A simple php (lumen) app for sharing sensitive text (basically like onetimesecret), but with full end-to-end AES-256-GCM encryption so even the server has no access to the data, and developed with very simple deployment in mind.

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Security secret

🔒 Secret

A simple php (lumen) app for sharing sensitive text (basically like onetimesecret), but with full end-to-end AES-256-GCM encryption so even the server has no access to the data, and developed with very simple deployment in mind.


What is it for

I often need to send credentials or sensitive information to clients and colleagues and really prefer not to send these things over email/chat where they remain forever prone to breaches and also attached to a context in email threads (eg, it is clear such data is connected to a site/identity/account).

It is even better to send the URL and the KEY separately through different channels and instruct the user to recombine them in the address bar.

Coming soon: support for binaries/file uploads.



  • Clone the repo
  • Copy .env.example to .env
  • Configure APP_URL with the url, APP_KEY with a random string, NEW_ITEM_PASSWORD with a password for the creation of new items. (Highly recommended, see Why set a password).
  • If desired, adjust ALLOWED_TAGS as a comma separated list br,a,img
  • touch database/database.sqlite
  • composer install
  • php artisan migrate


  • composer install
  • npm i
  • Set URL in webpack.mix.js
  • npx mix watch
  • Build for production with npx mix --production

Why Set a Password?

  • A password is highly recommended. If no password is set, anyone can create secrets
  • There's no rate limiter, so without a password a troll could hammer the endpoint to create secrets
  • There's no CSRF protection, though an irrelevant vector since without a password, anyone can create secrets anyways
  • Sanitization can't be performed server-side since the data is e2e encrypted, a sanitization occurs (as per the ALLOWED_TAGS environment variable) before displaying the secret. An unlikely vector, since it is sanitized before display, but worth mentioning.


  • Not tested on IE/Edge, but from a look at the Compatibility table the requirements should be supported
  • Thank you Pichiste for helping debug the nightmare of SubtleCrypto ArrayBuffer <> String conversions.


GNU General Public License version 2

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