Various PHPStan rules we found useful in ShipMonk.


ShipMonk PHPStan rules

Various rules we found useful in ShipMonk. You may found some of them opinionated, so we recommend picking only those fitting your needs. If you would like to use all of them anyway, use:

    - vendor/shipmonk/phpstan-rules/rules.neon


composer require shipmonk/phpstan-rules


All you need to enable most of the rules is to register them as documented in phpstan/phpstan. Some of them need some specific rich parser node visitor to be registered as well. Rarely, some rules are reliable only when some other rule is enabled.


  • Allows usage of named arguments only in native attributes
  • Before native attributes, we used DisallowNamedArguments. But we used Doctrine annotations, which almost "require" named arguments when converted to native attributes.
  • Requires NamedArgumentSourceVisitor to work
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\AllowNamedArgumentOnlyInAttributesRule
    class: ShipMonk\PHPStan\Visitor\NamedArgumentSourceVisitor
        - phpstan.parser.richParserNodeVisitor
class User {
    #[Column(type: Types::STRING, nullable: false)] // allowed
    private string $email;

    public function __construct(string $email) {
        $this->setEmail(email: $email); // forbidden


  • Denies property fetch on unknown type.
  • Any property fetch assumes the caller is an object with such property and therefore, the typehint/phpdoc should be fixed.
  • Similar to ForbidMethodCallOnMixedRule
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\ForbidFetchOnMixedRule
function example($unknown) {
    $unknown->property; // cannot fetch property on mixed


  • Denies using default arm in match() construct when native enum is passed as subject
  • This rules makes sense only as a complement of native phpstan rule that guards that all enum cases are handled in match arms
  • As a result, you are forced to add new arm when new enum case is added
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\ForbidFetchOnMixedRule
match ($enum) {
    MyEnum::Case: 1;
    default: 2; // default arm forbidden


  • Denies calling methods on unknown type.
  • Any method call assumes the caller is an object with such method and therefore, the typehint/phpdoc should be fixed.
  • Similar to ForbidFetchOnMixedRule
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\ForbidMethodCallOnMixedRule
function example($unknown) {
    $unknown->call(); // cannot call method on mixed


  • Denies calling unset over class field as it causes un-initialization, see
  • Null assignment should be used instead
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\ForbidUnsetClassFieldRule
function example(MyClass $class) {
    unset($class->field); // denied


  • Denies marking method return type as nullable when null is never returned
  • Recommended to be used together with UselessPrivatePropertyDefaultValueRule and UselessPrivatePropertyNullabilityRule
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\ForbidUselessNullableReturnRule
class Example {
    public function example(int $foo): ?int { // null never returned
        if ($foo < 0) {
            return 0;
        return $foo;


  • Reports forgotten exception throw (created or returned from function, but not used in any way)
  • Requires UnusedExceptionVisitor to work
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\ForbidUnusedExceptionRule
    class: ShipMonk\PHPStan\Visitor\UnusedExceptionVisitor
        - phpstan.parser.richParserNodeVisitor
function validate(): void {
    new Exception(); // forgotten throw


  • Detects forgotten exception pass-as-previous when re-throwing
  • Checks if caught exception can be passed as argument to the call (including constructor call) in throw node inside the catch block
  • You may encounter false-positives in some edge-cases, where you do not want to pass exception as previous, feel free to ignore those
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\RequirePreviousExceptionPassRule
try {
    // some code
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    throw new LogicException('Cannot happen'); // $e not passed as previous


  • Detects useless default value of a private property that is always initialized in constructor.
  • Cannot handle conditions or private method calls within constructor.
  • Requires TopLevelConstructorPropertyFetchMarkingVisitor to work
  • Should be used together with ForbidReturnInConstructorRule to avoid false positives when return statement is used in constructor
  • Recommended to be used with UselessPrivatePropertyNullabilityRule and ForbidUselessNullableReturnRule
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\UselessPrivatePropertyDefaultValueRule
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\ForbidReturnInConstructorRule
    class: ShipMonk\PHPStan\Visitor\TopLevelConstructorPropertyFetchMarkingVisitor
        - phpstan.parser.richParserNodeVisitor
class Example
    private ?int $field = null; // useless default value

    public function __construct()
        $this->field = 1;


