Blade UI Kit is a set of renderless components to utilise in your Laravel Blade views

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Blade UI Kit

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Blade UI Kit is a set of renderless components to utilise in your Laravel Blade views. In all essence, it's a collection of useful utilities, connecting the dots between different parts of the TALL stack. It was made for Blade, Laravel's powerful templating engine.

Official Documentation

Documentation for Blade UI Kit can be found on its website.


Check out the CHANGELOG in this repository for all the recent changes.


Blade UI Kit is developed and maintained by Dries Vints.


Blade UI Kit is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

  • Improve performance when there are many pickers.

    Improve performance when there are many pickers.

    If you have many pickers, the rendering time will be significantly slower. To solve this, this commit provides a solution for this.

    the trick is, just create a flatpickr instance, if you need one.

    opened by comes 9
  • Looking for a co-maintainer

    Looking for a co-maintainer

    I'd like to start with apologising for the low attention this repo has gotten over the years. Blade UI Kit started as an ambitious project. I'd very much would like to see it continue to grow and evolve. But unfortunately I keep missing out on time to put in the work. Things like need thorough attention and I just don't have the bandwidth atm to do that.

    Therefor I'd like to search for a new co-maintainer of this library. I'm mainly looking for someone who can:

    • put in attentive thoughts into the library to evolve it further
    • work on new components
    • keep the documentation updated
    • respond and handle new issues
    • review pull requests and merge them
    • do new releases

    You'll mostly make your own decisions on the project as I won't be involved too much anymore for the foreseeable future. I'll still update the library for new PHP and Laravel versions but that's as far as I want to go (for now).

    If your interested feel free to hmu through this issue ✌️

    help wanted 
    opened by driesvints 9
  • Markdown showing unescaped caracters

    Markdown showing unescaped caracters

    • Library Version: latest
    • Laravel Version: latest
    • PHP Version: 7.4


    When using the markdown from Nova like so:

    CleanShot 2020-09-03 at 17 54 08@2x

    I render the component using <x-markdown>{{ $markdown }}</x-markdown>

    And it renders the quotes as html unicodes

    CleanShot 2020-09-03 at 17 56 05@2x

    Steps To Reproduce:

    Create markdown entry in database

    use <x-markdown>{{ $x }}</xmarkdown>

    opened by devingray 8
  • Color Picker default options doesn't have initial value

    Color Picker default options doesn't have initial value

    • Library Version: 0.3.1
    • Laravel Version: 8.58.0
    • PHP Version: 7.4.19


    When adding the color picker with the default option, the HTML input element added doesn't have the initial value as set in the option. The HTML input element generated is as below: <input id="type-text-color-input" name="type-text-color" type="hidden">

    The old() value does have the value from previous response as what the docs stated: "The color-picker component also supports old values that were set. For example, you might want to apply some validation in the backend, but also make sure the user doesn't lose their input data when you re-render the form with any validation errors. When re-rendering the form, the color-picker component will remember the old value:"

    Steps To Reproduce:

    Add a color picker as the code below: <x-buk-color-picker name="type-text-color" class="mb-3" :options="['theme' => 'classic', 'default' => '#000000']" />

    opened by hanisirfan 7
  • Style for input with error

    Style for input with error


    How can I conditionnaly apply class only if input has error ?

    I'd like my input having following class in normal state:

    border-gray-300 focus:shadow-outline-blue focus:border-blue-300

    and this one in error state:

    border-red-300 focus:shadow-outline-red focus:border-red-300
    opened by gaetan-hexadog 7
  • Can't use tinker on Vapor with blade ui kit installed (invalid cache path)

    Can't use tinker on Vapor with blade ui kit installed (invalid cache path)

    • Library Version: 0.3.0
    • Laravel Version: 8.13.0
    • PHP Version: 7.4


    When I install blade ui kit, everything works great locally and on vapor... However, for some reason I CANNOT use tinker through the vapor CLI while blade-ui-kit is installed. I get this error:

    {"output":"\n InvalidArgumentException \n\n Please provide a valid cache path.\n\n at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Compilers/Compiler.php:36\n 32\u2595 */\n 33\u2595 public function __construct(Filesystem $files, $cachePath)\n 34\u2595 {\n 35\u2595 if (! $cachePath) {\n \u279c 36\u2595 throw new InvalidArgumentException('Please provide a valid cache path.');\n 37\u2595 }\n 38\u2595 \n 39\u2595 $this->files = $files;\n 40\u2595 $this->cachePath = $cachePath;\n\n \u001b[2m+19 vendor frames \u001b[22m\n 20 [internal]:0\n Illuminate\Foundation\Application::Illuminate\Foundation\{closure}(Object(BladeUI\Icons\BladeIconsServiceProvider))\n\n \u001b[2m+5 vendor frames \u001b[22m\n 26 artisan:43\n Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))\n","context":{"command":"/opt/bin/php /var/task/artisan tinker --execute "phpinfo();" --no-interaction 2>&1","aws_request_id":"8dab5f41-937a-4ea5-9141-b6431b24a416"}} Function Logs:

    Steps To Reproduce:

    install blade-ui-kit, deploy to laravel vapor, try and use (i'm using redis for cache)

    vapor tinker 
    opened by isaackearl 5
  • Countdown Continues to Counting When It Reaches Zero

    Countdown Continues to Counting When It Reaches Zero

    On page view countdown looks like stopped at zero. But if I refresh the page countdown countinues to positive counting


    I'm using component like this: <x-countdown :expires="new Carbon\Carbon($project->end_date)"/>

    Should I add extra code or something?

    opened by reasecret 4
  • [BUG] Blade Components Composition not working as documented

    [BUG] Blade Components Composition not working as documented

    • Library Version: 0.1.1
    • Laravel Version: 8.5.0 (also tested on 8.0)
    • PHP Version: 7.4.10


    I've followed the instructions about composition (, but getting an unresolved dependency exception. When changing the attribute echo'ing to unescaped, the sub-component doesn't render. I'm using the latest Laravel 8 version, so I was expecting either of those 2 to work (as the "Piping Attributes" paragraph explains).

