241 Repositories
PHP react-css-modules Libraries
Silverstripe-ideannotator - Generate docblocks for DataObjects, Page, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions
silverstripe-ideannotator This module generates @property, @method and @mixin tags for DataObjects, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions, so ide's lik
CQUPT Online Thesis Archiving System
CQUPT Online Thesis Archiving System This is a web-based application that provides an online platform for storing the students' thesis or capstone pro
Textpattern-jquery-ui-theme - The jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern CMS admin-side.
Textpattern jQuery UI theme The jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern CMS admin-side. Supported web browsers Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari and O
Textpattern-default-theme - Textpattern CMS default theme.
Textpattern CMS default theme This project is the source for the default theme that ships as standard with Textpattern CMS. It is intended as a starti
Video_Sharing_Platform - Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma plataforma de compartilhamento de vídeo (como um YouTube)
Video Sharing Platform Sobre o Projeto Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma plataforma de compartilhamento de vídeo (como um YouTube). A aplicação possu
Laravel-modulator - Laravel Modulator (HMVC) creating and handling in an easy and simple way.
Laravel Modulator HMVC creating and handling in an easy and simple way. Documentation You can find the detailed documentation here in Laravel Modulato
Proyecto 1 - Recetas de Cocina
daw2_2021-22_yii2_basic EPSZ-DAW2 - Yii2_basic. Esta plantilla es la estructura base para los trabajos en grupo de la asignatura DAW2. La plantilla es
IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your website performance.
IMAGON API Demo Image Optimization and Compression API by IMAGON IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your web
The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules
Contao 4 maker bundle The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules, event listener, callbacks and hooks using interacti
A collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces, designed for humans.
Filament is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces, designed for humans. Packages Admin Panel • Documentation • De
Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS.
Nebula Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS. Nebula m
Admin One is simple, beautiful and free Laravel admin dashboard (built with Vue.js, Bulma & Buefy).
Admin One — Free Laravel Vue Bulma Dashboard Admin One is simple, beautiful and free Laravel admin dashboard (built with Vue.js, Bulma & Buefy). Built
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go
Pterodactyl Panel Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodac
WordPress plugin which contains a collection of modules to apply theme-agnostic front-end modifications
Soil A WordPress plugin which contains a collection of modules to apply theme-agnostic front-end modifications. Soil is a commercial plugin available
This package provides a console command to convert dynamic JS/CSS to static JS/CSS assets.
Laravel Nova Search This package provides a console command to convert dynamic JS/CSS to static JS/CSS assets. Requirements laravel-mix v6.0+ php 7.3+
A simple blog app where a user can signup , login, like a post , delete a post , edit a post. The app is built using laravel , tailwind css and postgres
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Attendance Tracker & Management System
Attendance Tracker & Management System Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, PHP and MySQL. Project Description Attendance Tracker could be an award-winning
This is an implementation of football club management. HTML,CSS,PHP
This is an implementation of football club management. HTML,CSS,PHP were used in the construction of this project. Note that database is not included into the code, but the class name and attributes can be found within the code section. Construction and system design can be found in - https://github.com/Mubin42/System-Design-of-Football-Club-Management
A morphological solution for Russian and English language written completely in PHP.
Morphos A morphological solution for Russian and English language written completely in PHP. Tests & Quality: Features [✓] Inflection of Personal name
Fast common interface for php_gmp and php_bcmath modules
BigInteger wrapper library for PHP Information This library is a common interface for php_gmp and php_bcmath modules. It automatically detects support
Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries
Route Map plugin for Craft CMS 3.x Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries Related: Route
Super simple share buttons for WordPress. No images, no css, no javascript
Developer Share Buttons A super lightweight social sharing solution using either the Web Share API or simple sharing links. Description A simple, cust
Official website of Giada Loop Machine. Powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries.
