Text - Simple 1 Class Text Manipulation Library

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Strings Text

Text - Simple 1 Class Text Manipulation Library

Latest Stable Version Build Status Coverage Status

Do you remember PHP's string functions? If not, just wrap you text with Text! It will save a minute on your coding.

Text is extracted from kzykhys/Ciconia. this is used for markdown processing.


Modify your composer.json and run php composer.phar update

    "require": {



Get Started

Text acts like a string


use KzykHys\Text\Text;

$text = new Text('Lorem Ipsum');
echo $text;

// Lorem Ipsum

Text can also be called statically


use KzykHys\Text\Text;

$text = Text::create('Lorem Ipsum');
echo $text;

// Lorem Ipsum

Manipulation methods are chainable:

$text = new Text('foo');
    ->append('bar')     // foobar
    ->prepend('baz')    // bazfoobar
    ->wrap('-')         // -bazfoobar-
    ->upper()           // -BAZFOOBAR-
    ->lower()           // -bazfoobar-
    ->trim('-')         // bazfoobar
    ->rtrim('r')        // bazfooba
    ->ltrim('b')        // azfooba

Special note for replace()

$text = new Text('FooBarBaz');
$text->replace('/Foo(Bar)(Baz)/', function (Text $whole, Text $bar, Text $baz) {
    return $bar->upper()->append($baz->lower());
echo $text;

// BARbaz

If the second argument is callable, callback takes at least one parameter. The whole match being first, and matched subpatterns. All parameters are Text instance.


Manipulation (Chainable)

Method Description
create($text) Create a new Text instance.
append($text) Append the string.
prepend($text) Prepend the string.
wrap($start, [$end]) Surround text with given string.
lower() Make a string lowercase.
upper() Make a string uppercase.
trim([$charList]) Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
rtrim([$charList]) Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string.
ltrim([$charList]) Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string.
escapeHtml([$option]) Convert special characters to HTML entities.
replace($pattern, $replacement) Perform a regular expression search and replace. If $replacement is the callable, a callback that will be called and passed an array of matched elements in the subject string.
replaceString($search, $replace) Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.
indent([$spaces]) Add one level of line-leading spaces.
outdent([$spaces]) Remove one level of line-leading tabs or spaces.
detab([$spaces]) Convert tabs to spaces.
eachLine($callback) Apply a user function to every line of the string.


Method Description
isEmpty() Determine whether a variable is empty
isNumeric() Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string
match($pattern, [&$matches]) Perform a regular expression match


Method Description
split($pattern, [$flags]) Split string by a regular expression
lines([$pattern]) Split string by a line break
chars() Convert a string to an array
length() Gets the length of a string
countLines() Gets the number of lines
indexOf($needle, [$offset]) Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string


Method Description
save($path) Write a string to a file


The MIT License


Kazuyuki Hayashi (@kzykhys)

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    As I saw in your Markdown library, and so forth here, each method that manipulates a string through your Text object are modifiying the content of the original method (methods like trim, replace, ...)

    I think that, as for example Javascript does, you shouldn't modify directly the text, but instead return a new instance. I think it would make more sense in an object logic.

    I could be wrong though ; i'd be happy to do a PR if that is not the case. :)


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