Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication.



 ______ _______ ______           __         __         
|   __ \     __|   __ \______.--|  |.---.-.|  |_.---.-.SUPPORTS
|    __/    |  |    __/______|  _  ||  _  ||   _|  _  |TOR
|___|  |_______|___|         |_____||___._||____|___._|<3
PGP Encrypted data with public storage! 
Exchange your PGP encrypted data with others!


NON-TOR version
php client.php

TOR version

What do you store?

Public PGP encrypted data, so others with password can decrypt your data -
PUBLICID used to access the PGP encrypted data -

Do you log IP?

No, NEVER! - Always also use TOR/VPN

Where to run?

Any linux distro that can install php, gnupg, tor, torsocks

Where are the public PGP encrypted data stored?



What are requirements?

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install php-cli gnupg

If you want to use client-tor.php you will need
apt install tor torsocks


1, You DO NOT trust email provider(s)!
2, You DO love privacy and like stay hidden!
3, You DO NOT want to end like this one
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