP)
  • Union_LegacyQuickPay (Union Legacy QuickPay Payment) 银联老网关(PC)


Sandbox Param can be found at: UnionPay Developer Center


How to get PrivateKey, PublicKey, Cert ID:

0. Prepare cert.pfx and its password, verify_sign_acp.cer

1. Get Private Key
$ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx  -nocerts -nodes | openssl rsa -out private_key.pem

2. Public key is verify_sign_acp.cer

3. Get Cert ID
$ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -clcerts -nokeys | openssl x509 -serial -noout // result hex eg: XXXXXXXXXX
$ visit https://lokielse.github.io/hex2dec //Convert hex to decimal online


$gateway    = Omnipay::create('UnionPay_Express');
$gateway->setPrivateKey($config['privateKey']); // path or content

$order = [
    'orderId'   => date('YmdHis'), //Your order ID
    'txnTime'   => date('YmdHis'), //Should be format 'YmdHis'
    'orderDesc' => 'My order title', //Order Title
    'txnAmt'    => '100', //Order Total Fee

//For PC/Wap
$response = $gateway->purchase($order)->send();

//For APP
$response = $gateway->createOrder($order)->send();


$gateway    = Omnipay::create('UnionPay_Express');
$gateway->setPublicKey($config['publicKey']); // path or content

$response = $gateway->completePurchase(['request_params'=>$_REQUEST])->send();

if ($response->isPaid()) {
    //pay success
    //pay fail

Query Order Status

$response = $gateway->query([
    'orderId' => '20150815121214', //Your site trade no, not union tn.
    'txnTime' => '20150815121214', //Order trade time
    'txnAmt'  => '200', //Order total fee


Consume Undo

$response = $gateway->consumeUndo([
    'orderId' => '20150815121214', //Your site trade no, not union tn.
    'txnTime' => date('YmdHis'), //Regenerate a new time
    'txnAmt'  => '200', //Order total fee
    'queryId' => 'xxxxxxxxx', //Order total fee



// 注意:
1. 银联退款时,必须加上 queryId, 
2. 作为商户生成的订单号orderId与退款时的订单号是不一样的。也就意味着退款时的订单号必须重新生成。
3. txnAmt 这个参数银联是精确到分的。直接返回元为单位的值,将会出现报错信息。
// get the queryId first
$response = $gateway->query([
    'orderId' => '20150815121214', //Your site trade no, not union tn.
    'txnTime' => '20150815121214', //Order trade time
    'txnAmt'  => 200 * 100, //Order total fee; notice that: you should multiply the txnAmt by 100 with the Unionpay gateway. Such as 200 * 100;
$queryId = ($response->getData())['queryId'];
$response = $gateway->refund([
    'orderId' => '20150815121214', //Your site trade no, not union tn. notice: this orderId must not be the same with the order's created orderId.
    'txnTime' => date('YmdHis'), //Order trade time
    'txnAmt'  => 200 * 100, //Order total fee; notice that: you should multiply the txnAmt by 100 with the Unionpay gateway. Such as 200 * 100;
    'queryId' => $queryId


File Transfer

$response = $gateway->fileTransfer([
    'txnTime'    => '20150815121214', //Order trade time
    'settleDate' => '0119', //Settle Date
    'fileType'   => '00', //File Type


For general usage instructions, please see the main Omnipay repository.



If you are having general issues with Omnipay, we suggest posting on Stack Overflow. Be sure to add the omnipay tag so it can be easily found.

If you want to keep up to date with release anouncements, discuss ideas for the project, or ask more detailed questions, there is also a mailing list which you can subscribe to.

If you believe you have found a bug, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the library and submit a pull request.

  • UpopRsaCert.cer 无法打开

    UpopRsaCert.cer 无法打开


    $gateway->setEnvironment('production'); 使用正式环境,验证付款成功后 回调的签名签名验证出错了: UpopRsaCert.cer 无法打开。 openssl_x509_read(): supplied parameter cannot be coerced into an X509 certificate! 用openssl命令行 也无法读取这个文件。。


    下载的正式环境证书目录里有3个文件: EbppRsaCert.cer , encryptpub.cer, UpopRsaCert.cer

    然而,下载的正式环境证书的帮助里写: ebpp.cer 生产验签证书 encryptpub.cer 生产加密证书


    opened by unizhu 6
  • *curl_error* OpenSSL was built without SSLv3 support

    *curl_error* OpenSSL was built without SSLv3 support

    嗨, @lokielse 。

    版本 v0.3.8


    OpenSSL was built without SSLv3 support


    版本 0.4.0

    如果升级到 v0.4.0,代码一点不动,可以收到正常的结果,也可以成功付款,但是在回调时验证签名失败。我不知道如何去排查。我用的是在v0.3.8下的配置方法,没有按照新的README上所说的设置公钥,私钥及证书ID,是不是这个原因呢?

    opened by SuccessGo 4
  • 你好,有关生产环境的问题


    交易失败 11[9100004]Signature verification failed





    如果是的话 这个配置哪里修改或者文档哪里查看(我暂没有找到) 秘钥是按照邮件给的生产的 其他证书(是上传秘钥的界面下载的) 测试环境没有问题、生产环境 验签失败、这是我第一次做此类项目 如果问题问的不好、也希望能回答一下、非常感谢

    opened by FatherGodHz 2
  • 退款时报出异常需要4个参数,但是本项目中退款只需要3个参数


    根据您此项目中的 退款,需要的参数是:'orderId', 'txnTime', 'txnAmt' 但是,调用refund()方法时,出现下面异常:

    unionpay/src/Message/ExpressRefundRequest.php(22): Omnipa
    y\Common\Message\AbstractRequest->validate('orderId', 'txnTime', 'txnAmt', 'queryId')


    opened by jiker-burce 2
  • Update Wtz Gateway

    Update Wtz Gateway

    1. add encryptSensitive params
    2. update requests to support "standard" version and "token" version
    3. update TestCase, replace WtzGatewayTest with WtzStandardGatewayTest and WtzTokenGatewayTest
    4. update Readme.md, add Wtz Gateway example.
    5. Change ResponseVerifyHelper::verify, only check if response is valid.
    opened by kongkx 1
  • 退款接口提示一下错误 重复交易[2010002]

