👀 Manage your views in Laravel projects through artisan



Artisan View

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This package adds a handful of view-related commands to Artisan in your Laravel project. Generate blade files that extend other views, scaffold out sections to add to those templates, and more. All from the command line we know and love!



You'll have to follow a couple of simple steps to install this package.


Via composer:

$ composer require sven/artisan-view --dev

Registering the service provider

If you're using Laravel 5.5 or above, you can skip this step. The service provider will have already been registered thanks to auto-discovery.

Otherwise, register Sven\ArtisanView\ServiceProvider::class manually in your AppServiceProvider's register method:

public function register()
    if ($this->app->environment() !== 'production') {


If you now run php artisan you will see two new commands in the list:

  • make:view
  • scrap:view

Creating views

# Create a view 'index.blade.php' in the default directory
$ php artisan make:view index

# Create a view 'index.blade.php' in a subdirectory ('pages')
$ php artisan make:view pages.index

# Create a view with a different file extension ('index.html')
$ php artisan make:view index --extension=html

Extending and sections

# Extend an existing view
$ php artisan make:view index --extends=app

# Add a section to the view
$ php artisan make:view index --section=content

# Add multiple sections to the view
$ php artisan make:view index --section=title --section=content

# Add an inline section to the view
# Remember to add quotes around the section if you want to use spaces
$ php artisan make:view index --section="title:Hello world"

# Create sections for each @yield statement in the extended view
$ php artisan make:view index --extends=app --with-yields

# Add @push directives for each @stack statement in the extended view
$ php artisan make:view index --extends=app --with-stacks

REST resources

# Create a resource called 'products'
$ php artisan make:view products --resource

# Create a resource with only specific verbs
$ php artisan make:view products --resource --verb=index --verb=create --verb=edit

Scrapping views

# Remove the view 'index.blade.php'
$ php artisan scrap:view index

# Remove the view by dot notation
$ php artisan scrap:view pages.index

This will ask you if you're sure. To skip this question, pass the --force flag:

# Don't ask for confirmation
$ php artisan scrap:view index --force

Scrapping a REST resource

# Remove the resource called 'products'
$ php artisan scrap:view products --resource

This will remove the views products.index, products.show, products.create, and products.edit. If the directory products/ is empty after doing that, it will also be deleted.

You can scrap part of a resource by adding --verb flags:

# Remove the 'products.create' and 'products.edit' views.
$ php artisan scrap:view products --resource --verb=create --verb=edit

Mix and match

Of course, all the options work well together like you'd expect. So the following command...

$ php artisan make:view products --resource --extends=app --section="title:This is my title" --section=content

... will put the following contents in products/index.blade.php, products/edit.blade.php, products/create.blade.php, and products/show.blade.php:


@section('title', 'This is my title')




All contributions (in the form on pull requests, issues and feature-requests) are welcome. See the contributors page for all contributors.


sven/artisan-view is licenced under the MIT License (MIT). Please see the license file for more information.

  • How about a --clone directive

    How about a --clone directive

    Being able to clone existing views, then making minor changes to them would be sweet. Currently, we just copy and paste code from one view to the other and modify that.

    opened by webstractions 9
  • New feature to parse @yield directives from extended parent view

    New feature to parse @yield directives from extended parent view

    In conjunction with --extends, parse the parent view for all @yield directives and inject into the created view. You can do this automatically without another --directive, or not.

    This is similar to another make:view github project at maddhatter/laravel-view-generator.

    This would simplify things quite a bit. Having to add a --section or even --sections to every make command is a little tedious. Having the @sections ready to go in the created file is a big time saver. And if you don't need them, heck, it's easier to delete than copy/paste or typing it all over again.

    opened by webstractions 7
  • Error When Trying to Generate View

    Error When Trying to Generate View

    I installed this package in a fresh lareval 5.5 project, however when I try to actually use it to generate a view I get the following error


    I have tried using it with and without registering '\Sven\ArtisanView\ServiceProvider::class' in my service provider class.