Giada WWW Official website of Giada Loop Machine, proudly powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries. What is Giada? Giad
Simple way to auto load modules without complicate definition of routes
Phalcon-autorouter Version 2.0 Example full application with various libraries included in this example Change log Structure have been changed and upd
Formulário de contato utilizando HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, Javascript e conexão ao banco de dados MySQL.
Formulário de Contato Tecnologias | Projeto | Licença | 🚀 Tecnologias Esse projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias: HTML CSS PHP JavaSc
Boostimer - Product Availability Countdown And Scheduler For Woocommerce
Boostimer - Product Availability Countdown And Scheduler For Woocommerce Contributors: zabiranik Donate link: zabiranik/donate Requires at least: 5.0
Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma plataforma de Chat com Socket
Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma plataforma de Chat com Socket. Essa aplicação tem o intuito de ser bidirecional em tempo real entre clientes e servidores! Nele foi utilizado websockets para resolver o problema de alta latência, porque pense comigo... Um servidor de chat muitas vezes terá um número muito grande de clientes ativos a todo momento, a melhor forma de evitar a lentidão do servidor, seria criar um socket. 🔥
It's like React for PHP. Powered by Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind, & Alpine.
Tailwire It's like React for PHP. Powered by Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind, & Alpine. Features: Use a custom view component class namespace Declare rout
Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC from scratch
This Project is based on course CSC 3215. Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC (Model–View–Controller) from scratch. Just learning about web technologies, Not focusing on UI (Bootstrap or other 3rd-Party UI libraries or frameworks).
Feature plugin to count CSS and JS assets loaded by the theme on front-end and display recommandations in Site Health
=== Site Health - Audit Enqueued Assets === Contributors: audrasjb, whodunitagency Tags: site health, performance audit, performance test, assets, scr
Um site para diversos tipos de notícias.
Notícias Um site para diversos tipos de notícias. Configuração Tenha o Composer instalado em sua máquina e através de seu terminal entre no diretório
This is a web application for management of employees. This was done with the stack - HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, VUEJS AND LARAVEL
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Reverse proxy skeleton built for docker with traefik, showcasing a Symfony + React application
Decoupled Backend(Symfony) + Frontend(React ts) built with Traefik & Docker Reverse proxy skeleton built for docker with traefik, showcasing a decoupl
A blog website where you can create/edit/delete blogs.
A blog website where you can create/edit/delete blogs. All the data will be caught from the DB, but here's the catch: I'm doing this project in Laravel 8.
Sample Content - PHP Retriever - Simple MVC Front Controller Mini Framework
Web application for the health record of the Hemal's Thalasseamia Patients. Technologies PHP, JavaScript, HTML, W3.CSS and MySQL
Web application for the health record of the Hemal's Thalasseamia Patients. Technologies PHP, JavaScript, HTML, W3.CSS and MySQL
Twitter clone project being developed by using PHP Laravel Framework and tailwind.css
Twits! About Twits! We, as enthusiastic learners and new developers, kicked of this project in order to improve our skills and capabilities in PhP Lar
A blog website with blog details with laravel
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Experimenting with Zabbix frontend modules
Modules Request for new example can be left as issue for this repository, will do my best to implement if it is possible. Extending host popup menu Ac
Wordpress, ReactJS, GUTENBERG, plugin
Плагін для Wordpress, який розширює функціонал редактора Gutenderg, реалізуючи можливість створювати клієнтську частину використовуючи потужні можливо
Streaming de música que possui as seguintes características: Registrar a sua música, Sistema de pesquisa, Adicionar uma lista de reprodução, Perfil, Atualizar, Total de visualizações, Últimos vistos entre outros ...
Music Streaming Sobre o Projeto Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui um streaming de música que possui as seguintes funcionalidades: Registrar a sua música,
This is a project that was created for the main purpose of practising front end technology(HTML, CSS and Java-Script) with a litle addition of back-end technology.