    退款接口提示一下错误 重复交易[2010002]

    退款接口提示一下错误 重复交易[2010002] 根据官方提示 操作无效


    /** * [unionpayRefund 银联退款] * @param [type] $order [description] * @param [type] $gateway [description] * @return [type] [description] */ protected function unionpayRefund($order, $gateway) { $biz = [ 'orderId' => $order['order_id'], 'txnTime' => date('YmdHis', strtotime($order['created_at']['date'])), 'txnAmt' => $order['fee'] * 100, 'queryId' => $order['query_id'], ]; return $gateway->refund($biz)->send(); }

    opened by bigrocs 1
  • 调用银联支付通用网关支付消费接口后,可不可以将错误的结果作为异常丢出?


    @lokielse 嗨,你好。



    $this->data['respCode'] !== '00'



        public function isSuccessful()
            if ('00' !== $this->data['respCode']) {
                throw new \Exception(sprintf('Err: code %s, message %s', $this->data['respCode'], $this->data['respMsg']));
            return isset($this->data['tn']);
    opened by SuccessGo 1
  • 让潜在的错误[curl related],暴露在用户面前的建议

    让潜在的错误[curl related],暴露在用户面前的建议

    嗨,@lokielse ,你好。

    关于 issue #11 ,排查过程有些艰难,(maybe just for my only),因此,如果在以下文件:


    里的 sendHttpRequest 方法中,添加以下代码行:

    if (curl_error($ch)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException(curl_error($ch));



    opened by SuccessGo 1
  • 银联网关支付是否支付成功的判断有点问题


    如下图所示,开发包里是通过respCode等于00判断是否支付 image 但是在实际支付过程中,如果用户输入了错误的,用户在未正确支付的情况下,收到的通知结果如下: { "accNo": "6216***********0018", "merId": "777290058176106", "certId": "69026276696", "txnAmt": "1", "bizType": "000201", "orderId": "101720042913364919949986965519", "queryId": "302004291336490032748", "respMsg": "成功[0000000]", "traceNo": "003274", "txnTime": "20200429133649", "txnType": "01", "version": "5.0.0", "encoding": "utf-8", "respCode": "00", "settleAmt": "1", "signature": "gwKTt2Udcl32uaYZVbxfTQJXQXvxv1wFgucYIFbcNH15Zfa45hTdDaXnPjGZ8iR28tYkYL12XMZxX4/0SaVhsKHXTS+/RUAqa5MeqHm78ZQhRbwY/QITsjEKHpEHxo1/Yit114L3IVV5rECwIfeI2ZknMx+t3bJku6589MNRMxn2i8FGBCVCVKR9MFNBwNrvBWvw5BI/vXxb7Ksf6fqPujGtlGduSmZi22Lk00hMlAzL9nUympiUVIstt6pyfDOzi9v1enK4YzH2zzGjxp/6xSJYPMHKnOQ1zqKMRfMSJv/dxS12xPO49KO6QvaQCW4fbf3errZoKDaM8FTYYIrlgQ==", "traceTime": "0429133649", "accessType": "0", "settleDate": "0429", "signMethod": "01", "txnSubType": "01", "origRespMsg": "持卡人身份信息、手机号或CVN2输入不正确,验证失败[1000005]", "currencyCode": "156", "origRespCode": "66", "issuerIdentifyMode": "0", "settleCurrencyCode": "156" } 其中,respCode等于00,但是origRespMsg显示支付出错,其实这是没有支付成功的,是否应该判断一下origRespCode?

    opened by duanjin123 0
  • certId读取问题


              if (is_file($cert)) {
                $certs = file_get_contents($cert);
           openssl_pkcs12_read($certData, $certs, $pass)
           $cert = $certs['cert'];
            $certData = openssl_x509_parse($cert);
            return $certData['serialNumber'];
    opened by q707180869 0
  • 你好,无跳转支付支持 基础版 和 token版 两个版本切换吗?

    你好,无跳转支付支持 基础版 和 token版 两个版本切换吗?

    demo中无跳转支付现在是基于token版本开发,没有看到基础版相关代码。 官方最新参数(以下以消费为例,对应当前vendor/lokielse/omnipay-unionpay/src/Message/WtzConsumeRequest.php;其余无跳转支付文件也有不同参数): token版:txnType=01,txnSubType=01,bizType=000902,tokenPayData=... 基础版数:txnType=01,txnSubType=01,bizType=000301,accNo=...,customerInfo=...

    opened by pengyuanhong 0
  • 測試 UnionPay_Express 5.1 版的證書似乎會有 sign error 的問題

    測試 UnionPay_Express 5.1 版的證書似乎會有 sign error 的問題

    https://github.com/lokielse/omnipay-unionpay/blob/0e4cb1d4ea491635d36b7f763764ef9485dfa2c1/src/Message/ExpressPurchaseRequest.php#L32 這邊的 column 是不是帶錯 function

    https://github.com/lokielse/omnipay-unionpay/blob/0e4cb1d4ea491635d36b7f763764ef9485dfa2c1/src/Message/ExpressPurchaseRequest.php#L67 5.1 版的 sign 要多傳 RSA2

    opened by ChenHom 0
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