    Any clues as to why it would not work?

    opened by adriangordon1231 6
  • Update ArtisanViewServiceProvider.php

    Update ArtisanViewServiceProvider.php

    shared & bindShared should be replaceable by call to app->singleton. But since it's only commands getting registered, then making it a deferred ServiceProvider shouldn't be an issue. :)

    opened by sasin91 5
  • can i fill the the content section

    can i fill the the content section

    i just try to fill the content section with many html like this : image

    but its return an error : image

    and this is my entire of content section :

    is there any solution ?

    <body style="margin-bottom: 29px;">
       <img src="https://api.pondokprogrammer.com/img/sertifikat/sertifikat-2.png" alt="" width="100%" id="background" style="position: absolute; z-index: -1">
       <div class="background pt-2 mt-5">
          <div class="my-5 p-auto" style="margin: 2%; padding: 0px; text-align:center; ">
             <div class="container" style="z-index: 0; position: absolute">
                <div class="row" style="display: flex; justify-content: center">
                   <div style="margin-left: 115.7%; margin-top: 2%">
                      <img style="margin-top: 18%; margin-right: 110%;" width="100" src="https://api.pondokprogrammer.com/img/pondok-programmer.png" alt="logo">
                   <div style="margin-left: 15%; width: 200%">
                      <h1 style="margin-right: 50%; z-index: 0; position: absolute" class="font-weight-bold mt-3">CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION</h1>
             <div style="margin-top: 20%">
                <div style="text-align: left; margin-left: 10%">
                   <span style="font-size:25px"><i>This is to certify that</i></span>
                   <span style="font-size:40px"><b>Syofyan Zuhad</b></span><br>
                   <span style="font-size:25px"><i>has completed the study at</i> <span class="text-info">Pondok Programmer</span><i> in </i>:</span> <br><br>
                   <span style="font-size:30px" class="text-info">Laravel Backend Development</span> <br>
                   <span style="font-size:20px">with score of <span class="text-info font-weight-bold display-4">A+</span></span> 
                   <table align="center" class="table text-center mt-3" style="border: none !important;">
                            <span style="font-size:20px"><i>Syofyan Zuhad <small class="text-muted">- Mentor Backend</small></i></span><br><br><br><br>
                            <span style="font-size:20px"><i>Hafif Albusyro <small class="text-muted">- Chief</small></i></span><br><br><br><br>
                            <span style="font-size:20px">01 April 2021</span>
                         <td width="10px">
                            <div style="margin-top: -20%; padding: 0px">
                               <img width="100" src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&amp;chs=130x130&amp;chl=https://api.pondokprogrammer.com/certificate/TuhWmpBLG&amp;choe=UTF-8" alt="qr">
                            <span style="font-size:20px">01 April 2021</span>
    opened by syofyanzuhad 4
  • Lumen support

    Lumen support

    Hi! Would it be possible to have support for the Lumen framework?

    Currently, it is possible to require this package in a Lumen project. The problem is, it requires the entire laravel/framework as a dependency. This breaks composer if some illuminate/* package is also required.

    For example, i required illuminate/mail to have mailing functionality in my project. If i then try to install this package, sometimes composer breaks up, other times it lets me install it. But even the few times it installs, other things break. An example:

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ReflectionException: Class path.storage does not exist in A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php:805
    Stack trace:
    #0 A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php(805): ReflectionClass->__construct('path.storage')
    #1 A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php(687): Illuminate\Container\Container->build('path.storage')
    #2 A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php(633): Illuminate\Container\Container->resolve('path.storage', Array)
    #3 A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\lumen-framework\src\Application.php(267): Illuminate\Container\Container->make('path.storage', Array)
    #4 A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\helpers.php(119): Laravel\Lumen\Application->make('path.storage', Array)
    #5 A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\helpers.php(832): app('path.stora in A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php on line 807
    Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class path.storage does not exist in A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php on line 807
    Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException: Target class [path.storage] does not exist. in A:\projects\_tmp\lumen\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php on line 807

    It seems like this mess happens whenever a package has the entire Laravel framework as a dependency: laravel/lumen-framework/issues/870#issuecomment-516780947 (see also laravel/lumen-framework#798 , laravel/lumen-framework#504).

