Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404. This module saves all 404 url to a database table


Magento 2 Module Experius Page Not Found 404

This module saves all 404 urls to a database table.

  • Adds an admin grid with 404s
  • It includes a count so you can see which 404 urls needs your attention first.
  • Allows you to configure a permanent redirect for the 404s found in the admin grid.

Location in the admin panel: System > Tools > 404 Reports

Why should you use it?

  1. Reports all 404s, not only the ones from Google.
  2. Store owner can fix them by them
  3. Import redirect list when migrating to M2.

How to use the import csv function?

  1. Create a csv called "pagenotfound.csv" with two two columns: from and to url (don't add column headers)
  2. Add the full url including https:// (for both from and to url) to this csv
  3. Use semicolon (";") as your separator
  4. Upload csv on the Magento server (f.e. var/import folder)
  5. Run the import file command including the url from the previous step
  • installation via Composer fails

    installation via Composer fails

    Hi, Tried to install via composer: composer require experius/module-pagenotfound

    I get following error: [PDOException] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key len gth is 767 bytes

    I think there is an missing "version" tag in the composer.json file..

    opened by inelukipg 9
  • [TASK] Made from_url unique, if database already contains duplicates those are merged

    [TASK] Made from_url unique, if database already contains duplicates those are merged

    [TASK] If new redirect is added through back-end but from_url already exists the page with that url is updated and warning is shown [BUGFIX] There can't be duplicate from_url's because those caused the issue that only the first could be redirected

    opened by bartlubbersen 1
  • Mass action for next update

    Mass action for next update

    It's a suggestion. It would be good. Many 404 errors should be able to redirect to the same url with a single action. A massive action should be done to be able to redirect many 404s that you choose to the same url

    opened by luisr1000 0
  • Revert

    Revert "[TASK] Made from_url unique, if database already contains duplicates those are merged"

    Reverts experius/Magento-2-Module-PageNotFound#10

    A index on column can be max 255. Wich is not enought for url field. Solution is to check for duplicates in model save_before

    opened by dheesbeen 0
  • Implementation of 410 unclear

    Implementation of 410 unclear


    first of all, thanks for sharing this module.

    I noticed that there are some mentions of 410 responses in the code, and there's an own branch for it. However, in version 1.2.4 and 1.2.3, I can't seem to find an option how to set a 410 response to a 404 URL. Is this implementation complete?

    If not, if there are open tasks, I'd be happy to finish this feature because we need it to work. Just tell me what's missing please.

    Thanks Simon

    opened by simonrl 3
  • Feature: Url's filteren door regex in configuratie

    Feature: Url's filteren door regex in configuratie

    A customer complained that there were a lot of url's with pub/media in the module, because their feed was misconfigured. It would be nice if we could filter url's before they are saved instead of removing them afterwards. Because if we remove them bots could still crawl them again and add the url.

    opened by bartlubbersen 0
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