URL Shortener (Back-end & APIs)


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About Mutt

Mutt.ir is a cross-platform URL shortener project that is being developed open source. You can view the source of different platforms of this application on mutt.ir organization GitHub page and contribute in its development.


About project

This project is developed using the Laravel framework and and focuses on the development of APIs related to the Mutt application.

In this project, I try to use all my programming skills in the best way to develop the project. My focus in developing this project is on a test-driven development approach.


Thank you for considering contributing to the Mutt platform! The contribution guide will available soon.

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  • authentication


    Features must be implement for authentication system:

    • [ ] configure sanctum
    • [ ] user registration api with fields: (name, email, phone, password)
    • [ ] phone verification api [with type: verify_mobile, login, reset_password] & sms using job & queue & redis
    • [ ] phone sms verification api
    • [ ] user login api with phone|email & password|verification_code
    • [ ] implementation of send email system using job & queue
    • [ ] user recovery password api using phone|email with send verification code
    • [ ] using throttle for limiting api requests
    • [ ] add authentication user to Link::short method (save user)
    • [ ] guard Link::short with specific slug only for authenticated users
    • [ ] implementation of user profile edit
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  • extend shortener

    extend shortener

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    • [ ] Add status to link (ping to redirection url)
    • [ ] Add expire_date
    • [ ] Add visited to shortened links
    • [ ] Add QR code to shortened links
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