This is a project that was created for the main purpose of practising front end technology(HTML, CSS and Java-Script) with a litle addition of back-end technology. This is a restaurant website which is to offer services such as ordering goods through sending of emails, viewing of any order, signing-in/up for customer's who want to order food, and much more, with also some live features like dates of the day alongside opening and closing working ours. So let's jump right into it.
Integration of the popular Bootstrap CSS framework for CodeIgniter 4
Tatter\Bootstrap Integration of the popular Bootstrap CSS framework for CodeIgniter 4 Description This library leverages Tatter\Assets to automate ass
Sample Web Application in Laravel with tailwind css
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Rede social com laravel que possui as seguintes funcionalidades: Adicionar ao amigos, Criação de Grupo, Perfil, Criação de post, Comentários entre outros... Além de possuir um design
Social Network Sobre o Projeto Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma rede social com laravel que possui as seguintes funcionalidades: Adicionar ao amigos
live chat with laravel and react mix
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A forum created with Laravel, Socket.io, and Tailwind CSS.
A forum created with Laravel, Socket.io, and Tailwind CSS.
Laravel Backend API for the tutorial (Granular permissions with Laravel APIs & React frontend)
Laravel Granular Permissions Backend Getting Started Clone the repository. Install the dependencies composer install Update .env database credentials
Generates and handles Modules for Laravel
L5Modular Keep Your Laravel App Organized This package allows you to organize your Laravel project in a modular manner. You can simply drop or generat
A TALL (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel and Livewire) Preset for Laravel
Laravel TALL Preset A front-end preset for Laravel to scaffold an application using the TALL stack, jumpstarting your application's development. If yo
A Laravel dashboard front-end scaffolding preset for Tailwind CSS - Support RTL out of the box.
🔥 Laravel tailwind css dashboard preset A Laravel dashboard front-end scaffolding preset for Tailwind CSS - Support RTL out of the box. Usage Fresh i
Laravel blade directives and php helpers for serverside rendered content, based on browser window size WITHOUT css. Requires Livewire and AlpineJS.
Laravel Livewire Window Size and Breakpoints Laravel blade directives and php helpers for server side rendered content, based on browser window size W
Library for check dependency between modules inside projects
PHP Dependency analyzer PHP DA is tool for check and support dependencies inside your project clear. For example: You have project with 3 root namespa
Test essentials for writing testable code that interacts with Magento core modules
Essentials for testing Magento 2 modules Using mocking frameworks for testing Magento 2 modules is counterproductive as you replicate line by line you
Laravel 8 + React + Typescript + React Router v4 + Hot Module Reloading
Laravel React Typescript Boilerplate An opinionated boilerplate based on Laravel 8.*, React 16 and Typescript empowering you to get off the ground qui
Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit
About Laravel Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit This starter kit is designed to get you up and running with with react.js with Laravel, built on top o
This is a visitor management system, developed by the use of Laravel 8 combined with Jetstream, Livewire and Tailwind CSS.
This is a visitor management system, developed by the use of Laravel 8 combined with Jetstream, Livewire and Tailwind CSS.
TYPO3 CMS extension which checks used CSS selectors in HTML output of the current page and removes CSS declarations which are unused.
EXT:css_coverage TYPO3 CMS extension which checks used CSS selectors in HTML output of the current page and removes CSS declarations which are unused.
Aplikasi chat dengan laravel dan react
Aplikasi Chat Stack Laravel 8 ReactJs InertiaJs Deskripsi Aplikasi Chat yang menggunakan Backend Laravel dan Frontend React. Namun, karena saya malas
The objective of this project is to manage The Website Manga, this site permits to Client to show, read and download Manga with the possibility to react, vote, and save his data.
The objective of this project is to manage The Website Manga, this site permits to Client to show, read and download Manga with the possibility to react, vote, and save his data.
