241 Repositories
PHP react-css-modules Libraries
TweetNow is a Twitter clone created with Vue.js and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post short messages, follow other users, and engage in conversations through comments and likes.
TweetNow TweetNow is a opensource social media created with Vue.js+Inertia SSR and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post sh
Create an ip info WebPage with a style.css and an index.php
my-ip-info Create an ip info Page with a style.css and an index.php file. 支持 判断浏览器语言,非中文显示为英文。 curl指令返回ip地址 国家 城市。 在地图上显示位置 前提条件 一个已经注册了域名并在Cloudflare
Web pangkas rambut/Barbershop
🔰 About Website Pangkas rambut lily putra Adalah Website Yang Digunakan Untuk membantu mencari tempat mencukur yang pas, awal tujuaanya unuk memuncul
Ce projet vous montre comment utiliser des fonts localement dans vos applications Laravel, avec ViteJS et Tailwind CSS
Laravel - use local fonts with Tailwind CSS and Vite Ce projet est né d'un constat: vous êtes souvent nombreuses et nombreux à galérer pour utiliser d
Sistema de login usando PHP, MySQL(PDO),HTML,CSS e bootstrap
sistemalogin link para entrar no projeto: https://williamsistema.000webhostapp.com/ Sistema de login usando PHP, MySQL(PDO),HTML,CSS e bootstrap Requi
A real-time chatting website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
ChatApp A real-time chatting website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP #Features Signup Login Signup & Login Validation Encrypted Password Realtime Mes
Medical Master or "Medic-M" was built to reduce the hassle of buying medicine, provide medicine to the sick in a short time. It is an HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and PHP based system.
Medical Master (Medic-M) | WELCOME TO Medic-M(MEDICAL MASTER) | | Introduction | Medical Master or "Medic-M" was built to reduce the hassle of buying
Running Laravel and React stacks together using Vite and InertiaJS on Docker.
Laravel-Vite-Docker Running Laravel and React stacks together using Vite and InertiaJS on Docker. Explore project's blog » Report Bug · Request Featur
A web application built on PHP for user to view their credit information in their mysql database
TheCreditInfo Table of Content About Inspiration Technologies Client Pages Usage About Credere is a website created to help you track your credit hist
A preconfigured Laravel, React, Typescript, Docker boilerplate to save you time!
Laravel - React - Docker - Boilerplate This repo is built with the following: Laravel 9 React 17 Vite 3 ESLint 8 TypeScript 4.7 Husky/Commit lint PHP
A toolkit for developing universal web interfaces with support for multiple CSS frameworks.
PHP UI Kit A toolkit for developing universal web interfaces with support for multiple CSS frameworks. Documentation Use cases One of the use cases is
Allows Filament static assets (css, js) to be served directly from /public
Filament Static Asset Handling This package aims to solve improve the static asset handling of the amazing Laravel package Filament. By default Filame
Couleur is a modern PHP 8.1+ color library, intended to be compatible with CSS Color Module Level 4.
🎨 Couleur: A modern PHP 8.1+ color library 🎨 Couleur: A modern PHP 8.1+ color library 👋 Presentation ⚙️ Installation 🏁 Quick Start 📚 Usage 🏭 Imm
aqui tienen una plantilla que pueden usar para crear paginas web, contiene html, css, javascript y php
Plantilla-html aqui tienen una plantilla que pueden usar para crear paginas web, contiene html, css, javascript y php. esta plantilla obviamente neces
A Simple Timetable Management Sys (PHP)
Vela-patrak_v_1.0 To manage TimeTable Insights =============================================================================== EXTENSION NAME : lineco
Start WordPress Plugin Development with React JS Package in just few steps
React Js & Wordpress Plugin Package Start WordPress Plugin Development with React JS Package in just few steps Getting Started with this Setup Clone t
React laravel starter kit with tailwind css and vite js(laravel 9)
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Html-Css-Php-Javascript-MySql dilleri ve bootstrap , sweetalert teknolojilerini kullanarak bir kütüphane sistemi yaptım.
Html-Css-Php-Javascript-MySql dilleri ve bootstrap , sweetalert teknolojilerini kullanarak bir kütüphane sistemi yaptım. Mysql de kütüphane adında bir
It is a simple blog application coded with PHP, HTML, CSS. You can develop, edit. You can see it as a skeleton. ⚡
PHP-BLOG-SYSTEM Simple blog system Features Adding Text Update Text Text Deletion User Login and register Bootstrap Design Profile Page How to use blo
WordPress plugin boilerplate using React and Block Editor components.
