Laravel-OvalFi helps you Set up, test, and manage your OvalFi integration directly in your Laravel App.


OvalFi Laravel Package

Laravel-OvalFi helps you Set up, test, and manage your OvalFi integration directly in your Laravel App.

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require zeevx/laravel-ovalfi

After installation, run (to create the ovalfi.php config file):

php artisan ovalfi:publish

Add the following to your .env, you can get these values from your ovalfi dashboard:

NB: OVALFI_MODE should be set to sandbox for testing and live for production.



Use the helper function

ovalfi() //It works automatically 😍

Create customer

        string $name,
        string $mobile_number,
        string $email,
        string $reference,
        string $yield_offering_id

Update customer

        string $customer_id,
        string $name = null,
        string $mobile_number = null,
        string $email = null,
        string $reference = null,
        string $yield_offering_id = null

Get customers


Get customer

        string $customer_id

Get exchange rate

        float $amount,
        string $currency,
        string $destination_currency

Initiate transfer

NB: Please check this doc to understand the parameters better:

        string $customer_id,
        float $amount,
        string $currency,
        array $destination,
        string $reason,
        string $reference,
        string $note = null

Cancel transfer by batch ID

        string $batch_id,
        string $reason

Get business portfolios


Create yield offering profile

        string $name,
        string $reference,
        string $description,
        string $portfolio_id = null,
        float $apy_rate = null,
        string $currency = null,
        int $deposit_lock_day = null,
        float $minimum_deposit_allowed = null,
        float $maximum_deposit_allowed = null,
        int $yieldable_after_day = null,
        float $withdrawal_limit_rate = null

Get yield profiles


Get yield profile

        string $yield_offering_id

Update yield offering profile

        string $yield_offering_id,
        string $name = null,
        string $reference = null,
        string $description = null,
        string $portfolio_id = null,
        float $apy_rate = null,
        string $currency = null,
        int $deposit_lock_day = null,
        float $minimum_deposit_allowed = null,
        float $maximum_deposit_allowed = null,
        int $yieldable_after_day = null,
        float $withdrawal_limit_rate = null

Get customer balance

        string $customer_id

Initiate savings deposit

        string $customer_id,
        string $reference,
        float $amount

Get deposits


Get deposit by batch ID

        string $batch_id

Initiate savings withdrawal

        string $customer_id,
        string $reference,
        float $amount


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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