  • Detects useless nullability of a private property by checking type of all assignments.
  • Requires ClassPropertyAssignmentVisitor to work
  • Recommended to be used with UselessPrivatePropertyNullabilityRule and ForbidUselessNullableReturnRule as removing useless default value may cause useless nullability to be detected
    - ShipMonk\PHPStan\Rule\UselessPrivatePropertyNullabilityRule
    class: ShipMonk\PHPStan\Visitor\ClassPropertyAssignmentVisitor
        - phpstan.parser.richParserNodeVisitor
class Example
    private ?int $field; // useless nullability

    public function __construct()
        $this->field = 1;

    public function setField(int $value)
        $this->field = $value;
  • Current release broken ?

    Current release broken ?

    I need to remove both ForbidMethodCallOnMixedRule and ForbidFetchOnMixedRule from neon.rules in order to make it work.

    I think I already stumbled upon a commit that solves this.

    JFYI :)

    Thank you & great work!

    opened by ilazaridis 3
  • ForbidAssignmentNotMatchingVarDocRule  - allow type narrowing

    ForbidAssignmentNotMatchingVarDocRule - allow type narrowing

    I like ForbidAssignmentNotMatchingVarDocRule rule but in our codebase we often use @var comments to specify narrower type not properly detected by PHPStan. Would you welcome PR with configuration option that would allow type narrowing for this rule?

    opened by MartinMystikJonas 2
  • EnforceNativeReturnTypehintRule: resource not typehintable & fix self|self

    EnforceNativeReturnTypehintRule: resource not typehintable & fix self|self

    • No type hint for resources is added, as this would prevent moving from resources to objects for existing extensions, which some have already done (e.g. GMP).
    opened by janedbal 0
  • Match can contain only assignments

    Match can contain only assignments

    Match can contain only assignments like this:

            match ($int) {
                0 => $a = 'x',
                1 => $b = 'y',

    Then is not necessary to trigger ForbidUnusedMatchResultRule.

    opened by MilanPala 0
  • Replace rule+visitor DIC registration by config

    Replace rule+visitor DIC registration by config

    • possibly targets 2.0.0
    • allows doing without any BC
    • simplifies readme and one-by-one enable/disable usage
    • supersedes idea
    opened by janedbal 0
  • EnforceNativeReturnTypehintRule: try narrowing enforcement

    EnforceNativeReturnTypehintRule: try narrowing enforcement

    • attempt, but when tested on big codebase, there are plenty problematic situations, like
      • typehint says interface, but we return multiple children -> forcing to use union of them
      • anon classes returned (fixable)
      • invalid (old) phpdocs like Generator|mixed[] breaking proper suggestion -> forcing generinc iterable in this example
      • invalid phpdocs (this is not reported by phpstan) like this -> forcing wrong native typehint
    opened by janedbal 0
  • 2.0.1(Dec 2, 2022)


    • uselessPrivatePropertyNullability: fix false positive within promoted properties (, thx @enumag)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Nov 15, 2022)

    Major changes :tada:

    • Much easier setup. Just include vendor/shipmonk/phpstan-rules/rules.neon in your codebase; no need to register all rules, visitors and tags as before (
      • Also, you can easily enable/disable rules one by one like this:
        - vendor/shipmonk/phpstan-rules/rules.neon
                enabled: false

    New features


    • ForbidFetchOnMixedRule and ForbidMethodCallOnMixedRule does not make sense on level9, so it gets autodisabled in that case (

    Error message changes

    • ForbidAssignmentNotMatchingVarDocRule now reports type narrowing with different message (
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.0(Oct 10, 2022)

    New features

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(Aug 20, 2022)

  • 1.1.0(Aug 17, 2022)

    New features:


    • phpstan/phpstan now requires at least 1.8.1 (


    • using rules.neon is discouraged and the file will be removed in next major version, new rules are not added anymore there
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.1(Jun 24, 2022)


    • Use reliable static reflection concepts, no is_a inside rules (
      • Checked since phpstan 1.7.15, needed since phpstan onboarded fully static reflection (1.7.0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Jun 24, 2022)

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