PluginWP Foundation 🚧 UNDER DEVELOPMENT 🚧 This code serves as a starting point for building a WordPress plugin using React and the block editor comp
A Simple MVC PHP Framework, integrated with lot of features such as Session, Cookies, Migrations, Database, Factories, Seeding, Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS
Navite A Simple MVC PHP Framework, integrated with lot of features such as Session, Cookies, Migrations, Database, Factories, Seeding, Bootstrap and T
Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules
flux-scorm-player-api Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-scorm-player-api && cd /%pa
An Instagram clone built with TailwindCSS, React, Apollo Client and Laravel Lighthouse.
This is an Instagram clone built with TailwindCSS, React, Apollo Client and Laravel Lighthouse. This is a great project to learn and improve your Tailwind and React skills also if you are insterested in backend, the GraphQL API is created using Laravel Lighthouse, this is a great project to add to your portfolio if you are just starting as a web developer or full stack developer.
Friendly open source CMS forged on Codeigniter 3. FI v1.x uses the old lite theme and all modules.
ForgeIgniter v1.x - CI-3.x Friendly open source CMS forged on Codeigniter 3 This version is now discontinued, please check version 2 or 3 for updates.
Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API.
Rewards-Dacor Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API. [Live site link] ( https://rewardsdaco
🐍 Web application made in PHP with Laravel where you can interact via API with my Snake game which is made in Python
Snake web application Project of the web application where you can interact via API with Snake game which is available to download on it. Application
CodKep - lightweight web framework
CodKep - Lightweight web framework CodKep is a lightweight web framework written in PHP. It has a modular design and use hook system for easy extend t
Provides tools for building modules that integrate Nosto into your e-commerce platform
php-sdk Provides tools for building modules that integrate Nosto into your e-commerce platform. Requirements The Nosto PHP SDK requires at least PHP v
Linkfyle is a system that allows you to collect your social media accounts in one place and be reachable.
Linkfyle About Linkfyle is a system that allows you to collect your social media accounts in one place and be reachable. Features Login and Registrati
My aim is to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have.
Gaming-Ninja I aim to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have. https://gamingninja-3399.000webhostapp.c
Check modules in app/code and vendor for PHP 8 compatibility status - PHP_CodeSniffer & php-compatibility standard
M2 PHP version compatibility check How To use Requires PHP 7.3+ | PHP 8 This app will run PHP_CodeSniffer with phpcompatibility/php-compatibility on t
The Online Shopping System in PHP using XAMPP as virtual Server.
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser or a mobile app.
Simple async lowlevel ICMP (ping) messaging library built on top of React PHP
clue/icmp-react Simple async lowlevel ICMP (ping) messaging library built on top of react Usage Once clue/icmp-react is installed, you can run any of
Inventory and Sales System of Biosys Medical Trading
Inventory and Sales System of Biosys Medical Trading This system will provide an organize and up to date inventory to the company. This will allow the
Tailwind UI is a Tailwind CSS component library designed by the authors of Tailwind CSS
Tailwind UI is a Tailwind CSS component library designed by the authors of Tailwind CSS. This is a Winter CMS plugin that provides a custom, TailwindUI-based skin for the backend.
Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.
Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.
Complete Login and Registration System with HTML CSS Bootstrap PHP and MYSQL
Complete-Login-and-Registration-System Complete Login and Registration System with HTML CSS Bootstrap PHP and MYSQL for .sql file run xampp server ope
CSS Exfil helper script to generate injected CSS and corresponding HTML (inspired by mike gualtieri)
The PoC-CSS Exfill Basic Keylogger First of all i was developing bot stuff and i seen attribute=value] [target=_blank] in source code of website. This
Create a new project using QuidPHP, LemurCMS and React
QuidPHP/React About QuidPHP/React repository contains a sample application project built on top of the QuidPHP framework. This application is using Le
Topshop offers its customers a modern shopping experience by bringing computers, appliances, clothing and many other items at their fingertips.
Topshop offers its customers a modern shopping experience by bringing computers, appliances, clothing and many other items at their fingertips. With just a few clicks, users can create an account, add products to their cart and place their order.