    Steps To Reproduce:

    • Create resources/views/components/forms/input.blade.php

    • Use <x-input {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'p-4 text-gray-700']) }} /> as documented

    • This gives exception : Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ <required> string $name ]] in class BladeUIKit\Components\Forms\Inputs\Input

    • Change to <x-input {!! $attributes->merge(['class' => 'p-4 text-gray-700']) !!} />

    • Renders <x-input> instead of <input ...> (Thus nothing is showing in the frontend)

    Schermafbeelding 2020-09-19 om 20 45 49

    See example repository:

    Anything I missed? Anybody else with the same issue?

    Excited to be able to use it! Hopefully we can get the composition working, because that would make it very powerful!

    opened by patrickbrouwers 4
  • adding File input component

    adding File input component

    Motive: the default file input component provided by browsers are not pleasing to the eye, most of the time it needs to be customized to make it viable within a design, what if we had a component that already took care of the designs for use?

    this File input component solves this issue of the default styling, since it is now styles better than the default file input , and its a custom component itself, making the first of it's kind in the package

    opened by rockwellll 4
  • Merge config only when not cached?

    Merge config only when not cached?

    Should perhaps config merging In the service provider be done only when config is not cached in the Laravel app?

    See example in the Jetstream service provider

    opened by bjuppa 4
  • chore: update Alpine to 3.x

    chore: update Alpine to 3.x

    This pull request bumps the version of Alpine from 2.x to 3.x.

    One notable difference here is that the script enqueued by BUK will always be the latest release of Alpine. Enqueuing a specific version of Alpine is problematic since the only way to bump the version is by releasing a new version of BUK.

    Always using the latest version will allow users/developers to lock the version themselves by publishing the config file.


    • [x] Bump Alpine version to 3.x
    • [ ] Check any components that rely on Alpine.
    opened by ryangjchandler 3
  • How do I run an AlpineJS function when a new x-color-picker color is selected?

    How do I run an AlpineJS function when a new x-color-picker color is selected?

    How can I run an AlpineJS function when a new x-color-picker color is selected?

    I'd like to update a preview when a new color is selected, and have multiple x-color-pickers on the page.

    Have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out a way to do this.

    opened by uxm 0
  • defaultDate property broken before mouseenter is triggered

    defaultDate property broken before mouseenter is triggered

    • Library Version: 0.3.4
    • Laravel Version: 9.4.1
    • PHP Version: 8.1.3


    PR #125 (and therefore version 0.3.4) breaks the defaultDate Flatpickr property before mouseenter is triggered. Since the instance is not initialized before mouseenter is triggered, the default date is not set on page load.

    A workaround for this is to set the value attribute instead of defaultDate, but this does not work when wanting to use altInput since value on the instance and value on the input field (the display) differs. It therefore results in the true, non-alt value showing until mouseenter is triggered, upon which the formatting from altFormat is applied.

    For anyone else encountering this before it is fixed: Set blade-ui-kit/blade-ui-kit to 0.3.3 in composer.json and run composer update and php artisan view:clear.

    Steps To Reproduce:

    This is my scenario which I haven't found a workaround for.

    	format="Y-m-d H:i:S"
    	value="12:00" # This provides the default value before the instance is initialized. Can be removed to make the issue more obvious
    	:options="['defaultDate' => '2022-04-29 12:00', 'altInput' => true, 'altFormat' => 'H:i']"
    	 // This returns "12:00" before mouseenter and "2022-04-29 12:00" after mouseenter
    	 // It should always return the full date string 
    opened by narinor 0
  • Better error handling for Unsplash component

    Better error handling for Unsplash component

    Currently the Unsplash component fails hard when a photo can't be found with Undefined array key "urls". We should convert that into a readable exception based on the message returned in the JSON payload.

    opened by driesvints 0
  • Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

    Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

    I encountered this problem while using pikaday component in my blade view within form tag.

    A question has been asked here before too on Stackoverflow

    What is happening here ? I don't understand. Please help me with this issue.

    opened by Ticket-Master 5
  • Flatpickr component broken in livewire

    Flatpickr component broken in livewire

    • Library Version: 0.3.2
    • Laravel Version: 8.69.0
    • PHP Version: 7.4.21


    when the component is inserted into a livewire element, the date can only be selected once. livewire updates the form and clicking on the flatpickr input no longer appears the dropdown for choosing the date.

    Blade UI is not designed to work with Livewire or you can integrate the following logic in the package?:

    thanks and congratulations for your work

    Steps To Reproduce:

    <x-flat-pickr wire:model="" name="date" /> into a livewire component and select a date. Once a value has been selected and clicked on a different html element, it is no longer possible to choose a new date

    opened by ades4827 3
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