🔪 WordPress + React Starter Kit: Spin up a WordPress-powered React app in one step
Postlight's Headless WordPress + React Starter Kit is an automated toolset that will spin up three things: A WordPress backend that serves its data vi
laravel - Potion is a pure PHP asset manager for Laravel 5 based off of Assetic.
laravel-potion Potion is a pure PHP asset manager for Laravel based off of Assetic. Description Laravel 5 comes with a great asset manager called Elix
Laravel, react, and inertiajs for LevelUp Feel-IT 2021
How To Install hehe Clone the repository: Create your environment file: cp .env.example .env The app key is used to salt passwords. If you need to wor
Music website developed as a final group project for our Webpage Development class.
double-drummer Music listening website developed as final group project for our Webpage Development course. All parts that disclosed any information r
Base Laravel project with React and Laravel Sanctum authentication
About this project This is a base Laravel project with ReactJS frontend and Laravel Sanctum API authentication. You could read more about here. Instal
Takes in a HEX color and produces variations of that colour for the foreground and background
css-colors Takes in a HEX color and produces variations of that colour for the foreground and background It takes a great php class made by Patrick Fi
Automatic SASS-to-CSS compiling for Laravel 4 (and any other framework too), config-free, in pure PHP, works with latest SASS 3.2 .scss syntax, imports and mixins
laravel-sass Automatic Sass-to-CSS compiling for Laravel 4 (and any other framework by the way) while being in development. Every time you run your ap
DOMPDF module for Laravel 5
pdf-laravel5 DOMPDF module for Laravel 5. Export your views as PDFs - with css support. Instalation Add: "vsmoraes/laravel-pdf": "^2.0" To your compo
A web portal for university students to book laboratory sessions for course modules.
Lab-Booking-System A web portal for university students to book laboratory sessions for course modules. The frontend is built using HTML and CSS and t
HTML/PHP/CSS website that tracks two API data
Detailed instructions on how to build and run Step 1: download XAMPP for a live web server XAMPP download 1 XAMP download 2 Step 2: Download all files
Package for using ReactJS with Laravel
react-laravel With react-laravel you'll be able to use ReactJS components right from your Blade views, with optional server-side rendering, and use th
A Laravel REST API backend with React/Redux, hot module reloading in development and route-level code splitting
React Laravel Boilerplate This is the boilerplate that I personally use for getting projects off the ground quickly using my favourite stack of techno
A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction.
#Vue-Cli Template for Larvel + Webpack + Hotreload (HMR) I had a really tough time getting my workflow rocking between Laravel and VueJS projects. I f
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS!
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS! Some information before we start This repo is only code related, to a
A web application built with PHP incorporating DBMS concepts. - Version 2.0
ShopOnline - WebApp (Celebrating open-source 🎉 ) We're hosted at ShopOnline (We are currently facing some issues with registration/login, this will b
Observe (and react to) attribute changes made on Eloquent models.
Laravel Attribute Observer Requirements PHP: 7.4+ Laravel: 7+ Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require alexstewartja/la
This is a simple url bot validator made with laravel and react
🚀 This is a simple URL validator. Used Technologies React - Javascript framework Laravel - PHP framework Mysql - Relational database Installation Ins
This is a community-based project designed in the view of R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering hostel mess maintenance.
Hostel-Maintenance-System Introduction This is a community-based project designed in the view of R.V.R & J.C College of Engineering hostel mess mainte
Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable and jQuery Upvote with email and database notifications.
About Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable, jQuery Upvote and email/database notifications. Register
A collection of open source projects built using Laravel.
Open Laravel A repository of open source projects built using Laravel. Getting Started Clone the project repository by running the command below if yo
Webpage for the users / members of the FIAE-D / FIAE-E classes 2021.
Fiae-DE The website I write / wrote for the FIAE-D / FIAE-E classes of 2021. Table of contents: Introduction Technologies Purpose of this repoitory Da
Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable and jQuery Upvote with email and database notifications.