A repo of a simple blogsite in PHP, HTML and CSS.
A repository of a simple and fully functional blogsite - The Memoire, in PHP, HTML and CSS. The index page of this site has a summary of all the autho
Online Food Delivery Website created using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL which delivers food at your doorstep on Cash-On-Delivery.
Food-Delivery-Website Online Food Delivery Website created using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL which delivers food at your doorstep on Cash-On-Delivery. Th
Proyecto de la materia de Programacion Web que abarca html, css, php y js.
ProyectoPW Proyecto de la materia de Programacion Web que abarca html, css, php y js. DENTRO DE ESTA CARPETA DE PROYECTO DE PROGRAMACION WEB SE ENCUEN
This WordPress Plugin Boilerplate is meant for you to develop your own plugin on.
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate This plugin boilerplate is meant for you to develop your own plugin on. Support & collaboration Features OOP plugin core
A Laravel 9, Vite, Svelte SPA, Tailwind CSS (w/ Forms Plugin & Aspect Ratio Plugin), Axios & TypeScript starter template.
Laravel 9 + Vite + Svelte + Tailwind CSS This starter template includes: Laravel 9 Vite Svelte Tailwind CSS (w/ @tailwindcss/forms and @tailwindcss/as
Book Store Website Design Using PHP, JavaScript, CSS
Book_Store_Website Book Store Website Design Using PHP, JavaScript, CSS PHPMyAdmin Tables SELECT id, name, email, password, user_type FROM users WHERE
ReactPHP HttpClient Adapter for Guzzle6, for Guzzle5 check ReactGuzzleRing
react-guzzle-psr7 ReactPHP HttpClient Adapter for Guzzle6, for Guzzle5 check ReactGuzzleRing Installation To install via Composer, use the command bel
A PSR-15 middleware adapter for react/http
A PSR-15 middleware adapter for react/http Wraps PSR-15 middleware into coroutines using RecoilPHP making them usable within react/http as middleware.
LittleLink Custom provides you with a website similar to Linktree. Many social media platforms only allow you to add one link
LittleLink Custom is a fork of LittleLink Admin with a set goal of making the admin panel easier to use and setup, for inexperienced and first-time users, with the addition of many custom features themed around customization for the individual user's, LittleLink pages.
Faculty Management System (FMS) Built with Laravel 9 in Back-end and React , Redux in Front-end API's
Final Project Faculty Management System (FMS) as final project for faculty of Copmuter Science, Kandahar University, 2021 Faculty Management System (F
Borgert - A simple CMS to start projects in Laravel containing some modules
A simple CMS to start projects in Laravel containing some modules.Blog, Pages, Products, Mailbox, Image Gallery, Log Viewer and Users.
An open source blog, made using Laravel, Inertia.js, and React.js. Also a learning repository.
Blog An open source Laravel-based blog. Still in progress, will be updated regularly as I wrote articles on my blog. Configurations Shared-hosting, an
Réalisation d'un API avec Laravel
Laravel étant un framework « à tout faire » celui-ci nous permet bien évidemment de créer également des API. ... Une API va nous permettre de séparer la logique entre client et serveur afin de réaliser si vous le souhaitez différent client pour la même donnée (exemple Twitter avec des clients multiplateformes).
Laravel 9 & React Event Calendar
###Event Calendar ##Projeyi docker üzerinde ayağa kaldırma #Acount Service accountService klasörü içine girerek docker-compose up --build komutu ile a
Laravel 5 Modules
Laravel 5 Modules Upgrade Guide Installation Configuration Naming Convension Folder Structure Creating Module Artisan Commands Facades Entity Auto Sca
Symfony bundle that provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications
CSRF Cookie Bundle This Symfony bundle provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications requesting endpoints
Planner semanal simples e intuitivo para melhor organização das tarefas semanais.
Planner semanal simples e intuitivo para melhor organização das tarefas semanais. Simple and intuitive weekly planner for better organization of your tasks.
