A collection of pre-made simple Laravel Blade form components.


Laravel Form Components Library

A collection of pre-made simple Laravel Blade form components.

Laravel Form Components

Installation & setup

You can install the package via composer:

composer require bjnstnkvc/form-components 

The package will automatically register its service provider.



Publish the components' config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bjnstnkvc\FormComponents\FormComponentsServiceProvider" --tag=form-config

This will publish a file called form_components.php in your config-directory.


Publish the components' resources files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bjnstnkvc\FormComponents\FormComponentsServiceProvider" --tag=form-resources

This will publish a following files to a folder configured in form_components.php. By default, that folders is public/vendor/laravel-form-components.

  1. form-components.css
  2. form-components.min.css
  3. form-components.js
  4. form-components.min.js


Once config and resources have been published, add following Blade directives to your layout file.



As the name of the directives suggests, these will add Form components minified CSS and JS files. In case you would like to edit published resource files, but would not like to edit minified versions, you can use the following syntax:



Directives above will instruct the library to load unminified css and js files, which you can edit as you see fit.


Add following properties to your .env file.


Detailed explanation for each property can be found here.

Form Components

In order to use the Form components, use standard Blade Component syntax from the docs. By the default, the Form components can be used with the form prefix. Form components are using attributes which dictate how the component will be rendered.

Following attributes are worth mentioning:

  • name - Name of the component (required).
  • id - ID of the component (when not provided the name will be used).
  • title - Title of the component (when not provided the name will be used).
  • placeholder - Placeholder of the component (when not provided the name will be used).
  • value - Value of the component, under the hood it makes use of the old() helper.
  • label - Additional classes to be attached to the component label tag.
  • label-type - Style in which the components are going to be displayed (by default, it's set to column).
  • invalidated-title - Determine whether the Component title would change on invalid input (by default, set to false).
  • interactive - Determine whether the validation errors should disappear on input (by default, set to false).

All other attributes wil be merged directly on to the HTML component element.


<x-form::input name="input" placeholder="Input placeholder" />

Depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
Input Column Label Type Input Row Label Type Input Float Label Type

In case the field was not valid, depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
Input Column Label Error Input Row Label Error


<x-form::password name="password" placeholder="Password placeholder" />

Depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
Password Column Label Type Password Row Label Type Password Float Label Type

In case the field was not valid, depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
Password Column Label Error Password Row Label Error


<x-form::textarea name="textarea" placeholder="Textarea placeholder" />

Depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
Textarea Column Label Type Textarea Row Label Type Textarea Float Label Type

In case the field was not valid, depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
Textarea Column Label Error Textarea Row Label Error

Textarea component comes with an option to auto-expand when typing which is by default turned off. In order to have it enable, use the following syntax:

<x-form::textarea name="textarea" placeholder="Textarea placeholder" autoexpand="true" />

Depending on the label-type choice, component will display following behaviour:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
Textarea Column Auto Expand Textarea Row Auto Expand

In case you wish auto expansion to be a default behaviour for all Textarea components, add AUTOEXPAND_TEXTAREA=true to your .env file.


<x-form::select name="select" />

The Select components accept string or an array as value from which it'll construct select options.

In order to pass values as a string, use the following syntax:

<x-form::select name="select" values="Option A, Option B" />

Above will generate the following options:

<option value="option-a">Option A</option>
<option value="option-b">Option B</option>

In case you would like to pass option value as well as it's key, use the following syntax:

<x-form::select name="select" values="1: Option A, 2:Option B" />

Above will generate the following options:

<option value="1">Option A</option>
<option value="2">Option B</option>

Same rules apply in case you are passing an array. For example, following PHP array:

$options = ['Option A', 'Option B'];

and following blade component settings:

<x-form::select name="select" :values="$options" />

will generate the following options:

<option value="0">Option A</option>
<option value="1">Option B</option>

Note that due to the fact that an array was NOT passed as key => value, option value is starting from 0 and incrementing for each item.

In case an array has key => value pairs, following array:

$options = [
    1 => 'Option A', 
    2 => 'Option B'

will generate following HTML:

<option value="1">Option A</option>
<option value="2">Option B</option>

You can also pass whole Eloquent Model to the component. Let's say we have users table with the following data:

id first_name last_name email
1 John Doe john.doe@example.com
2 Jane Doe jane.doe@example.com

passed from the controller:

return view('welcome', [
    'users' => User::all();

In order to use it with Select component, following syntax is used:

<x-form::select name="select" :model="$users" model-key="id" model-value="first_name" />

As can be seen in an example above, in case Eloquent model has been passed, Select component expects three properties:

  1. :model - Model passed from the controller or injected directly into the blade file.
  2. model-key - Model key that will be used as an option value (when not provided the id will be used).
  3. model-value - Model value from which option text will be generated.

This will generate following HTML:

<option value="1">John</option>
<option value="2">Jane</option>

Same as with the other components, placeholder can be passed to the component which will generate placeholder option value.

