43 Repositories
PHP processwire-modules Libraries
Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules
flux-scorm-player-api Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-scorm-player-api && cd /%pa
Multi-language field export/import tool for ProcessWire
Language field export/import for ProcessWire Typically the way you translate page field values in ProcessWire is to edit a page, view the text in one
Friendly open source CMS forged on Codeigniter 3. FI v1.x uses the old lite theme and all modules.
ForgeIgniter v1.x - CI-3.x Friendly open source CMS forged on Codeigniter 3 This version is now discontinued, please check version 2 or 3 for updates.
CodKep - lightweight web framework
CodKep - Lightweight web framework CodKep is a lightweight web framework written in PHP. It has a modular design and use hook system for easy extend t
Provides tools for building modules that integrate Nosto into your e-commerce platform
php-sdk Provides tools for building modules that integrate Nosto into your e-commerce platform. Requirements The Nosto PHP SDK requires at least PHP v
Check modules in app/code and vendor for PHP 8 compatibility status - PHP_CodeSniffer & php-compatibility standard
M2 PHP version compatibility check How To use Requires PHP 7.3+ | PHP 8 This app will run PHP_CodeSniffer with phpcompatibility/php-compatibility on t
Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.
Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.
ProcessWire 3.x is a friendly and powerful open source CMS with a strong API.
Welcome to ProcessWire 3.x This document is in Markdown. An HTML formatted version of this document can be read at: https://github.com/processwire/pro
Borgert - A simple CMS to start projects in Laravel containing some modules
A simple CMS to start projects in Laravel containing some modules.Blog, Pages, Products, Mailbox, Image Gallery, Log Viewer and Users.
Laravel 5 Modules
Laravel 5 Modules Upgrade Guide Installation Configuration Naming Convension Folder Structure Creating Module Artisan Commands Facades Entity Auto Sca
The ultimate debugging and development tool for ProcessWire
Tracy Debugger for ProcessWire The ultimate “swiss army knife” debugging and development tool for the ProcessWire CMF/CMS Integrates and extends Nette
This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer.
Laravel Module Create This module adds a command to easily generate "modules" in Laravel and install them using composer Installation Simply install t
Twill GraphQL provides easy access to query-specific fields from Twill CMS modules and user-defined modules with GraphQL
Twill CMS GraphQL 🔭 WIP - not stable Twill GraphQL provides easy access to query-specific fields from Twill CMS modules and user-defined modules with
Build lightning-fast and feature-rich websites with ProcessWire.
WIREKIT Core Build lightning-fast and feature-rich websites with ProcessWire. Website: wirekit.dev (in plans) Demo: start.wirekit.dev/core/ Updates: W
This modules provides a Search API Backend for Elasticsearch.
Search API ElasticSearch This modules provides a Search API Backend for Elasticsearch. This module uses the official Elasticsearch PHP Client. Feature
Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way
Mini Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way Install Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:
Magento-composer-installer - Composer installer for Magento modules
!!! support the maintainer of this project via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Flyingmana Magento Composer Installer The purpose of this project is t
Silverstripe-ideannotator - Generate docblocks for DataObjects, Page, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions
silverstripe-ideannotator This module generates @property, @method and @mixin tags for DataObjects, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions, so ide's lik
Laravel-modulator - Laravel Modulator (HMVC) creating and handling in an easy and simple way.
Laravel Modulator HMVC creating and handling in an easy and simple way. Documentation You can find the detailed documentation here in Laravel Modulato
The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules
Contao 4 maker bundle The maker bundle allows you to generate content elements, front end modules, event listener, callbacks and hooks using interacti
WordPress plugin which contains a collection of modules to apply theme-agnostic front-end modifications
Soil A WordPress plugin which contains a collection of modules to apply theme-agnostic front-end modifications. Soil is a commercial plugin available
Fast common interface for php_gmp and php_bcmath modules
BigInteger wrapper library for PHP Information This library is a common interface for php_gmp and php_bcmath modules. It automatically detects support
Simple way to auto load modules without complicate definition of routes
Phalcon-autorouter Version 2.0 Example full application with various libraries included in this example Change log Structure have been changed and upd
A module allowing you to write your Processwire template using MJML and get a converted HTML output using MJML API.
