Please follow the instructions below to setup the whmcs-tigopesa gateway module.
Download zipped file, Upload & Extract whmcs-tigopesa folder to your whmcs's modules/gateways folder.
Enable the whmcs-tigopesa module in the WHMCS admin area by going to Setup->Payments->Payment Gateways->TigoPesa Payment and paste in your API Key, Secrete Key, Merchant MSISDN, Merchant PIN, Account ID, Generate AccessToken url, Make Payment URL and Validate MFS URL.
To get your API Key and Secret Key, Contact with Tigopesa via "mfs.corporate@tigo.co.tz".
Save configurations.
NB:// Do not change display name in the configuration
If you have any questions, recommendations or need installation assistance, please send us an email to medsonnaftal@gmail.com