Middleware to minify the Html, CSS and Javascript content using wyrihaximus/compress
middlewares/minifier Middleware to minify the Html, CSS and Javascript content using wyrihaximus/compress and the following compressors by default: wy
This website built for practice using HTML,CSS , Js and PHP - MySQL for backend
SammysBarbeque This website built for practice using HTML,CSS , Js and PHP - MySQL for backend Features added in the website: User:- Authentic and att
Complete Login and Registration system using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP, PHP and MYSQL
Complete Login and Registration system using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP, PHP and MYSQL
A monthly payment report using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL database
A monthly payment report using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL database
This website is built for ArrowSmile dental clinic using HTML, CSS , JS for frontend and PHP & MySQL.
arrow-smile-dentist-website This website is built for ArrowSmile dental clinic using HTML, CSS , JS for frontend and PHP & MySQL. URL : http://arrowsm
Pure PHP APIs with PostgreSQL database, with HTML, CSS & JS simple frontend
The root of the project is html/index.html The folder needs to be put in htdocs folder to run correctly // this link should open the main page if the
This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer.
Laravel Module Create This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer Installation Simply install t
Fixes WordPress 5.9 global CSS styles specificity issues
Fixes WordPress 5.9 global CSS styles specificity issues
Miolica: an e-commerce application that uses React.js as the frontend and Laravel as the backend
Miolica: an e-commerce application that uses React.js as the frontend and Laravel as the backend
CRUD php application to check in and check out employees and show daily building occupation
CRUD php application to check in and check out employees and show daily building occupation. Employees are required to self check their temperature and tick a checkbox to specify whether their temperature is below 38°C else they are invited to stay home. (Implemented in php with bootstrap4 for styling and datatable jquery plugin for table formatting and additional features).
Plugin for WordPress Full Site Editing That Sets Smart CSS defaults & Removes Auto generated classes.
WazFrame Enhanced This plugin removes autogenerated classes from WordPress that comes from theme layout support for contentSize and wideSize in theme.
Multi layout react laravel
multi-layout-react-laravel multi layout react-laravel is a repository for creating 1 integrated system, this repository uses react(laravel ui) version
Twill GraphQL provides easy access to query-specific fields from Twill CMS modules and user-defined modules with GraphQL
Twill CMS GraphQL 🔭 WIP - not stable Twill GraphQL provides easy access to query-specific fields from Twill CMS modules and user-defined modules with
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
This package wraps up the standalone executable version of the Tailwind CSS framework for a Laravel application.
Tailwind CSS for Laravel Introduction This package wraps the standalone Tailwind CSS CLI tool. No Node.js required. Inspiration This package was inspi
PcTools is a proyect developed using {JavaScript,HTML5,CSS} for frontend and {PHP = Mysql} for backend.
PcTools-Proyect PcTools is a proyect developed using {JavaScript,HTML5,CSS} for frontend and {PHP = Mysql} for backend. Future Improvements # Replace
This is Fully Working Net Banking Project Developed in PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Net Banking Project in PHP In this project i have develop real world net-banking project. This project is a best simulator for banking learners Featur
🔌 Convert Bootstrap CSS code to Tailwind CSS code
Tailwindo This tool can convert Your CSS framework (currently Bootstrap) classes in HTML/PHP (any of your choice) files to equivalent Tailwind CSS cla
A functional Prison Management Portal completely developed on php
A functional Prison Management Portal completely developed on php, Inspired by existing models. With interactive modules, and high scalability because of MySQL.
PHP Library for generating SVG avatars based on React Avataaars
PHP library for Avataaars PHP Library for generating SVG avatars based on React Avataaars.
This Slim Framework middleware will compile LESS CSS files on-the-fly using the Assetic library
This Slim Framework middleware will compile LESS CSS files on-the-fly using the Assetic library. It supports minification and caching, also via Asseti
This modules provides a Search API Backend for Elasticsearch.
Search API ElasticSearch This modules provides a Search API Backend for Elasticsearch. This module uses the official Elasticsearch PHP Client. Feature
ZAP CRM is Customer Relationship Management portal built using PHP Codeigniter 4 & Tailwind CSS framework.
ZAP CRM ZAP CRM is Customer Relationship Management portal built using PHP Codeigniter 4 & Tailwind CSS framework. Screenshots User (Dashboard) Admin
An online communication application that provides a real-time or live transmission of text messages from sender to receiver.
Realtime-chat-application An online communication application that provides a real-time or live transmission of text messages from sender to receiver.
