Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.



Packagit is amazing laravel modules management, you could manage huge project with many separate laravel modules.

You could run packagit or a short name p, such as p new Auth, a module named Auth would be created.

You can make artisan command running anywhere, All the packagit commands are same with artisan like following table.

artisan packagit
php artisan tinker p tinker
php artisan make:controller p make:controller
php artisan make:migration p make:migration
php artisan make:job p make:job
php artisan test p test
php artisan ... p ...

for example, you have a project named starter, directories layout:

    └── modules
        ├── Auth
        ├── Components
        └── Wechat

change path to starter/modules/Auth, and run p make:controller:

cd starter/modules/Auth
p make:controller DemoController

DemoController.php would be created for Auth module.

└── Controllers
   └── DemoController.php

change path to starter/app/Http/Controllers, and p make:controller:

cd starter/app/Http/Controllers
p make:controller DemoController

DemoController.php would be created for starter, because of current path doesn't include any module.

So when you run p make:xxx laravel command, packagit would scan the path, if current is in a module path, it will create for the module, otherwise for the project.


composer global require packagit/packagit

You MUST install packagit with global, and add composer bin to the $PATH environment.

Following command would help you find the global bin path:

composer global config bin-dir --absolute --global

# such as $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin, add to $PATH
# save to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH


1. Custom package namespace (Optional)

run p custom

config/packagit.php file would be created, you could customize namespace by edit this file, skip here if you don't need custom.

2. Create a new module

run packagit new ModuleName

you also could group many modules as Components or others you want.

packagit new Components/NetUtil
packagit new Components/Updater
packagit new Components/Downloader

A Module Structure:

├── composer.json
├── config
│   └── config.php
├── database
│   ├── factories
│   ├── migrations
│   └── seeders
│       └── DatabaseSeeder.php
├── package.json
├── resources
├── routes
│   ├── api.php
│   └── web.php
├── src
│   ├── Models
│   └── Providers
│       ├── CommandServiceProvider.php
│       ├── RouteServiceProvider.php
│       └── ServiceProvider.php
├── tests
│   ├── Feature
│   └── Unit
└── webpack.mix.js

Load modules in project

1、composer require wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin

edit project/composer.json => extra => merge-plugins:

    "extra": {
        "merge-plugin": {
            "include": [
            "recurse": false,
            "replace": true,
            "ignore-duplicates": false,
            "merge-dev": true,
            "merge-extra": true,
            "merge-extra-deep": true
        "laravel": {
            "dont-discover": []

2、composer dump-autoload

3、edit project/config/app.php

    'providers' => [

All done, modules should work well.


The Apache License 2. Please see License File for more information.

  • 服务提供者是否可以自动加载呢?


    开发完成了项目后,一般期望能使用 composer.jsonextra 配置,完成服务提供者的自动加载,并且期望能通过事件、数据的的方式完成插件的各方面管理。不希望改动到文件 app/config.php 与主项目的各项文件内容。




    opened by mouyong 4
  • 运行数据填充和模型工厂的时候报错..


    p db:seed --class=ArticleSeeder
    Work Module: /modules/ArticleApi
      Class "Database\Factories\App\Models\ArticleFactory" not found
      at /Users/chensuilong/Desktop/phpproject/laravel9xx/laravel9/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Factories/Factory.php:770
        766public static function factoryForModel(string $modelName)
        767▕     {
        768▕         $factory = static::resolveFactoryName($modelName);
      ➜ 770return $factory::new();
        771▕     }
        774▕      * Specify the callback that should be invoked to guess factory names based on dynamic relationship names.
          +1 vendor frames 
      2   /Users/chensuilong/Desktop/phpproject/laravel9xx/laravel9/database/seeders/ArticleSeeder.php:28