About Vote based Question & Answer site built using Laravel 5.4, material design, x-editable, jQuery Upvote and email/database notifications. Register
SoyCMS Trivial - Lightweight and easy-to-use CMS. ( the custom version based on soycms. )
SoyCMS Trivial Author arbk (https://aruo.net/) Licensed under the GPLv2 license Version 3.1.3-t0 DESCRIPTION SoyCMS Trivial is an open source web cont
Custom CSS for Elementor
This plugin will provide an option to write CSS in any Elementor native widgets. You will get an option to write CSS for multiple screen devices. The option is placed on ADVANCED_TAB on any Elementor native widgets even third-party widgets.
The simplest way to create a dynamic sitemap for your self-coded website which you have made by using PHP/HTML/CSS/Js etc... Scripts.
Sitemap_index.xml The simplest way to create a dynamic sitemap for your self-coded website which you have made by using PHP/HTML/CSS/Js etc... Scripts
Hotel Management System using MySQL, Php, Ajax, Jquery and HTML
Hotel-Management-System-Ajax-PHP-Mysql A hotel management system in which clients can perform operations such as booking a room and event. It is possi
Integration of Adminator into Laravel 6.x/7.x/8.x with RTL support
Laradminator Laravel PHP Framework with Adminator as admin dash Setup: All you need is to run these commands: git clone https://github.com/kossa/larad
The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management
Stock-Management The objective of this Project is to generate Stock Management Items / purchases, Sales Stock Client Provider Sales Management Purchas
Commenting program developed with Html & Css & Php JavaScript Languages and MySql
CommentSystem [BETA] Commenting program developed with Html & Css & Php JavaScript Languages and MySql How does it work ? After you set up your Databa
Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and React as a frontend library.
Symfony React Blank Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and
A template field for Twill Modules
Twill Form Templates This package is a simple solution to add a template field to your Twill Modules and do interesting things with it. It can help yo
Project of Simple Blog using: HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, and BOOTSTRAP
Project-Stormwind Project of Simple Blog using: HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, and BOOTSTRAP Functions : A personal blog about Blizzard and their work Main Th
A easy way to install your basic yii projetc, we have encrypt database password in phpfile, my class with alot funtions to help you encrypt and decrypt and our swoole server install just run ./yii swoole/start and be happy!
Yii 2 Basic Project Template with swoole and Modules Yii 2 Basic Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small proj
A PHP Command Line tool that makes it easy to compile, concat, and minify front-end Javascript and CSS/SCSS dependencies.
Front End Compiler A PHP Command Line tool that makes it easy to compile, concat, and minify front-end Javascript and CSS/SCSS dependencies. The minif
ProcessTranslatePage – A Processwire module to translate all page fields via Fluency
ProcessTranslatePage – A Processwire module to translate all page fields via Fluency ProcessTranslatePage is an extension for the Processwire module F
Pengembangan website OSIS SMAN 17 Kabupaten Tangerang, dimulai dari tanggal 14 februari 2021
CodeIgniter 4 Application Starter What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter is a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, flexible and secure. More in
Um modelo de loja virtual utilizando HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap e PHP, utilizando ferramentas de edição de texto (VS Code), Edição de imagens (Adobe photoshop) e de vetorização (Adobe Illustrator).
Loja virtual fictícia Um modelo de loja virtual utilizando HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap e PHP, utilizando ferramentas de edição de texto (VS Code), Edição
🍃Termwind allows you to build unique and beautiful PHP command-line applications, using the Tailwind CSS API
Termwind allows you to build unique and beautiful PHP command-line applications, using the Tailwind CSS API. In short, it's like Tailwind CSS, but for the PHP command-line applications.
🍃 In short, it's like Tailwind CSS, but for the PHP command-line applications.
Termwind Termwind allows you to build unique and beautiful PHP command-line applications, using the Tailwind CSS API. In short, it's like Tailwind CSS
It's like Tailwind CSS, but for the console.
Tailcli allows building unique, beautiful command-line applications, using tailwind classes. It's like Tailwind CSS, but for the console. Installation