The main website source code based on php , html/css/js and an independent db system using xml/json.
jsm33t.com Well umm, a neat website LIVE SITE » View Demo · Report Bug · Request a feature About The Project Desc.. Built Using Php UI Frameworks Boot
Loja virtual fictícia para compra de produtos e estilização dos mesmos. Desenvolvido com as tecnologias: HTML, CSS, PHP, CODEIGNITER, JavaScript, Bootstrap e Mysql.
StampGeek Loja virtual fictícia para compra de produtos e estilização dos mesmos. Desenvolvido com as tecnologias: HTML, CSS, PHP, CODEIGNITER, JavaSc
Sistema web para empresa de diseño "Disema", con operaciones básicas CRUD y uso de html, JQ, JS, php y css
Disema System Sistema web para empresa de diseño "Disema", con operaciones básicas CRUD y uso de html, JQ, JS, php y css Para su correcto uso, deberá
Geo-related tools PHP 7.3+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries
Geotools Geotools is a PHP geo-related library, built atop Geocoder and React libraries. Features Batch geocode & reverse geocoding request(s) in seri
Laravel Real-time chat app demo with React, Laravel Echo, Breeze, Socket.io, Redis, Inertia.js, TailwindCSS stack.
Laravel Real-time Chat App You can build yours from scratch with the following Medium article https://medium.com/@sinan.bekar/build-a-real-time-chat-a
FalconOne Lite is an Open Source solution deployed and updated on a daily basis to help prevent terror and crime globally
FalconOne Lite is an Open Source solution deployed and updated on a daily basis to help prevent terror and crime globally. By using advanced tools, functions and stealth strategies, FalconOne community is focused on making a friendly and fast solution for effective results.
A fully responsive and dynamic web app to present all products for a start-up called Zarafah
A fully responsive and dynamic web app to present all products for a start-up called Zarafah. Made of HTML, CSS, TailwindCss, Vanilla JavaScript, AlpineJS, Laravelphp, Laravel Breeze, Jotform Api for forms submissions and Mailchimp Api for Newsletter.
Web Based Chat Application For Students, Developers, Learners
Web Based Chat Application Motive of this chat Application is to connect similar interest students closer. Many students faces difficulties to solve t
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) portal using PHP Codeigniter 4 & Tailwind CSS framework.
CRM Portal Customer Relationship Management (CRM) portal using PHP Codeigniter 4 & Tailwind CSS framework. Screenshots User (Dashboard) Admin (Employe
Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way
Mini Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way Install Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:
React Native mobile app for Magento 2.x
Open source React Native mobile app for Magento 2 Magento React Native is a fully functional eCommerce App for your Magento 2 website. It uses Magento
Magento React Native Community
Magento React Native Community New version of the https://github.com/troublediehard/magento-react-native based on GraphQL api. Which will be covered w
Online chatting application through a logical decentralized blockchain network that stores chat information and hashing keys implemented using AJAX, JQuery, PHP, SQL, CSS, and HTML
Online chatting application through a logical decentralized blockchain network that stores chat information and hashing keys implemented using AJAX, JQuery, PHP, SQL, CSS, and HTML. The blockchain stores a previous hash value, current hash value, time, chat data, and a special key(nonce) used for encryption in each block (node).
🧾 Online test site with the human sciences theme. Using: HTML5, CSS3, Js., PHP7 and MySQL. 🚀
form-ciencias-humanas 🚀 Technologies Lunacy HTML5 CSS3 PHP7 MYSQL Animate.css Illustrations from icons8: Earth care from Anna Antipina Earth and Moon
Online personal and group chat application using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP,SQL and AJAX that allows users to create own groups, chat
Online personal and group chat application using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP,SQL and AJAX that allows users to create own groups, chat, make friends, check new notifications and edit functionality. Chat automatically updates using AJAX to allow for real-time chatting with other users collected from the database.
Created simple login system and chat type website using mysql database along with php and html , css and javascript.
Created simple login system and chat type website using mysql database along with php and html , css and javascript.
Proyecto 2 - Actividades y Eventos
daw2_2021-22_yii2_basic EPSZ-DAW2 - Yii2_basic. Esta plantilla es la estructura base para los trabajos en grupo de la asignatura DAW2. La plantilla es
Magento-composer-installer - Composer installer for Magento modules
!!! support the maintainer of this project via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Flyingmana Magento Composer Installer The purpose of this project is t