# Chat Application With PHP & JavaScript(AJAX)
Writing html and css codes.
Ajax operations with JavaScript.
Creating a database with MySQL and making database connections.
Coding registration with PHP.
Coding login with PHP.
Display of users and chats dynamically on the screen.
Enabling users to dynamically chat with each other.
Finally, enabling logged in users to log out of the system and updating their status dynamically.
Anything that works as middle worker like as waiter inside a resturant
who worked as a helper who actually takes order which means request in
programming and send that request to the counter which is non-other than
server that than it search for available matching contents from the database
which finally serve the orders food which is finally requsted data.
[-] so, it means we can put such file inside the api folder [-] which is actually working with backend language and database
This will contains all the configuration file that is needed for website
Here, we use this to make initail connection for database
That will be later used anywhere it is needed by just include_once