PageMjmlToHtml A module allowing you to write your Processwire template using MJML and get a converted HTML output using MJML API. This is considered
Experimenting with Zabbix frontend modules
Modules Request for new example can be left as issue for this repository, will do my best to implement if it is possible. Extending host popup menu Ac
Generates and handles Modules for Laravel
L5Modular Keep Your Laravel App Organized This package allows you to organize your Laravel project in a modular manner. You can simply drop or generat
Library for check dependency between modules inside projects
PHP Dependency analyzer PHP DA is tool for check and support dependencies inside your project clear. For example: You have project with 3 root namespa
Test essentials for writing testable code that interacts with Magento core modules
Essentials for testing Magento 2 modules Using mocking frameworks for testing Magento 2 modules is counterproductive as you replicate line by line you
A web portal for university students to book laboratory sessions for course modules.
Lab-Booking-System A web portal for university students to book laboratory sessions for course modules. The frontend is built using HTML and CSS and t
A Laravel REST API backend with React/Redux, hot module reloading in development and route-level code splitting
React Laravel Boilerplate This is the boilerplate that I personally use for getting projects off the ground quickly using my favourite stack of techno
A measurement field for ProcessWire
Fieldtype Measurement This fieldtype allows a measurement unit to be stored with a corresponding measurement value ('magnitude'). The relevant details
A template field for Twill Modules
Twill Form Templates This package is a simple solution to add a template field to your Twill Modules and do interesting things with it. It can help yo
A easy way to install your basic yii projetc, we have encrypt database password in phpfile, my class with alot funtions to help you encrypt and decrypt and our swoole server install just run ./yii swoole/start and be happy!
Yii 2 Basic Project Template with swoole and Modules Yii 2 Basic Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small proj
ProcessTranslatePage – A Processwire module to translate all page fields via Fluency
ProcessTranslatePage – A Processwire module to translate all page fields via Fluency ProcessTranslatePage is an extension for the Processwire module F
Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony, using the ProcessWire CMS as DBAL and Service Provider.
Symprowire - PHP MVC Framework for ProcessWire 3.x Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony using ProcessWire 3.x as DBAL and Serv
Manifest is a ProcessWire module that bridges between Twig and Webpack.
Manifest is a ProcessWire module that bridges between Twig and Webpack.
Akaunting module to use employee as a customer
Associate Employee to customer App for Akaunting to associate employee to customer. With this app contacts with the employee type can be used as custo
Modular Laravel - Boilerplate project starter
MODULAR About Modular Laravel This project is a personal blueprint starter with customized modular / SOA architecture. Kostadin Keljtanoski Install Yo
Decoupled CMS for any Laravel app, gain control of: pages, blogs, galleries, events, images, custom modules and more.
Grafite CMS Grafite has archived this project and no longer supports or develops this code. We recommend using only as a source of ideas for your own
A package to generate modules for a Laravel project.
Laravel Modular A package to generate modules for a Laravel project. Requirements PHP 7.4 or greater Laravel version 8 Installation Install using comp
ProcessWire Fieldtype for collecting and store oembed data
FieldtypeOembed What it does Store, collect and update oembed data from external sources. It used the great PHP Library Essence by Félix Girault and a
Migrations module for ProcessWire
ProcessDbMigrate Introduction This module is designed to ease the problem of migrating database changes from one PW environment to another.
Module Management In Laravel
Laravel-Modules Laravel laravel-modules 5.4 ^1.0 5.5 ^2.0 5.6 ^3.0 5.7 ^4.0 5.8 ^5.0 6.0 ^6.0 7.0 ^7.0 8.0 ^8.0 nwidart/laravel-modules is a Laravel p