A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library that converts non-ascii characters for use in URLs.


URLify for PHP Build Status

A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library, started as a PHP port of URLify.js from the Django project.

Handles symbols from latin languages, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Switzerland (French), Austrian (French), Georgian, German, Switzerland (German), Austrian (German), Greek, Hindi, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese, and many other via ASCII::to_transliterate().

Symbols it cannot transliterate it can omit or replace with a specified character.


Install the latest version with:

$ composer require jbroadway/urlify


First, include Composer's autoloader:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

To generate slugs for URLs:


echo URLify::slug (' J\'étudie le français ');
// "jetudie-le-francais"

echo URLify::slug ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
// "lo-siento-no-hablo-espanol"

To generate slugs for file names:


echo URLify::filter ('фото.jpg', 60, "", true);
// "foto.jpg"

To simply transliterate characters:


echo URLify::downcode ('J\'étudie le français');
// "J'etudie le francais"

echo URLify::downcode ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
// "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."

/* Or use transliterate() alias: */

echo URLify::transliterate ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
// "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."

To extend the character list:


URLify::add_chars ([
	'¿' => '?', '®' => '(r)', '¼' => '1/4',
	'½' => '1/2', '¾' => '3/4', '¶' => 'P'

echo URLify::downcode ('¿ ® ¼ ¼ ¾ ¶');
// "? (r) 1/2 1/2 3/4 P"

To extend the list of words to remove:


URLify::remove_words (['remove', 'these', 'too']);

To prioritize a certain language map:


echo URLify::filter ('Ägypten und Österreich besitzen wie üblich ein Übermaß an ähnlich öligen Attachés', 60, 'de');
// "aegypten-und-oesterreich-besitzen-wie-ueblich-ein-uebermass-aehnlich-oeligen-attaches"

echo URLify::filter ('Cağaloğlu, çalıştığı, müjde, lazım, mahkûm', 60, 'tr');
// "cagaloglu-calistigi-mujde-lazim-mahkum"

Please note that the "ü" is transliterated to "ue" in the first case, whereas it results in a simple "u" in the latter.

  • Not compatable with Laravel 9

    Not compatable with Laravel 9

    Since Laravel 9 is requiring voku/portable-ascii:^2.0 and this repo is requiring voku/portable-ascii:^1.4 it causes a conflict when trying to update composer.

    opened by emedchill 7
  • Use classmap instead.

    Use classmap instead.

    The verdict is out our cool feature was just too cool =)

    They suggest we use classmap instead.

    Included the URLify.php as a classmap for autoloader instead of psr-0.

    opened by nickl- 6
  • Fix URLify::init() when called with some language

    Fix URLify::init() when called with some language

    If $language is not one for which there's a key in the $maps array, the $chars is not reset and the regular expression becomes longer and longer every time init() is called

    opened by mlocati 4
  • PSR-0 compliance and other goodies

    PSR-0 compliance and other goodies

    I was rather sceptical at first not wanting to over complicate this simple class with namespace and 30 levels deep library/src/package folders I just bit my lip and tried:

            "autoload": {
                    "psr-0": {
                            "": ""

    and it worked =) so "" is PSR-0 capable and we have all the nyummy goodness of autoloading.

    Added an INSTALL file to explain installation. Added bootstrap.php to strap the vendor/autoloader Added phpunit.xml Removed the require_once from the test

    In test folder just run phpunit no arguments if bootstrap can't strap it will display the INSTALL file else the test will run as if no one cares.


    opened by nickl- 4
  • Fix Issue #55

    Fix Issue #55

    This change fixes a language exception that occurs when a character that is used as a regular expression delimiter ("/" by default) is included as a key in the array argument passed into the add_chars() method, and then downcode() is called.

    Note that the existing tests do not cover this scenario.

    opened by cbj4074 2
  • Missing A char

    Missing A char

    Hi, I found a strange bug, look at the below code (local ENV: php 5.6 on mac os, dev-prod ENV: php 5.6 on ubuntu 16):

    • var_dump(\URLify::filter('Text sample A')); // text-sample
    • var_dump(\URLify::filter('Text sample B')); // text-sample-b
    • var_dump(\URLify::filter('Text sample AA')); // text-sample-aa

    Where is, in the first var_dump, the last "a" char?

    Is this package still maintained?

    opened by marlenesco 2
  • Make usage of remove_list optional

    Make usage of remove_list optional


    currently, the removal of words can only be influenced by setting the public static $remove_list property (as seen in #35).

    When using URLify in multiple places in a project, this has to be multiple times which seems error-prone. Also, using the remove_list feature in some calls to URLify::filter while disabling it in other calls isn't possible currently.

    This pull request adds an additional parameter to the URLify::filter() method to toggle the usage of the remove list feature.

    Thx! :)

    opened by mkraemer 2
  • Unable to urlify properly

    Unable to urlify properly

    Hi there,

    I've been trying to urlify a very simple string but the last part is being dropped. It's probably a wanted behaviour but it could be useful if there may be an option to avoid that.

    My string is "Brazilian Série A" and I want it to become "brazilian-serie-a". It becomes "brazilian-serie" instead without the final "-a" part. Any way I can do this?

