Obfuscate your data by generating reversible, non-sequential, URL-safe identifiers.


Laravel Hashid

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Laravel Hashid provides a unified API across various drivers such as Base62, Base64, Hashids and Optimus, with support for multiple connections or different encoding options. It offers a simple, elegant way to obfuscate your data by generating reversible, non-sequential, URL-safe identifiers.


You can install this package using the Composer manager:

$ composer require elfsundae/laravel-hashid

For Lumen or earlier Laravel than v5.5, you need to register the service provider manually:


Then publish the configuration file:

# For Laravel application:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hashid

# For Lumen application:
$ cp vendor/elfsundae/laravel-hashid/config/hashid.php config/hashid.php


Our well documented configuration file is extremely similar to the configurations of numerous Laravel manager integrations such as Database, Queue, Cache and Filesystem. So you do not need to spend extra time to learn how to configure Hashid.

Additionally, for simplicity you do not need to add singleton drivers like Base64 to your config file as they have no encoding options, unless you would like to specify a meaningful connection name.

Let's see an example of the configuration:

'default' => 'id',

'connections' => [

    'basic' => [
        'driver' => 'base64',

    'hashids' => [
        'driver' => 'hashids',
        'salt' => 'sweet girl',

    'id' => [
        'driver' => 'hashids_integer',
        'salt' => 'My Application',
        'min_length' => 6,
        'alphabet' => '1234567890abcdef',

    'base62' => [
        'driver' => 'base62',
        'characters' => 'f9FkqDbzmn0QRru7PBVeGl5pU28LgIvYwSydK41sCO3htaicjZoWAJNxH6EMTX',



The hashid() helper or the Hashid facade may be used to interact with any of your configured connections or drivers:

use ElfSundae\Laravel\Hashid\Facades\Hashid;

// Obtain the default connection instance

// Obtain the "base62" connection instance

// Obtain the Base64 driver instance

There are only two methods you need to know to use any connection or driver:

  • encode($data) for encoding data.
  • decode($data) for decoding data.




And there are also two corresponding helper functions:

  • hashid_encode($data, $name = null)
  • hashid_decode($data, $name = null)

hashid_decode('TGFyYXZlbA', 'base64');

Built-in Drivers


  • Drivers: base62 , base62_integer
  • Configuration:
    • characters : 62 unique characters
  • Backend: tuupola/base62
  • Notes:
    • You may use the hashid:alphabet command to generate random characters.
    • GMP is strongly recommended as it is much faster than pure PHP.



  • Drivers: hashids , hashids_hex , hashids_integer , hashids_string
  • Configuration:
    • salt
    • min_length
    • alphabet : At least 16 unique characters
  • Backend: hashids/hashids
  • Notes:
    • You may use the hashid:alphabet command to generate a random alphabet.
    • GMP is strongly recommended.


  • Drivers: hex , hex_integer


  • Drivers: optimus
  • Configuration:
    • prime : Large prime number lower than 2147483647
    • inverse : The inverse prime so that (PRIME * INVERSE) & MAXID == 1
    • random : A large random integer lower than 2147483647
  • Backend: jenssegers/optimus
  • Notes:
    • You may use the hashid:optimus command to generate needed numbers.
    • Only for integer numbers.
    • The max number can be handled correctly is 2147483647.

Custom Drivers

To create a custom Hashid driver, you only need to implement the ElfSundae\Laravel\Hashid\DriverInterface interface that contains two methods: encode and decode. The constructor can optionally receive the driver configuration from a $config argument, and type-hinted dependencies injection is supported as well:


namespace App\Hashid;

use ElfSundae\Laravel\Hashid\DriverInterface;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\Encrypter;

class CustomDriver implements DriverInterface
    protected $encrypter;

    protected $serialize;

    public function __construct(Encrypter $encrypter, array $config = [])
        $this->encrypter = $encrypter;

        $this->serialize = $config['serialize'] ?? false;

    public function encode($data)
        return $this->encrypter->encrypt($data, $this->serialize);

    public function decode($data)
        return $this->encrypter->decrypt($data, $this->serialize);

Now you can configure the connection with this driver:

'connections' => [

    'custom' => [
        'driver' => App\Hashid\CustomDriver::class,
        'serialize' => false,

    // ...