    正常目录下摆放是可以运行成功的.... 用您的包以后似乎路径有些错误 无法运行数据填充~~

    望大佬测试一下 谢谢


    namespace ll\ArticleApi\Database\Factories;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;
    use ll\ArticleApi\Models\Article;
    class ArticleFactory extends Factory
        protected $model = Article::class;
        public function definition()
            return [
                'title' => $this->faker->title(),
                'content' => $this->faker->text(),
                'show' => 1,


    namespace ll\ArticleApi\Database\Seeders;
    use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
    use ll\ArticleApi\Models\Article;
    use ll\ArticleApi\Models\Tag;
    class ArticleSeeder extends Seeder
         * Run the database seeds.
         * @return void
        public function run()


    namespace ll\ArticleApi\Models;
    use Dcat\Admin\Traits\HasDateTimeFormatter;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    class Article extends Model
        use HasFactory;
        use HasDateTimeFormatter;
        use SoftDeletes;
        protected $fillable = [
            'title', 'content', 'show',
        public function tags()
            return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class)->withTimestamps();


    namespace ll\ArticleApi\Models;
    use Dcat\Admin\Traits\HasDateTimeFormatter;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    class Tag extends Model
        use HasFactory;
        use HasDateTimeFormatter;
        protected $fillable = ['name'];
        public function articles()
            return $this->belongsToMany(Article::class);


    use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
    use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
    class CreateArticle extends Migration
         * Run the migrations.
         * @return void
        public function up()
            if (Schema::hasTable('articles')) {
                return true;
            Schema::create('articles', function (Blueprint $table) {
    //            $table->foreignId ('user_id');
                $table->string('title', 200)->default('')->comment('文章标题');
    //            $table->string ('cover_url')->default ('')->comment ('文章封面图片');
    //            $table->string ('desc', 200)->default ('')->comment ('文章摘要');
                $table->string('tags', 255)->default('')->comment('文章标签');
            Schema::create('tags', function (Blueprint $table) {
            Schema::create('article_tag', function (Blueprint $table) {
         * Reverse the migrations.
         * @return void
        public function down()
    opened by duolabmeng6 3
  • Commands not finding current folder's module

    Commands not finding current folder's module

    When I am inside my module's folder, and run a command p make:controller it creates a controller under app/Http/Controllers rather than app\Jobs\src\Http\Controllers