    So, i'm asking if it would be possible to include just the bare necessary illuminate, symfony, ecc submodules instead of the entire framework, so that it would work even with Lumen. As an example, check out flipbox/lumen-generator's requires.

    Thank you for your time, Have a nice day

    opened by aetonsi 4
  • Can not create view

    Can not create view

    Hello Seven, I'm newbie Laravel, after I installed artisan-view add registered services provider I run command bellow. Then Exception throw. Please help me!! Thanks Seven a lot. C:\xampp7\htdocs\sample-project>php artisan make:view settings.edit

    [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] Type error: Argument 1 passed to Sven\ArtisanView\ViewActor::getViewNames() must be an instance of Sven\ArtisanView\iterable, array given, called in C:\xampp7\htdocs\sample-proj ect\vendor\sven\artisan-view\src\Generator.php on line 17

    opened by vuuvinhphuc 4
  • does that package implement the method in a specified controller?

    does that package implement the method in a specified controller?

    My idea, when i found this article, which lead me to here, was I was hoping to see if artisan had a way to generate a view, and add a method which returns that view, in one swoop, to an existing controller, which is specified. I was surprised when i came here, this package either doesn't do that, or I cant find that info in the readme. Im not normally one to dig through packages to find features, I feel they should be prominently displayed on the readme.

    Does this have that that feature, or does someone know if a package that does? That's the only way I can see justifying the need to generate a view.


    opened by brian-lamb-software-engineer 4
  • Laravel upgrade to 5.4

    Laravel upgrade to 5.4

    Can't upgrade Laravel to 5.4 Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::share() As of laravel 5.4 share has been removed. You will have to use the singleton instead.

    opened by ghost 4
  • Scrapping the last view in a directory should remove the directory

    Scrapping the last view in a directory should remove the directory

    Assume the following views:

    └─ productsindex.blade.php

    When executing php artisan scrap:view products.index, it keeps the folder products. Since index.blade.php is the last view in that folder, it should remove the folder as well.

    opened by svenluijten 3
  • Extending this package to inject content into view

    Extending this package to inject content into view

    I would like to use this package to create views, however, I would like to create my own logic on how to put content dynamically inside that view.

    I couldn't find how this package can put blade content inside view. But if I'd like to implement my own code, how can I inject my output inside the view created by this package?

    Thanks, and great work BTW!

    opened by ilmam 2
  • New feature create views from Stub files

    New feature create views from Stub files


    i want recommend add new feature for excellent Artisan-View

    create views from Stub files generate

    for example normally is same data only change few parameters inside of each file

    i see this project https://medium.com/@devlob/laravel-crud-generators-614caddf8bea

    i think can be done same way from Artisan-View for add it

    $model $url $route


    div> @include('brands._form',[ 'url'=>route('brands.show',$model->id), 'readonly'=>true, ])


    Best Regard


    opened by fjmpchato 2
  • Create view copying all the content

    Create view copying all the content


    I would like to ask you to implement the tag --duplicate. This would help me to copy all the content from a view just changing the filename and the references inside it.


    opened by lflucasferreira 2
  • Add support for wildcard characters when removing a view

    Add support for wildcard characters when removing a view

    php artisan scrap:view folder.* --force should remove all views in folder/. The wildcard character can only be used at the end of the argument, and will only work for removing files, not folders. So using php artisan scrap:view posts.*.index would not work in a situation like this:

    | | index.blade.php
    | | show.blade.php
      | index.blade.php
      | show.blade.php

    With the above situation, php artisan scrap:view posts.* would only remove the top-level files in the posts/ folder, the authors/ and comments/ folders (or files in them) will not be affected.

    opened by svenluijten 0
  • Add default configuration

    Add default configuration

    I want to apply some options to all the views I create unless I say the opposite, like extending a certain layout or having certain elements. This could be archieved by adding a config file.

    opened by m1guelpf 11
  • Releases(v3.5.0)
    Sven Luijten
    I build stuff for the web.
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