    Below my code:

    \URLify::filter('Brazilian Série A') // produces "brazilian-serie"

    Tried also with:

    \URLify::filter('Brazilian Série A', 120, 'en') // produces "brazilian-serie"
    opened by fracasula 2
  • Added the possibility to priorize urlify language maps

    Added the possibility to priorize urlify language maps

    This is useful if languages have different rules for the same character. e.g. German: "ü"=>"ue" Turkish "ü" => "u"

    opened by patrickheck 2
  • [+]: use

    [+]: use "voku/portable-ascii"

    reference: https://github.com/jbroadway/urlify/issues/51

    Here I added "voku/portable-ascii" which is for example used in the "dev-master" version of laravel and it's also based on this project. :smile:

    I know it's not that easy to pick a minimal php version to support, but most systems has already upgraded to > 7.0 (https://blog.packagist.com/php-versions-stats-2019-1-edition/) so maybe it's time to move forward?

    Linux Distro | Version | End of Life | Default PHP -- | -- | -- | -- | Ubuntu | 14.04 (Trusty) | April 2019 (EOL) | 5.5.9 |   |   Ubuntu | 16.04 (Xenial) | April 2024 | 7.0 |   |   Ubuntu | 18.04 (Bionic) | April 2028 | 7.2 |   |   Debian | 8 (Jessie) | June 30, 2020 | 5.6.29 |   |   Debian | 9 (Stretch) | ~2022 | 7.0 |   |   Fedora | 29 | October 30, 2018 | 7.2.10 |   |   Fedora | 30 | April 30, 2019 | 7.3.4 |   |   OpenSUSE | Leap 15.1 | November 22, 2020 | 7.2.5 |   |   CentOS | 6 | November 30, 2020 | 5.3.3 |   |   CentOS | 7 | June 30, 2024 | 5.4.16 |   |   RHEL | 6 | November 30, 2020 | 5.3.3 |   |   RHEL | 7 | June 30, 2024 | 5.4.16 |   |   RHEL | 8 | May 2029 | 7.2 |   |   OEL | 6 | March 2021 | 7.0 (min) |   |   OEL | 7 | July 2024 | 7.0 (min) |   |  

    PS: in my fork I also added different "stop-words" (https://github.com/voku/stop-words/tree/master/src/voku/helper/stopwords) for different languages and some other specials like support for currencies (https://github.com/voku/urlify/blob/master/src/voku/helper/URLify.php#L484). I don't know if this is also interesting for you?

    This change is Reviewable

    opened by voku 1
  • Passing certain characters to add_chars() method causes

    Passing certain characters to add_chars() method causes "preg_match_all(): Unknown modifier ']'"

    Consider the following:

    URLify::add_chars(['/' => '']);

    This causes a language exception, preg_match_all(): Unknown modifier ']', because the / character is used as the regular expression delimiter within the URLify library.

    The above example derives from a fairly common and reasonable use-case: I want to remove all illegal characters from a file name, and on UNIX and Windows, / is illegal.

    To fix this, PHP's preg_quote() function must be called on the keys in the array argument passed to add_chars().

    I'll submit a PR shortly that seeks to fix the issue.

    opened by cbj4074 1
  • 1.2.4 changed transliteration behaviour

    1.2.4 changed transliteration behaviour

    Upgrading from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 broke our test suite, in particular some characters are transliterated differently, breaking assertions and semver.

    E.g. we test that това е текст на бълрагски за тест becomes tova-e-tekst-na-blragski-za-test which is true in 1.2.3 and false in 1.2.4.

    In 1.2.4 it instead transliterates to tova-e-tekst-na-bielragski-za-test.

    | urlify version | in | out | |----------------|-----------|------------| | 1.2.3 | бълрагски | blragski | | 1.2.4 | бълрагски | bielragski |

    I'm sure the dependency has its reasons for doing this, but composer pulled in 1.2.4 automatically and broke out test suites, this should have been a 1.3.0 or a 2.0.0 release.

    opened by tomjn 2
  • Why is $underscoreToSpace removed ?

    Why is $underscoreToSpace removed ?


    Why is $underscoreToSpace removed from the filter ? It was pretty handy to make underscores hypens of you wanted, or spaces ofcourse.

    I hope there is a good reason for it!


    opened by Yamakasi 4
  • Add new param $trim_under_score

    Add new param $trim_under_score

    It will fix the issue when trimming a text:

    From : -test- to test

    With this option the "-" won't be removed.