     * 1. namespace
     * 2. composer.*
    return [
        'namespace' => 'Somecv',
        | Composer File Template
        'composer'  => [
            'vendor' => 'somecv',
            'author' => [
                'name'  => 'Somecv',
                'email' => '',
        'paths' => [
            'modules' => base_path('app'),
            | Modules assets path
            | Here you may update the modules assets path.
            'assets' => public_path('modules'),
            | The migrations path
            | Where you run 'module:publish-migration' command, where do you publish the
            | the migration files?
            'migration' => base_path('database/migrations'),
            | Generator path
            | Customise the paths where the folders will be generated.
            | Set the generate key to false to not generate that folder
            'generator' => [
                'config'        => ['path' => 'config', 'generate' => true],
                'command'       => ['path' => 'src/Console', 'generate' => false],
                'migration'     => ['path' => 'database/migrations', 'generate' => true],
                'seeder'        => ['path' => 'database/seeders', 'generate' => true],
                'factory'       => ['path' => 'database/factories', 'generate' => true],
                'model'         => ['path' => 'src/Models', 'generate' => true],
                'routes'        => ['path' => 'routes', 'generate' => true],
                'controller'    => ['path' => 'src/Http/Controllers', 'generate' => false],
                'filter'        => ['path' => 'src/Http/Middleware', 'generate' => false],
                'request'       => ['path' => 'src/Http/Requests', 'generate' => false],
                'provider'      => ['path' => 'src/Providers', 'generate' => true],
                'assets'        => ['path' => 'resources/assets', 'generate' => true],
                'lang'          => ['path' => 'resources/lang', 'generate' => true],
                'views'         => ['path' => 'resources/views', 'generate' => true],
                'test'          => ['path' => 'tests/Unit', 'generate' => true],
                'test-feature'  => ['path' => 'tests/Feature', 'generate' => true],
                'repository'    => ['path' => 'src/Repositories', 'generate' => false],
                'event'         => ['path' => 'src/Events', 'generate' => false],
                'listener'      => ['path' => 'src/Listeners', 'generate' => false],
                'policies'      => ['path' => 'src/Policies', 'generate' => false],
                'rules'         => ['path' => 'src/Rules', 'generate' => false],
                'jobs'          => ['path' => 'src/Jobs', 'generate' => false],
                'emails'        => ['path' => 'src/Mail', 'generate' => false],
                'notifications' => ['path' => 'src/Notifications', 'generate' => false],
                'resource'      => ['path' => 'src/Http/Resources', 'generate' => false],
        | Module Stubs
        | Default module stubs.
        'stubs' => [
            'path'         => dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/Commands/stubs',
            'files'        => [
                'routes/web'        => 'routes/web.php',
                'routes/api'        => 'routes/api.php',
                'views/index'       => 'resources/views/index.blade.php',
                'views/master'      => 'resources/views/layouts/master.blade.php',
                'scaffold/config'   => 'config/config.php',
                'scaffold/provider' => 'src/Providers/ServiceProvider.php',
                'seeder'            => 'database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php',
                'route-provider'    => 'src/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php',
                'command-provider'  => 'src/Providers/CommandServiceProvider.php',
                'composer'          => 'composer.json',
                'assets/js/app'     => 'resources/assets/js/app.js',
                'assets/sass/app'   => 'resources/assets/sass/app.scss',
                'webpack'           => 'webpack.mix.js',
                'package'           => 'package.json',
                'readme'            => ''
            'replacements' => [
                'routes/web'        => ['LOWER_NAME', 'STUDLY_NAME'],
                'routes/api'        => ['LOWER_NAME'],
                'readme'            => ['LOWER_NAME', 'STUDLY_NAME'],
                'webpack'           => ['LOWER_NAME'],
                'views/index'       => ['LOWER_NAME'],
                'views/master'      => ['LOWER_NAME', 'STUDLY_NAME'],
                'scaffold/config'   => ['STUDLY_NAME'],
                'scaffold/provider' => ['NAMESPACE', 'LOWER_NAME'],
                'seeder'            => ['NAMESPACE'],
                'route-provider'    => ['NAMESPACE', 'STUDLY_NAME', 'MODULE_NAMESPACE'],
                'command-provider'  => ['NAMESPACE'],
                'composer'          => [
            'gitkeep'      => true,
    opened by natecorkish 1
  • laravel9 bug

    laravel9 bug

    p custom                       
      Class "Laravel\Package\Exceptions\FileAlreadyExistException" not found
      at /Users/chensuilong/.composer/vendor/packagit/packagit/src/Commands/CustomCommand.php:43
         39▕      */
         40▕     public function handle()
         41▕     {
         42▕         $to = config_path('packagit.php');
      ➜  43▕         throw_if(file_exists($to), new FileAlreadyExistException('config/packagit.php is already existing'));
         45▕         $from = dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/config/config.php';
         46▕         copy($from, $to);
         47▕         $this->line('Config file copied to  ['.$to.']');
    opened by duolabmeng6 1
  • 执行流程应该调整下吧


    1. p custom 生成自定义配置文件
    2. p new 生成模块

    同时 custom 的时候,应该就可以安装 wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin 同时配置 composer ; app.php 的 providers 在模块中,已经声明了,这里应该不需要再配置了吧。


    opened by myxiaoao 1
  • laravel 9 p db:seed 执行失败~~

    laravel 9 p db:seed 执行失败~~

     p db:seed
    Work Module: /modules/ArticleApi
      Target class [Packagit\ArticleApi\Packagit\ArticleApi\Database\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder] does not exist.



    opened by duolabmeng6 0
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