<x-form::select name="select" placeholder="Select a user" :model="$users" model-key="id" model-value="first_name" />

will generate following HTML:

<option value="">Select a user</option>
<option value="1">John</option>
<option value="2">Jane</option>

In order to set default select value, you can use default property, which will pre-select the option on component render. For example:

<x-form::select name="select" placeholder="Select a user" :model="$users" model-key="id" model-value="first_name" default="Jane" />

will generate following HTML:

<option value="">Select a user</option>
<option value="1">John</option>
<option value="2" selected>Jane</option>

Depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
Select Column Label Type Select Row Label Type Select Float Label Type

In case the field was not valid, depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
Select Column Label Error Select Row Label Error


<x-form::date name="date"/>

Depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
Date Column Label Type Date Row Label Type Date Float Label Type

In case the field was not valid, depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
Date Column Label Error Date Row Label Error


<x-form::time name="time" />

Depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
Time Column Label Type Time Row Label Type Time Float Label Type

In case the field was not valid, depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
Time Column Label Error Time Row Label Error


<x-form::date-time name="date & time" />

Depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
DateTime Column Label Type DateTime Row Label Type DateTime Float Label Type

In case the field was not valid, depending on the label-type choice, component will look as follows:

label-type="column" label-type="row"
DateTime Column Label Error DateTime Row Label Error

Date, Time and Date-Time components utilize built-in HTML elements. Additionally, you can pass a value to all three fields which utilizes Carbon behind the scenes in order to parse the value prior to rendering the component.

Checkboxes and Radio Buttons


<x-form::checkbox name="checkbox" />

Depending on the position choice, component will look as follows:

position="left" position="center"
Checkbox Position Left Checkbox Position Center

In case the field was not valid, depending on the position choice, component will look as follows:

position="left" position="center"
Checkbox Position Left Error Checkbox Position Center Error


<x-form::radio name="radio" />

Depending on the position choice, component will look as follows:

position="left" position="center"
Radio Position Left Radio Position Center

In case the field was not valid, depending on the position choice, component will look as follows:

position="left" position="center"
Radio Position Left Error Radio Position Center Error



In order to render a Button component, use the following syntax:

<x-form::button name="login" />

The component utilizes Laravel Slots, so in case you need to inject HTML into the button, use the following syntax:

<x-form::button> Button Content </x-form::button>

Additionally, in case you'd like the form button to actually be a link, all you need to do is add link property to the component.

<x-form::button title="Login" link="login" />

Above property will render the component as an anchor tag.

Depending on the border-radius choice, component will look as follows:

border-radius="squared" border-radius="rounded-s" border-radius="rounded-m" border-radius="rounded"
Button Squared Button Rounded Small Button Rounded Medium Button Rounded

Invalidated Title

All components are shipped with an ability to highlight component title in case the filed was invalid. In order to turn this feature on, add invalidated-title="true" to your component of choice. If you'd like this feature to be turned on by default for all components, simply add INVALIDATED_TITLE=true property to your .env file.

label-type="column" label-type="row" label-type="floating"
Invalidated Title Column Label Type Invalidated Title Row Label Type Invalidated Title Float Label Type


All components are shipped with an ability to remove validation errors on input. In order to turn this feature on, add interactive="true" to your component of choice. If you'd like this feature to be turned on by default for all components, simply add INTERACTIVE_COMPONENT=true property to your .env file.

Input Interactivity



  • publish_path - Path used to publish component files.

  • prefix - Form Components prefix, defaults to 'form' (E.g. ).

    • Configurable via .env COMPONENT_PREFIX property.
  • separator - Form Components separator, defaults to '::' (E.g. x-form::button).

    • Configurable via .env COMPONENT_SEPARATOR property.
  • label_type - Form Components label style, defaults to 'column' (options: column, row, floating).

    • Configurable via .env COMPONENT_LABEL property.
  • position - Form Components default checkbox/radio position, defaults to 'center' (options: left, center).

    • Configurable via .env CHECKBOX_POSITION property.
  • button_radius - Form Components default button radius (options: squared, rounded-s, rounded-m, rounded).

    • Configurable via .env BUTTON_RADIUS property.
  • invalidated_title - Determine whether the Component title would change on invalid input.

    • Configurable via .env INVALIDATED_TITLE property.
  • interactive - Determine whether the errors should disappear on input.

    • Configurable via .env INTERACTIVE_COMPONENT property.
  • auto_expand - Determine whether the Text Area height should expand with input.

    • Configurable via .env AUTOEXPAND_TEXTAREA property.


You can publish all components class and view using artisan the following command:

php artisan components:publish

Optionally, you can pass component name as an argument, which will publish only those components.

php artisan components:publish Input Password Button

From this point on, you can change the published component class and view to your liking.


If by any chance you'd like to restore the components default settings, use the following artisan command:

php artisan components:restore

Optionally, you can pass component name as an argument, which will restore only those components.

php artisan components:restore Input Password Button

Additionally, if you'd like to remove previously published components class and views, you can attach --delete option:

php artisan components:restore --delete


php artisan components:restore Input Password Button --delete


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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