    By default it works as usual.

    opened by jmontoyaa 0
  • Support more characters by default

    Support more characters by default

    Had to add the following chars for our transliteration test to pass:

                    'Ÿ' => 'Y',
                    'µ' => 'u',
                    '¥' => 'Y',
                    'Ĉ' => 'C',
                    'ĉ' => 'c',
                    'Ċ' => 'C',
                    'ċ' => 'c',
                    'Ĝ' => 'G',
                    'ĝ' => 'g',
                    'Ġ' => 'G',
                    'ġ' => 'g',
                    'Ĥ' => 'H',
                    'ĥ' => 'h',
                    'Ħ' => 'H',
                    'ħ' => 'h',
                    'Ĕ' => 'E',
                    'ĕ' => 'e',
                    'Ĭ' => 'I',
                    'ĭ' => 'i',
                    'Ĵ' => 'J',
                    'ĵ' => 'j',
                    'Ĺ' => 'L',
                    'ĺ' => 'l',
                    'Ľ' => 'L',
                    'ľ' => 'l',
                    'Ŀ' => 'L',
                    'ŀ' => 'l',
                    'ʼn' => 'n',
                    'Ō' => 'O',
                    'ō' => 'o',
                    'Ŏ' => 'O',
                    'ŏ' => 'o',
                    'Ŕ' => 'R',
                    'ŕ' => 'r',
                    'Ŗ' => 'R',
                    'ŗ' => 'r',
                    'Ŝ' => 'S',
                    'ŝ' => 's',
                    'Ŧ' => 'T',
                    'ŧ' => 't',
                    'Ŭ' => 'U',
                    'ŭ' => 'u',
                    'Ŵ' => 'W',
                    'ŵ' => 'w',
                    'Ŷ' => 'Y',
                    'ŷ' => 'y',
                    'ſ' => 'i',
                    'ƒ' => 'f',
                    'O' => 'O',
                    'o' => 'o',
                    'U' => 'U',
                    'u' => 'u',
                    'Ǎ' => 'A',
                    'ǎ' => 'a',
                    'Ǐ' => 'I',
                    'ǐ' => 'i',
                    'Ǒ' => 'O',
                    'ǒ' => 'o',
                    'Ǔ' => 'U',
                    'ǔ' => 'u',
                    'Ǖ' => 'U',
                    'ǖ' => 'u',
                    'Ǘ' => 'U',
                    'ǘ' => 'u',
                    'Ǚ' => 'U',
                    'ǚ' => 'u',
                    'Ǜ' => 'U',
                    'ǜ' => 'u',
                    'Ǻ' => 'A',
                    'ǻ' => 'a',
                    'Ǿ' => 'O',
                    'ǿ' => 'o',
                    'Ǽ' => 'Ae',
                    'ǽ' => 'ae',
                    'IJ' => 'IJ',
                    'ij' => 'ij',
                    'J' => 'J',
                    'ĸ' => 'k',
                    'Ŋ' => 'N',
                    'ŋ' => 'n',
                    'Ẁ' => 'W',
                    'ẁ' => 'w',
                    'Ẃ' => 'W',
                    'ẃ' => 'w',
                    'Ẅ' => 'W',
                    'ẅ' => 'w',

    Unfortunately, since I do not know what language they belong to, I find it difficult to provide a PR when the code is structured based on language.

    opened by motin 1
  • 1.2.4-stable(Jun 15, 2022)

  • 1.2.3-stable(Jan 18, 2022)

    • Migrated CI from travis-ci to GitHub Actions
    • Updated test fixtures
    • Updated composer description and dependency versions
    • Added badges to readme
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.2-stable(Jun 14, 2020)

  • 1.2.1-stable(Jun 2, 2020)

    • Fixed tests broken from changes in voku/portable-ascii
    • Strip additional dev files from releases - thanks @Tobion!
    • Now requires PHP 7.2+ to match PHPUnit
    • Fixed missing autoloader include in command line scripts
    • Readme updates
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.0-stable(Dec 13, 2019)

    • Using voku/portable-ascii performance optimized ascii string function library
    • Stop word support for multiple languages (disabled by default)
    • Currency symbol support
    • Support for more unicode characters
    • Removed support for PHP versions before 7.0

    Thanks to @voku for the improvements!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.3-stable(Jun 27, 2019)

    • Fixed issue with / character being added via add_chars()
    • Fixed Vietnamese language code
    • Fixed potential duplicate word issue
    • Removed HHVM from testing and added newer PHP versions to automated tests

    Thanks to @pincombe, @scorp13, and @cbj4074 for the fixes!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2-stable(Dec 8, 2018)

  • 1.1.1-stable(Aug 28, 2018)

  • 1.1.0-stable(Jan 3, 2017)

  • 1.0.9-stable(Sep 14, 2016)

  • 1.0.8-stable(Jul 27, 2016)

    This release adds two new options to filter():

    1. $lower_case specifies whether you want to convert to lower case (the default), or preserve the existing case of the text.
    2. $treat_underscore_as_space specifies whether you want to convert underscores to spaces (the default), or preserve underscores in the output.

    Thanks @ywarnier and @jmontoyaa for these additions!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.7-stable(Dec 7, 2015)

  • 1.0.6-stable(Oct 15, 2015)

    Bulgarian characters added, new CLI scripts (downcode, filter, transliterate), fix for UTF-8 spaces. Thanks to @skyosev, @shefi, @rinogo, and @karptonite for these!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.5-stable(May 29, 2015)

  • 1.0.4-stable(Mar 9, 2015)

  • 1.0.3-stable(Mar 17, 2014)

  • 1.0.2-stable(Feb 5, 2014)

  • 1.0.1-stable(Oct 16, 2013)

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