A template field for Twill Modules


Twill Form Templates

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This package is a simple solution to add a template field to your Twill Modules and do interesting things with it. It can help you make small variations to your forms based on the selected template, organize your form variations with Blade partials, and prefill the block editor with a selection of blocks when a record is created.

Screenshot of the template field inside the create modal

Table of contents


composer require pboivin/twill-form-templates

Getting Started

The following example will guide you through the steps to create a pages module and implement a template field.

Create a New Module

php artisan twill:make:module pages --hasBlocks

For this example, make sure to enable the Blocks feature. Anything else is optional.

As usual, add the module to your routes/admin.php and config/twill-navigation.php.

Update the Migration

Add the new template field:

// update file: database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_pages_tables.php

class CreatePagesTables extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {
            // ...

            $table->string('template', 50)->nullable();

        // ...

Then run the migrations:

php artisan migrate

Update the Model

Add the HasFormTemplates trait and the new field to $fillable:

// update file: app/Models/Page.php

use PBoivin\TwillFormTemplates\HasFormTemplates;

class Page extends Model
    use HasFormTemplates;

    protected $fillable = [
        // ...
    // ...

In the same file, define the values needed for your template field:

    public $formTemplates = [
        'options' => [
                'value' => 'home',
                'label' => 'Home',
                'value' => 'about',
                'label' => 'About',
                'value' => 'contact',
                'label' => 'Contact',
                'value' => 'custom_page',
                'label' => 'Custom Page',
        'default' => 'custom_page'

Here, we define 3 templates for the core pages of our site (home, about, contact) and 1 that can be used more freely to create customized pages with the block editor (custom_page).

Update the Repository

Add the HandleFormTemplates trait:

// update file: app/Repositories/PageRepository.php

use PBoivin\TwillFormTemplates\HandleFormTemplates;

class PageRepository extends ModuleRepository
    use HandleFormTemplates;
    // ...

Extend the Create View

To enable users to select a template when creating a new page, we need to extend Twill's built-in create.blade.php view. Here is the original file for reference. Here is our extended version:

// add file: resources/views/admin/pages/create.blade.php

@formField('input', [
    'name' => $titleFormKey ?? 'title',
    'label' => $titleFormKey === 'title' ? 
        twillTrans('twill::lang.modal.title-field') : ucfirst($titleFormKey),
    'translated' => $translateTitle ?? false,
    'required' => true,
    'onChange' => 'formatPermalink'


@if ($permalink ?? true)
    @formField('input', [
        'name' => 'slug',
        'label' => twillTrans('twill::lang.modal.permalink-field'),
        'translated' => true,
        'ref' => 'permalink',
        'prefix' => $permalinkPrefix ?? ''

This uses a new @twillFormTemplateField directive to render the template field.

If you don't need to customize this further, you can use the shortcut provided by this package, instead of the above view:

// update file: resources/views/admin/pages/create.blade.php


Update the Form View

The fun starts here :)

We can customize our form fields according to the selected template:

// update file: resources/views/admin/pages/form.blade.php


    @formField('input', [
        'name' => 'description',
        'label' => 'Description',
        'translated' => true,
        'maxlength' => 100

    @if ($item->template === 'custom_page')

Here, all pages would contain a common description field, and the custom_page template would allow the full use of the block editor. This is obviously a simplified example but it should give you an insight on how to add variations to your forms based on a selection of templates.

Dedicated Form Templates

The method presented above helps you introduce minor variations in your forms for each template. If you find that your form is starting to contain too many conditionals and you are trying to handle too many variations, consider using a dedicated partial for each template.

Update the Form View

// update file: resources/views/admin/pages/form.blade.php



This uses a new @twillFormTemplate directive to select the appropriate partial.

Then, all that's left is to create the partials:

  • resources/views/admin/pages/_home.blade.php
  • resources/views/admin/pages/_about.blade.php
  • resources/views/admin/pages/_contact.blade.php
  • resources/views/admin/pages/_custom_page.blade.php

The file names should follow this format: _{$template}.blade.php

If you don't want to create one partial for every template, you can add a default partial that will be used as a fallback:

  • resources/views/admin/pages/_default.blade.php

Using JSON Field Groups

With this approach, your pages database table need to contain all possible columns for the pages module. Again, this works well for a small number of variations but can start to feel ugly when all your pages have a different set of fields.

For this, you can use a built-in Twill feature to group all your form fields into a single JSON column in your table.

Update the Migration

Along with the template field, define a content field:

// update file: database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_pages_tables.php

    Schema::create('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {
        // ...

        $table->string('template', 50)->nullable();

    // ...

Update the Model

Add the new field to $fillable:

// update file: app/Models/Page.php

    use HasFormTemplates;

    protected $fillable = [
        // ...

Update the Repository

Define all your form fields in $fieldsGroups:

// update file: app/Repositories/PageRepository.php

    use HandleFormTemplates;

    protected $fieldsGroups = [
        'content' => [
            // ...

To keep things organized, you can prefix common fields with page_, and page-specific fields with the template name.

Form View

You can use JSON fields like regular fields in your forms:

// update file: resources/views/admin/pages/form.blade.php

    @formField('input', [
        'name' => 'page_title',
        'label' => 'Page Title',

    @formField('input', [
        'name' => 'page_subtitle',
        'label' => 'Page Subtitle',

    @if ($item->template === 'home')
        @formField('input', [
            'name' => 'home_call_to_action',
            'label' => 'Call to Action',

    @if ($item->template === 'about')
        @formField('input', [
            'name' => 'about_footer_text',
            'label' => 'Footer Text',
    // ...

Block Editor Templates

Form templates are a great fit for pages that share a lot of common fields. However, some pages are better served exclusively by the block editor to allow full customization. To help with this type of content, this package offers a way to prefill the block editor with a fixed selection of blocks, when a page is created.

Create Some Blocks

Let's create some blocks to complete this example:

php artisan twill:make:block page-header
php artisan twill:make:block text
php artisan twill:make:block banner

Update the Model

In our $formTemplates configuration, we'll add a new template (legal) for text-only pages such as Terms & Conditions. Then, we'll define a block selection for our 2 templates that support a block editor:

// update file: app/Models/Page.php

public $formTemplates = [
    'options' => [
            'value' => 'home',
            'label' => 'Home',
            'value' => 'about',
            'label' => 'About',
            'value' => 'contact',
            'label' => 'Contact',
            'value' => 'legal',
            'label' => 'Legal',
            'block_selection' => ['text'],
            'value' => 'custom_page',
            'label' => 'Custom Page',
            'block_selection' => ['page-header', 'text', 'banner', 'text'],
    'default' => 'custom_page'

When we create a page with the legal template, the block editor will be prefilled with 1 text block.

When we create a page with the custom_page template, the block editor will be prefilled with 4 blocks.

Extending the Package Views

If you wish to customize the built-in views from this package, you can publish them to your project by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='PBoivin\TwillFormTemplates\TwillFormTemplatesServiceProvider'


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE.md for more information.

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