If you prefer a short name for your driver, just register a container binding with hashid.driver. prefix:

$this->app->bind('hashid.driver.custom', CustomDriver::class);


$ composer test


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.

  • Laravel 8.0 Support

    Laravel 8.0 Support


    I tried to upgrade to Laravel 8 today but noticed your package does not support this in the composer.json.

    Is this something you'd like a PR for or are you happy to update the composer and tag a new release?



    opened by craftyshaun 2
  • hashid:optimus output as .env format

    hashid:optimus output as .env format

    hashid:optimus now output as a table. User need to manually copy each number and put it into configuration files. If it output as the same format as .env will allow user to just copy-paste whole contents.

    opened by ghost 1
  • Drop support for PHP 5.x, update hashids dependency to 3.x

    Drop support for PHP 5.x, update hashids dependency to 3.x

    Considering that PHP 7.x is required since quite some time in Laravel, I think it is safe and sane to drop 5.x support.

    This would allow to move on with some other dependencies such as hashids 3.x which requires PHP 7.x

    opened by vpratfr 1
  • The class Laravel\Lumen\Application does not exist. Did you forget a USE statement, or did you not list all dependencies?

    The class Laravel\Lumen\Application does not exist. Did you forget a USE statement, or did you not list all dependencies?

    see https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/ElfSundae/laravel-hashid/issues/master/files/src/HashidServiceProvider.php?orderField=path&order=asc&honorSelectedPaths=0&issueId=24062700#inspectioncomment-89250941

    opened by ElfSundae 0
  • option() may return array

    option() may return array

    It seems like $this->option('characters') targeting Illuminate\Console\Command::option() can also be of type array; however, ElfSundae\Laravel\Hashid...enerateRandomAlphabet() does only seem to accept string, maybe add an additional type check?

    see https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/ElfSundae/laravel-hashid/inspections/77523947-fb53-423e-bed4-490ff611ea6e/issues/files/src/Console/AlphabetGenerateCommand.php?status=new&orderField=path&order=asc&honorSelectedPaths=0&issueId=23996809#inspectioncomment-89146709

    opened by ElfSundae 0
  • [Insight] Usage of a function in loops should be avoided - in src/Console/AlphabetGenerateCommand.php, line 31

    [Insight] Usage of a function in loops should be avoided - in src/Console/AlphabetGenerateCommand.php, line 31

    in src/Console/AlphabetGenerateCommand.php, line 31

    This loop uses a function. To avoid the overhead of executing the function n times, you should precalculate it before the loop.

         * @return mixed
        public function handle()
            for ($i = 0; $i < $this->getTimes(); $i++) {

    Posted from SensioLabsInsight

    opened by ElfSundae 0
  • Eloquent support

    Eloquent support

    I would like to create a pull request to add these traits for eloquent models. I would change it a bit to use this lib instead of hashid directly, but you get the idea.

    I use these two alot and think it would be great to include them to this lib


     * Trait HashID
     * @package App\Traits
     * @property-read string $hash_id
     * @mixin Model
    trait HashID
        public function getHashIdAttribute()
            return static::idToHash($this->getKey());
        public static function idToHash($id)
            return static::newHashId()->encode($id);
        public static function hashToId($code)
            $ids = static::newHashId()->decode($code);
            $id = empty($ids) ? null : $ids[0];
            return $id;
         * @param $code
         * @param array $columns
         * @return static
        public static function findByHash($code, $columns = null)
            $id = static::hashToId($code);
            return static::find($id, $columns);
         * @param $code
         * @param array $columns
         * @return static
        public static function findOrFailByHash($code, $columns = null)
            $id = static::hashToId($code);
            return static::findOrFail($id, $columns);
        public static function newHashId()
            return new Hashids(config('app.key'), 5, 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm7894561230');


     * Trait HashID
     * @package App\Traits
     * @mixin \Eloquent
     * @mixin HashID
    trait HashIDRoutable
        public function getRouteKeyName()
            return 'hash_id';
        public function resolveRouteBinding($value)
            return (new static)->find(static::hashToId($value));


    class OrderReturn extends Model
        use HashID; 
        use HashIDRoutable; // hash id is used instead of id
    opened by AidasK 5
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